we deserved a slug thread
Other urls found in this thread:
we wanted a slag thread
and we got it
fondling Yuju's yujus
Name a single non-ballad kpop song that doesn't have any English in its lyrics.
Does anyone have the link for izone performing vampire on music station?
finally the seulgi thread we all wanted
the other thread was better
Gonna take a while to find one
cute shart
Dear Bullies, thank you for coming here and give some views. But let me tell you something, I used to hate Gfriend at first for plagiarizing SNSD's ITNW issue, but after I know them, I can't avoid to love this girls. Try to know Gfriend better, and you would end up realizing there is no reason to hate them, and I also ensure it that you will never regret to stan them.
*Gfriend is ugly? Beauty is relative, people said. For me, Gfriend has no visual hole, they all are so gorgeous both face and heart.
*Gfriend song sound same? I think all of their tittle tracks are just having 'Gfriend color' in it. Try to listen their side tracks such as Say My Name, Distance, Contrail, Ave Maria, Life is a Party.
*Gfriend plagiarized other idol? Then the 'other idol' agency may have sued Source Music for it, but well, I never heard news about Soumu is being sued for plagiarizing.
*Gfriend bought the youtube views? Why were you so salty about Gfriend? Because they are used to be a nugu group from a nugu company doesn't mean that they will never success. Don't be so salty just because Gfriend have higher chart or more views than your fav. Accept the fact that our fandom is getting a little bit bigger than before, and we work really hard for our girls, or even there are people who are not Buddy get curious over this comeback. That's it. Just fyi, our target is just 4m a day. We also never expect everything will turn out like this.
*Gfriend is famous because the falling accident? Like Umji ever said, they didn't get love because of falling accident, but they got love because they got up and continued the performance. Another information, Me Gustas Tu was popular way before the falling accident.
What else the hating reason?
Gfriend is just hard-working, funny, kind, gorgeous, professional, talented and kind-heartened group. They have six members that are good in singing, dancing, visual, variety, complete package.
i just dropped 6/8 of my harem who are the new girls to like
What the f*uck happened to the Wony thread?
turns out she's not our freaking girl afterall
this was the most beautiful thing ive ever read about my wives. reminds me why i love them so much
I'm back after three days and this happens again..
people are going full retard with cat breeds, those ones look perpetually angry with those shitty ears
slugfag got it deleted
flopped, just like izone
Should I post in here or is this just gonna get deleted?
does r&b count as non-ballad?
yes or yes
This looks like a JAV screenshot, right before the husband gets slept and the wife gets raped by the husband's boss.
our freakin girls
cute! what does that mean?
i made a really well thought out post and the thread got deleted
im quite disappointed atm
very cute
oh umji
you are safe friend the power of slug protects us
that's why i don't make well thought out posts
That dolphin has herpes now. RIP
very true
shut up you absolute idiot
Rosie :)
is this peak underground internet culture?
That dolphin got pecks on the snout from Jennie and Jisoo and stuck it's tongue in Rose's mouth. It swam away from Lisa.
>Gfriend has no visual hole
stopped reading here
i-is th-the-there one for Yuju?
this is whatever the opposite of that is
love her!
how did she boombayah what?
lies it didn't do that to rosie or lisa i watched it
looks like jithoo got the same treatment hank hill did by that dolphin
You didn't see the unedited footage from the DVD special features.
>the opposite of Buddies are Bullies
Luigi? Confirmed for being the loser of the group.
why would they put that in the special features it doesn't even make sense
so what's the consensus on Vampire?
no, that was vaporwave
The girls look cute and the song is awful.
it sucks
shut up or jisoo's going to backhand you
yerin lipstick looks like shit
the song is meh
but the girls look hot as hell
Is this a Wendy-friendly thread?
poor guy was scared off by the snake he echolocated in her swim shorts
what the hell does this mean
I usually would have to pay for that
>This looks like a JAV screenshot
There is a kpop gg with such gimmick.
Post my cute retard Yerin
this is a copypasta right
FUCKIN LOL great one dubu keep rolling out the laughs
Every thread is. The people love Wendy.
to get slapped?
great visuals godawful song
all of their songs are terrible desu
i don't really follow izone for their music. vampire is probably my favorite mv of theirs because of the visuals
Based JYP dolphin
Post best feet
absolutely based dolphin, even despises disgusting seamonkeys
what's under this smile
you exist.
Izone should cut all the useless uggos
lver was a certified banger. all of their japanese singles have been absolute garbage. violeta was whatever
got you
no, for body contact with a gremlin
>lver was a certified banger.
Oh no you're going to summon him.
>yerin looks like shit
jisoo is not like that
die you idiot
hope she takes care of those feet
it would be a shame
Izone should just be Yujin, Wony, Eunbi, Sakura and Nako
nope, she would look beautiful if she wore proper makeup
don't follow them myself but izone did come out with one of my favorite songs of 2018 youtube.com
cutepop done right
chimpire mogged everyone in the MV
I love my wife she's so pretty
STOP saying that to that picture and stop doing it
they stole lver you fucking retard
that's why it's so good
stinky sweaty stubbly brown pits
and who will sing and dance? lol
yujin is an uggu though
why cut out yena?
>die you idiot
she wouldn't like knowing you say that to others
clc niggers eternally seething kek
she would if she knew what they were saying about her
Nobody cares about that
why do her eyes look so puffy
There's no plural.
haggy is pretty great dont know why memers hate on her
there is in his head tho
When are Fromis and Izone going to jail god dammit. These cheaters must pay for their crimes. Izone should have extra years added for stealing La Vie en Rose.
jisoo is a 100
what a beautiful shark
More feet!
Any idols speak Spanish?
my wife and our daughter (she got the uggo genes from me)
get OUT
don't even joke friend
Rosie :) :) :) :) J :) L : J
Whats the most painful thing is that the song composition isn't actually bad, its actually pretty good.
Everything was good except for the technical mixing. It sounds muddy, amateur and a 5 year old on Windoes Movie Maker could do a better job.
Its like editing a movie in 240p when it's meant to be for IMAX. Its like creating a watercolor painting and pissing all over it at the end.
So despite how good the song actually is, it is physically grating.
It does the members are disservice when most of their vocals are actually good, but its squandered like this with no respect to their individual vocal qualities.
Besides Vampire and Buenos Aires, I've never seen something like this in a kpop group and it's extremely disrespectful to the artists.
male ones
Agreed but unironically.
Whew. Pass on that, then.
Thoughts on IU's bottom row of teeth?
why are you doing this to our girls
im on here so much i see the same posts at least 6 or 7 times a week
jisow jislurping
I literally never leave and am here 24 hours a day.
Doing what
>not here for 6 or 7 threads a day
does anyone know when this was why did jisoo do this
Haven’t kept up with Queendom but AOA seem to be killing it with their performance’s
ikr, i save good ones in my txt file
I've never found her pretty until now
What are your thoughts on Buddies posting?
not giving them their well-deserved smileys
She got a new Lenovo Legion PC rig thanks to Lenovo CEO-nim
i hope one of mine made it
does it seem like mstation performance doesn't have the issue?
the mixing on the song makes me unironically seethe
Why does Sana look like a chimp?
They have more experience than all the others
I can't wait for their 4th Japanese Single.
MV: 16K 120fps hologram directed by Quentin Tarantino
Song: morse code
>everyone in kpg hates izone
love or hate clc, you can't deny that they will do much better with lver than whatever trash ishit produced
clc has simply better vocals, better visuals and better charm
some gfriend songs don't.
Yeah they are. I've liked pretty much everything except Lovelyz bizarre sexy ahchoo and Park Bom. Mamamoo's AOA cover was also all over the place.
after you
it's so bad i actually laughed out loud
cute bow
Needed more Wony
what's up with the trannies tho?
post Megan in her cute equestrian outfit pls
Yeonhee noooooo
that's some focused slug
Going for the kpg demographic
>runs fortnight
probably not a titan rtx
Bom is like 50 years old.
dont do that
and cute jisoo
speaking of horses someone post the time jeongyeon got btfo by that horse
Music station performance somewhat incorporated live vocals so obviously it sounded better. But the backing track was still noticeably bad.
you reckon the original clc guy is even around anymore or if it's just other people co-opting his easily recognizable identity and talking points? for some reason i get that impression
What did the chimp mean by this?
Shin Ryujin has spoken a bit.
no the original guy is still here but he isnt here right now, its someone else imitating him
the real guy is actually a WIZ*ONE now
and he's the pitomi guy now
Very cute and affluent
I'd sacrifice Blackpink for a Rosie solo :)
If IZ*ONE only had kpop releases, they would be a top 3 gg for me.
But they're not even really kpop and their jpop is dumpster fire.
me on the left
revealing herself to not be a chimp but a bonobo, our other, more promiscuous animal cousins
i thought it was hilarious that she didnt bring 2ne1
ay yo, rose, whens the next comeback?
dude you know chimps and their extended families are all horny as fuck creatures right? They fuck anything that moves
You missed half of music core
CL is trapped in YG's basement.
you don't need to do that at all
you didn't even have to say that
i bet if i see the lineup i didnt miss jack shit
probably a bunch of shitters
I meant it. I'd trade any future Blackpink releases for Rosie to have a successful solo career :)
you can just shut up
ryujin looks like she would be an absolute freak in bed.
just the tip
god i want to frighten irene so bad
I hope you get your wish akgae rosebro
never noticed the weird sandals before
>i want to frighten irene
Are you a stray bag?
irene is cute here
sakura probably fucked that white guy to get that computer
Is Mina OK?
Take a closer look then.
Quick post fapping materiel i'm about to blast!
based and puterpilled
for the chance to watch her tremble, i could be anything
my mouth
A $1000 gaming rig for 1 hour is not a bad deal for Sakura.
what the hell are you doing idiot stop
absolutely degenerate!
joy looks baked
He is still here but the basic bitch shitposters like cripple and the dubunigger participate and copy him
nice, not a footfag but love non shopped leg pics
here's the stream if you wanna see sakura get rekt at fortnite
Nah, she's just ordinary dehenerate.
THIS is absolutely degenerate.
word but mine instead
yeah im gonna need the sauce for this famalam
Do the suits just give them orders to include more footfag content?
she sucks
Rita of D.el
probably 2080, us site lists a verison with 2070
that's some big quads
Does kpg accept sakura as a kpop idol? Or do you always see her as a kiddy jpop trash
Post your guilty pleasure track, kpg
she's not the best that's for sure but she did get one kill
jpop idols will never be accepted here, Sakura, Juri, Yua, fuck all of them
99% of the people and honestly 99% of kpop fans dont know jack shit about akb48
sure why not, the only dude that seems to care is some degen that swings by from /jp/ to shit on her once in a while
who is this
we love sakura here except for 1 person that hates her guts
whew lad
thought i was in /jp/. This is the least korean looking korean and most normal looking person i've seen on this board
Juri can fuck off especially
doesn't affect my decisions, but i just view her and the other AKBs as jpop tourists
when is my girl gonna get posted
what about Twice jline?
Imagine Jisoo doing that
brb taking a long shower
its tough to view sakura as a "real" kpop idol because A. she will 100% only promote in korea with izone and never solo and B. her extremely well established career in japan is difficult to ignore
She is in a kpop group, but I am not sure she is a kpop idol. Especially given how much time izone spend in japan.
Twice trained in Korea for half a decade
them + Kokoro will always be real kpop idols
imagine jisoo doing this
they're honorary koreans
i will make her as next thread's OP
Twice all trained in korea for years and learnt the language and culture.
They're different .
not them. the difference for me is that they've spent years in korea training under its system
her on the left
don't some of twice still not speak korean very well?
Yeah Tzuyu sucks
>jpop is dumpster fire
mina trained for one year
momo can't help it. her iq is too low to store two full languages
TOP10 Kpop IG Accounts:
!!! #25MHeartsForLISA !!!
1 #LISA 25M
2 Jennie 21
4 BTS 20.4
5 Rosé 19
6 Chanyeol 18.9
7 Jisoo 17.9
8 Sehun 17.3
9 GD 16.3
10 Baekhyun 15.6
kkura has more talent than average kpop idols desuwa
or don't
those lips are a talent all on their own
Make it a Mijoo thread for me
we want a seulgi thread
we want a seulgi thread