/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

How do I start learning guitar/bass?
Guitar chords and inversion
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:


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>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on shitty retard Deans and hospital bills for the typhus he contracted in his shithole city

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That's one dirty Dean

bass guitar is for faggots

I love 'deans.

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>he mad
Lmfao chill out weeb or cry harder lol both are fine

Dude can't even keep his guitars clean. Imagine the condition of his little boyclit.

I made a 'za with deens and it was good
Nice projection lol.

Depression guy here, I got up and took my medication. I might make it to the guitar today after all. I will keep you lads posted.

This unironically though

C'mon man, you can do it

>e-guitars are still the same thing they were in 1958

Why doesn't pic related exist yet?

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A mix of magnetic and piezo? It does.

But why not as a 5$ board I can buy from aliexpress? I don't want to spend time designing a piezo pre-amp and mixer

Whats the difference between 50s and 60s lp wiring?

I'm sure you can figure out the manufacturer and buy direct. And you don't need a preamp to run piezos.

>And you don't need a preamp to run piezos
Some piezos don't need one, but you could use one to mix signal from piezo discs placed in different parts of the guitar body

There is along with having one active pickup per string with mixing options for those as well

But the mixing is done outside the guitar for the sake of simplicity

>literally < $3 in components + SMT assembly
>retails for 59.99

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Welcome to Capitalism

Then make it yourself einstein

I was thinking something. Line6 variax uses piezo pickups + modelling to make them sound like any combination of magnetic pickups. Since we're in 2019, almost 2020, why haven't magnetic pickups gone extinct? The battery question is solved, thanks to Li-lion. You could use piezo saddles + a analog to digital converter, and stream the signals over some sort of high bandwidth digital cable and do everything in software. There's no reason for 50's tech to still exist.

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I already said I don't want to spend time designing this. BTW, guitars should use BNC cables.

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Not the same as you're talking about, but this is an interesting read.


Those cables dont look like they have much tone

Saving for Variax + Helix Floor

does it have a model number? a lot of times you can find the schematics.

Those cables would be a goddamned disaster

I know, but the ones used by guitars are made to fail

My guess is the schematic is the same as the one as the opamp's reference circuit

So are those fucking things

I'd rather use XLR cables

guitar cables are some of the most durable cables

it's the jacks that are shit. one of the reasons i hate EMG equipped guitars using a stereo jack instead of a switch, so you have to wear out the jack faster.

We're never going to see guitars use balanced cable or any kind of improved cabling because of Bluetooth.

The wiring inside the cable plugs is always breaking on the cheap cables in short order. I've had the shielding in cheap and expensive cables eat shit fairly often.

I've had the same cheap shit braided cable for ten years and treat it like shit and it's still fine

>buy one
>copy it
>order a bunch from china
>undercut thomann
>probably profit

Which one? I got like a 6 pack of Froot Loop colored ones for $18 and they're all dead or have been repaired within about a year. The $7 cable from Reverb I'm using is quite a bit better.

This is the apex guitar.

Lads, my guitar teacher gave me the main riff from The Kinks You Really Got Me. I've been playing guitar for 2 weeks now. I can play the riff without any problems at about 1/3 speed, but if I try to play it anywhere near the speed on the record everything falls apart.

Is there any trick to playing this fine tune faster besides just practicing a lot until I can gradually do it at full speed?

I notices how much better I was able to play after cleaning the strings and oiling the fretboard. So I oiled the rest of the neck. This thin layer of oil makes playing so much easier you won't believe it.

Jesus man, spend money on cables.

Learn the van halen version faggot

Van Halen sucks though

Depression guy here, I managed to get out of bed and play half hour of guitar. Now for the real challenge, attempting to do some light cleaning in my apartment.

My guitar is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my guitar is useless. Without my guitar I am useless. I must play my guitar true.

Piezos are less reliable than magnetic pickups.

Only 5 more days...

Until what lad?

His tranny surgery

I win.

I get to go to guitar center to retrieve my used guitar.

What guitar did you get lad? I hope you got a Flying V.

this better not be a trole

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I will post. You will see.

Not gonna lie its pretty sweet having monitor speakers. I can play at all hours now.

Guitar marketing is so bullshit driven it's hard to know if it's any worse than car marketing. "Patent applied for" pickups. Every one copies them. Fender buys whatever wood was cheaper for him at the time: "It's because of the twang tones!".

I've already done irreparable damage to my guitar body in my quest to change it from floyd rose to hardtail. There's no use telling me to just use quarters/block the bridge because the post holes have already been filled. I found a plank of some unidentified hardwood that I could very well shape into a plug for the cavity, but I'll request a quote for a CNC-machined one (I can't use my router at the moment). A "luthier" (probably just a string-changer) refused to do the mod as I described to him, so when I came back I took my guitar apart, found an old chisel and had my way at it. Turns out that if I had a router and a workshop, I'd have completed this in 1 and a half hours at most.

I was revisiting guitar models I've been interested in the past 15 years or so. RGX A2 seems to have pretty great clean tone for a guitar with humbuckers. I wonder if... wiring alone is enough to get this kind of sound.


This seem like a good deal?

Guitar tone is a pretty simple shit.

To get the best sustain, use a solid piece of metal, dry hardwood, or a similar material (ie: a composite). Number of pieces or species of wood is irrelevant as long as they are well fit and the end result is stable under tension despite environmental changes. The tonal implications of wood species is a non-consideration, no wood species has a characteristic tone. How the material affects the vibrations of the strings is down to factors like density and consistency that vary from plank to plank even within a single tree and further by moisture content. Just ask Jim Root, a mahogany fanboy. All of his guitars, despite using similar/the same pickups and the same woods, but have a wide variation in tone. You can't shop for this by looking at spec sheets, you have to play the things. Don't let PRS types scam you with this shit. Fret, nut, and bridge material is a bigger and more predictable deal than fucking wood.

Pickup quality is not a meme, but pickup tone is. You can dramatically shift the sound of a pickup with different capacitive and resistive loads at the guitar (including the cable) and further change that with EQ. Also, pickup compression is mostly a myth. With passives, you're hearing less highs, and the output is causing your amp to clip, or it's just a narrower frequency response. Only actives can compress the signal via a preamp.

Strings are the #2 factor in tone. These are important. What your pickups pick up is the vibrations of the strings. What you hear out of a flat clean amp will be very close to what noise the strings are making, and no breaking up, semi-distorted electric cleans. Real cleans. That is the basis for your entire tone.

Picking technique is the #1 factor in tone. How you pick is the difference between jazzy runs and twang. Pick material, flesh vs nails, etc all do a little something too, also more dramatic and predictable than fucking wood.

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What you should take away from all this autism is that it's 100% possible and frequently occuring for a retard from /gg/ to go to guitar store, make a $3000 les paul sound like dogshit because 1: the strings are a year old and 2: they can't fucking play, drive home, get on /gg/, and tell everyone gibsons are shit despite better players having no problem with them.

$3000 gibsons have shit tone

Is 35 too old to get better at guitar?

Yes, when you reach thirty it's biologically impossible to learn new things.

You've hit the wall, dude.

There should definitely be more guitars in stereo. Rickenbacker do it good.

Minutes later the chad Deanist tries to noodle on a $700 ML. The staff and patrons can't help but to notice his great tone and techniques so he plays some of their favorite songs inserting is own solos. He drives home, gets on /gg/, and is chastised for his choice of career and failure to provide backing tracks.

I'm sadly older than that and still improving. Ignore the surly children here

do you guys have a cable preference?

kind of a dumb question but im willing to pay a little more for something durable. ive just been using the cheapo 9 dollar cables from the music store and the jacks keep fucking up

Got this bad boi on the way. Looking forward to using it for shoegazey swells.

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No, they're right, it's over, man. I'm just going to go watch Friends, alone.

I hate myself so much for having to learn the awful Youcisian house band music, I'm improving, but it's a titanic physical struggle to stay awake.

I saw the weirdest shit, Justinguitar played blues on a $30 autistic guitar, and it sound miles fucking better than his $5k autistic. The jank is so fucking awesome.

>*cracks open can*
>Now son, wanna here a neat little secret only us guitarists from my time knew? You only need to strum 3 open chords to write any song! It's as easy as G C and D son!

damn forgot my picture

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I just buy the D'Addario or Fender ones. If you really want to pay more get a Mogami but some guys claim they don't last any longer

What are some good acoustic strings that won't rust?

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If you take depression meds you're a faggot and deserve the depression

I prefer 50s

That shit makes you fat.

Holy fuck lmao he is taking weeks to learn that 2 power chord riff

Can relate


just got it a few weeks ago

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And makes your dick into an urinary organ. And makes you numb to your problems, doesn't actually fix them


post your nigger looking guitar then

>And makes you numb to your problems

Lmao this has to be bait

At least my Les Paul copy has 4 knobs and the horn isn't short and pointy (like your dick perhaps)

ESPs are for metal-obsessed manchilds

Can someone please fucking explain to me why changing my interface's sample rate DRASTICALLY changes the tone of my amp/cab sim?

Sample rate is basically audio resolution, no?

Ignore the autists user, it's a real nice guitar. Objectively there's nothing wrong with it, they're made well. The only reason I personally don't like the Eclipse is the asymmetrical headstock, and the inlays matching it. The inlay shape especially, the shape makes them look so weird and out of place. If you like it though, that's all that really matters. Autists are incapable of comprehending the concept of subjectivity, I suspect it stems from their lack of self-awareness.

Post example, I'm curious
Yes sampling is just resolution and it doesn't make much difference past 44khz

Perhaps it's because it's better processed at higher resolutions?
Does it change for better at higher resolutions?

>metal-obsessed manchilds

Seems needlessly judgmental, no?

Genuine question user, what music do you like and approve of?

It's ugly. It's subjectively ugly

Stating opinion as fact is a fallacy.

I just got the riff Wednesday


I can't see or hear you play, so I have to assume a lot. Fortunately you are a beginner so it isn't hard to imagine the sort of problems you're having. First off relax your hand, you only need to use the muscles in your fingers, and a little of your thumb's to keep your hand in place. A tense hand is not only tiring, but it can lead to damage over time while making everything way harder to play. Other than that, where do you think your issue is? Picking hand or fretting hand?

Are you a guitar teacher or something? How do you know the scale of guitar skill progression that early on? I doubt you remember exactly how long it took for you to play power chords correctly.

Saying that guitar looks good for anyone but metalheads is a fallacy

Actually no, specifically because looks are subjective.

Guys which/where can I steal a great computer amp with a shitton of pedals and shit?

Lol what shithole country are you from

I don't have $100 to drop on something like that right now, any suggestions?

Actually I can't even show you. When I go to export the file, it forces the sample rate for the project back to 44.1.

I'm using Amplitube 4.

BNCs wouldn't last a week on the road for a pro. Standard plugs pull out if they get yanked on, BNCs would tear apart. You don't want a locking plug on your guitar, ask any guitar tech who's worked above the bar level.

>where do you think your issue is? Picking hand or fretting hand?

It's in the fretting hand. When I try to go full speed I over/undershoot where my fingers should be.

>Does it change for better at higher resolutions?

Forgot to answer that, at 88k all the low end goes away and it sounds like a $10 pocket amp.

48k just sounds a bit different, with some sort of obnoxious frequency that stands out a bit in the tone.

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Any specific product?
Pretty sure there's elixers on it now that rusted.

Yeah, in that case I would say relaxing your grip is definitely important and should be your first step.

If I'm only moving my finger 2 frets up, I usually just leave my thumb in the position for the lower frets, kind of like an anchor. You can also push your hand up the neck a little with your thumb when changing frets in this case. That might help a bit with that song (if I remember correctly the main riff has a spacing of 2 frets between positions).

I also suggest doing some research on hand posture for guitar. Don't completely trust everything your guitar teacher says, because he may be wrong about some things.

Are you using the on board audio? If so that's probably your problem.

Well fuck they don't last forever. Nanoweb version last me quite a while, way longer than any other strings

I wish there was an easy way to rub all the poly from an epiphone.

These are so pretty.

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Are you the fag that plays the condor?

Just get a LP Studio or Tribute, they're great minimalist LPs

Are you using Amplitube standalone or within a DAW

I suppose the difference in sound you're talking about remains regardless of the exported file sample rate

Really there is no completely rust free option, but you can try Cleartones. They didnt sound stellar to me, but they didn't rust while i had em on. I changed them when they sounded completely dead. I prob had em on for about a month and a half, since I don't play my acoustic as much.

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Are they better than elixir

I should have specified, I don't record much so I usually just use it in standalone.

I switch the sample rate in the interface's panel, then when I go to export the recording it forces both the hardware and project file to 44.1.

On board of what? You mean my motherboard'd on board sound? I'm just using the headphone jack on my interface

No. How long do you expect strings to last anyway?

For me, it's Gary Moore

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>You mean my motherboard'd on board sound
Yeah, is it doing the processing or are you using a card.

Why you never reply

He already said he has an interface, retard

The Elixir Nanowebs sounded a bit better, but the Cleartones didn't rust or peel. like the Elixirs. The problem is they both begin to sound dead around the same time, even with rust and peeling on the Elixirs. Any strings will sound dead eventually just because of dead oily skin being jammed in the winding of the strings.

If you're having unusually consistent problems with rust, then yes I suggest the Cleartones. Just don't expect a night and day difference.

To what?

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I laugh every time

anyone know of a good 24 fret, acoustic electric with cut off? Any recommendations?

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>can't play 24th fret w/o cutaway

Do you guys think this is overpriced for the specs you get?


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You like the charvel custom pickups? What are those like? I've been wanting to get one since guthrie has one.

I don't think I've ever seen an acoustic guitar with 21 or 22 frets, let alone 24.
Will you actually be playing up there?
If you only want the notes then above B(19th fret on Classical) or C(20th on Steel String) can be found using Artificial and Natural Harmonics.

Haven't tried them yet

There's no money above the 5th fret

China can make identical instrument for few hundreds of dollars

FCS China

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Highly unlikely that i will, though i don't like not having the option to start down there. I don't like not having those notes, drives me crazy. I will every now and then try and play down there on an acoustic, only to realize the frets end at 21, drives me up the wall. I tihink i once saw a 24 fret, but it sounded very bad and while searching online i found one, but it was nylon, i hate how nylon feels. very sad state of affairs, all in all.

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When you don't have them for a long time you discover how useless they are.

>burst under baby blue
looks retarded

Hey I thought these were supposed to be made up

this is literally what a metronome is for

If someone can play an acoustic or a classical guitar can he also play an electric? Or is it like a completely different instrument?

They're the same notes and same layout.
Traditional acoustic playing and Electirc guitar are largely interchangable, while playing classical guitar specifically is like playing a completely different approach through technique, perspective, and interpretation.

A classical guitarist shares less in common with another guitarist than he/she does with a pianist.




Is yer marriage ok pops


Vypyr vip 1 any good?

Are you?

I can't for the life of me choose between a steel-string vs a nylon-string acoustic guitar. I can't hear a big difference on YT. Can someone who has played both give me some info?

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My pointy all black ESP with active pickups sounds and feels better than any gibson les money

T. Exclusively plays five bar blues
Therein lies its secret

Nylon for faggy classical music
Steel for everything else

it's RElic baby

Burst always looks retarded

Can anyone tell me how to achieve some of these tones?


The one at the very start and then at around the 28 second mark

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just came in the mail. im in love

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Fluttering using a Floyd Rose or like trem. Basically hitting the trem bar lightly causes the bridge to vibrate at a rapid pace.

t. Struggles to play classical pieces

ah, cool! Tanks for the info

Get acoustic. Classic is for boomers.

You truly are a retard, I felt bad for you when I first came to this board but now I see that you bring it on to yourself. Keep playing that Condor my man, soon you will have enough pesos or whatever Brazil uses to buy an intermediate guitar

If you look like you are taking your first shit in a month you are doing it wrong

Fuck me Ian Thornley is so good!


Sheeeiiiiit that looks nice. Are you going to play some Beatles on it?

just been playing my own stuff. this thing pairs with fuzz so well. I was worried it would sound thin but the tonal range is excellent

Yea I always thought the ricks were pretty dynamic too, thats cool though man keep playing your stuff.


you guys cant even visual a scale in one key across the whole fretboard

>projection. the post

i bet you use caged lol

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Look for Wrapper by Conquest or any other Conquest instrument cable. They're pretty cheap on Amazon sometimes and are the best cables I've used.

naw nigga i see it whole

Very fine sanding sponge.


He's 6'4" btw

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Is there a price ceiling for quality?

Here's what I've owned to date:

>MIM 2006 Strat, $300
>Epiphone LP Deluxe, $600
>MIJ 2007 Strat, $800
>Ibanez S 2015, $1300

I found the Ibanez the best in terms of construction and sound but that's expected of the price. But then I tried out a $2000 MIA Strat Elite in a store and it doesn't feel or sound as good. That's American when the Ibanez is Indonesian.

I got a bonus at work for $6000 and want to get an "endgame" guitar and honestly don't know if it's even worth it to spend $3000-4000 on a guitar. I looked at Fender Custom Shops and they're going for $4000 off the wall or $3500 + 8-9mo wait for my own specs.

Is it worth it? Is there a pricepoint where the prestige takes a front seat to the construction and sound?

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take amphetamines

Just changing pickups made such a huge difference in how my guitar sounds. I feel like a mug for having bought anything more expensive.

Maybe I just got lucky. How have your experiences been modifying guitars?
I had very little to go on, just curiosity and a big wallet that day...

Good afternoon friends

I hope you are all enjoying the weekend

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whats with the LP fetish?

Afternoon buddy, what songs you working on atm?

It's a phase I guess. I'm usually a superstrat guy. The shorter scale feels comfortable and the tone is ballsy as fuck.

Right now, I'm going through some Ty Tabor, King's X material. You?

I ordered a set of korean locking tuners and hard tail bridge. I'm going to find a block of spanish cedar (cedrela fissilis is actually south american, but whatever). I have a buddy that will CNC mill the plugs for me. I'll then use a minute amount of epoxy resin to both glue all the plugs in place and fill the tiny cavities that will remain.

Taking apart this guitar makes me think that the difference between a cheap guitar and an expensive one is how much time is spent on details. This one had every sort of burr and splinter in the areas that are normally hidden, but it would take like only one extra step to deburr and make everything smooth. It would add like 2$ to the production cost of the instrument.

From 2020 on, I believe we should be seeing a lot more guitars made out of obvious plywood, since boomers are dying off, and people have made videos on youtube showing how using expensive woods doesn't do SHIT as far as sound goes. Imagine a guitar finish where only the top is painted in a solid color, and the sides and other non-orthogonal surfaces all have some sort of satin-like finish, but no color, allowing the laminate to show through, or one that has weight relief on 80% of the body so that it looks like a honeycomb. The biggest challenge, I think, is the neck, because if it will warp if it's just wood with no composite reinforcing like carbon fiber. Guitars need to be lighter.

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PS, I know this is the worst hand labor you've ever seen, but I only did this after the pros refused to do it. I also have the option of tossing the entire thing in the fire.

does /gg/ like Brian May?

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he's not the greatest but he's very good for what he does. just a generally respectable guy honestly.

It’s more like fender is overpriced

for $2000 or so kiesel will make the guitar of your dreams user. and they do take special requests (“option 50”) but it makes your guitar non returnable or subject to a restocking fee.

Yeah, but nobody want the name Kiesel on their guitar

Heavy guitars sound and feel better. Solid hardwood with a transparent finish looks better. Fuck necklets, shoulderlets, and monetary midgets.

Lmao you’re a brandwhore? Gay.

based jens

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Most everyone is. You'll always feel inferior next to someone playing Fender, Gibson or ESP

t. corporate lapdog

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You sound too obsessed with hard, heavy wood

Kiesels are generally regarded as insane $5000 full custom guitars actually

Also I would never feel inferior next to someone playing a fucking fender. The quality you get for the money with them is fucking abysmal. To think people give Gibson shit.

When you spend every day of your life with it between your legs you come to love it. I play in the classical position, since i also play classical, so my guitar is an extension of my penis.

>big brands "endorse" players who are already good in order to sell more by making players who aren't that good think that they will get a much better "tone" from a 1500$ guitar
Now, what if they realized this works both ways, and started sponsoring youtubers who are good players to make videos showing that cheap guitars will sound exactly the same? This is the current state of electric guitar industry

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Whats the weight of your lp ?
Mine is 8.8 pounds

And then you buy that cheap guitar and the fret ends are nasty, the finish feels like shit, and you can't get a 2.5mm action with major buzz.

What you realize at this point is that those youtubers are good enough to play through the pain and experienced with tone dialing, recording, and mastering so they could make it sound good (way better than your budget tube amp), but you would probably help yourself get better if you swallowed your pride and god a decent guitar instead.

Yeah, Kiesel is legit the best value on the market over $1000

fender is THE brand that defines "this famous guy had one, so we're good"

their guitars fucking suck and sound like shit. it takes actual talent to make a pleasant noise with a strat and real dedication not to throw it across the room, and anything with one of their trems needs turd polishing out of the box.

Buncha Dumbfucks

Yep, if you want a fender just buy MIM. It's all the same shit.

Condor: At Least We Aren’t Dean!

My mia was and is still flawless.

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Not him but I have an ESP that weighs 8.2lbs and a schecter that weighs 6.5lbs

The schecter is louder acoustically but the ESP sounds better amplified

we know that's not the case jcum

you got scammed

>And then you buy that cheap guitar and the fret ends are nasty, the finish feels like shit, and you can't get a 2.5mm action with major buzz.

Doesn't cost 1000$ to have none of that

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it costs $300

the be all end all price point for guitars. everything past $300 is a scam, unless it's gibson. they give you $100 quality for everything under $2500 and $300 quality past that.

Do you know what pickups are?

They have literally, the exact same pickups. The ESP has a floyd rose with a brass sustain block, the Schecter is string-thru-body.

Speaking of floyd roses an original costs over $200 and no other double locking vibrato unit will last because they're made of pot metal and floyd and kahler protect their patents like hawks.

>this angers the poorfag

Do they have the same pots and wiring gauge and caps?

where can i find left handed 7 string guitar under 400 euros?

Only other good one is the floyd 1000 series. Its the same alloys and metal made with the same machines but in korea. And they cost around the same just a bit less lol

Imagine unironically typing this into a search engine.

Floyd rose is a shit design anyway. The knife edges will get dented no matter what metal it's made of. Pic related is technically superior, but it doesn't matter because all it's good for is making non-musical sound effects

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It's all the same EMG equipment, and in both of them there's either no tone knob or I had it disconnected when I was comparing them.

>set neck, string thru, tune-o-matic, graphtech nut, lightweight body
>neck-thru, floyd rose, dense body (eats vibrations for breakfast)

Guitar construction method affects tone duh


Back to the blues jam, gramps.

Lmfao ibeenhad fanboys dont know when to quit. Every part on ibanez guitars is made from pot metal

>the knife edges will get dented

ibanez? i have a used and abused jackson soloist from the 90s with the original hardware. the screws are 50% rust and it still stays in tune.

Pro tip: Almost all guitar techniques are relatively easy to master they just require focused practice and time.

im poor af and tired of changing strings, lefty guitars are rare and overpriced as fuck

Japanese manufacturing > american

real floyds are made in germany


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Anime isnt real.

No no no, boomers like the strat trem but the floyd rose is bad because it has worse tone for some voodoo reason about bone nuts and tone-ballends

Even worse than american

>it's black and scary therefore it can only go

And then the same boomers go and say

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It's all in the tone quarter

>tfw play a US jackson with an original floyd because it makes /gg/ seethe

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Well done brother. Fender really does make the best guitars.

Fender has nothing to do with the US Jacksons

Sure thing buddy

It's literally still Mike Shannon and the same shop they've always used, Fender handles all the overseas shit plank making

You really think they dont have a say in production practices though?


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Thanks i really needed a laugh today.


How to spot an unimaginative and untalented "musician"

Not when all the USA stuff has and still is made by hand by the luthiers that actually know what they're doing, no

Fender is too busy trying to get beaners to make guitars for boomers to worry about less than 10% of their product line

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Nice MIABM homie

Going through my favourites by bathory. Blood and Iron today
and fair enough. I'm playing on modded SG its aight. I dont have a taste for quality

Nice headcanon. Anyways congrats on the usa fender either way

Please keep thinking so, it's hilarious

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In the Fall of 2002, Fender Musical Instruments Corporation purchased Jackson from IMC, the company which had bought Jackson from Grover Jackson, and U.S. operations were moved to the Fender factory in Corona, California. Present day Fender-era Jackson and Charvel guitars are being produced at the Corona works. Fender still manufactures various lines of lower-end imports, as well.

After several years of running a successful company doing sub-contracting work for many well known guitar companies and extensive design consultancy, Grover Jackson is now co-owner of a new guitar brand, GJ2 Guitars, in Orange County, California. His partner in this venture is former Fender Senior Vice President Jon Gold. Grover Jackson maintains his commitment to high quality USA made guitars.

>weeeeeeooo weee wee weeeoooooo
So imaginative and musical

>didn't rejoin Thin Lizzy cause he condoned their heroin addictions
>was Ozzy's first pick for a guitar player before Rhoads, didn't join cause he didn't want to work for a drunk retard
>dies from heart attack stemmed from excessive alcohol

Yeah bro just bend down a note by snapping your neck in half

do it in time. thank me later

also ever heard of fuckin Jeff Back

The route for the recessed Floyd makes it look cheap with how big the gap it looks all around the unit. I'm fine with relics but something about this one doesn't work, probably plays nice though

Thoughts on John Sykes?

Attached: John_Sykes_1984.jpg (1475x2052, 275K)

What could go wrong? The circuit is completely wrong but I think that with 2 lithium batteries it would be possible tomake a push-pull amplifier to drive a magnet-less pickup using the signal of a magnetic pickup. This would be for acoustic guitars.

Attached: sustainer circuit.jpg (1648x1266, 120K)

If you bought a dean you wouldnt be having any problems

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>special effects only teenager boys care about is music

I dont have any problems, this guitar is great

my sanded heel is still easier to play than that one


I don't mind a blocky heel, been playing strats all my life.

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yeah people can get used to trash

>the virgin contour

Why you didnt buy a the heritage if you hate gibbie so much.
Buying an import doesnt make any sense only if you were short on wheelbarrow money.

Have any of you had a naturally relic'd guitar?
What are your opinions on when it is done artificially?

and what is your personal favourite guitar in your collection* and why?

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Can you explain what is going on in this image, this is new to me

Stevens Cutaway, brilliant upper fret access on Nuno Washburns

Redpill me on the 'soft V' neck from Fender /gg/. Is it good or shit?



kek. would be impressive if someone could actually pull it off on an acoustic

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Did you know that metal is the most childish genre?

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>3rd worlder can't even form his sentence properly

link song vid

This is a fantastic bait post


what did he even mean

I guess he meant being able to to bend down is teenage boy shit???

By that logic Chris Poland must be a hack

That you people think 80's garbageis "music". It was all just a fad.

I bought a classical guitar 2 months ago and I would like to buy an electric now. I was wondering if anyone knows if Encore E6 would be a good guitar for a beginner. There are others within my price range like Squier Fenders and some kinds of Ibanez and Epiphone guitats, but only Encore is laguna blue.

come up with a new troll dude, it's been two weeks

t. neo-soul fan

>album cover designed to appeal to teenager boys

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every damn time

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Making a really obvious point that you could never write or play as well as Chris Poland

Can we see your record sales and your marketing demographic please?

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Which manga is this

>caring about a 61 years old boomer

Keep making strawmen, you can't play for shit and know you can't hang with a heroin addicted jazz fusion guitarist from the 80s that made great use of something you're not intelligent enough to be good with, just like everything else on your guitar

Why should I? I just play rhythm.

You do clean and polish your guitar, right /gg/? You don't keep it covered in kaka, right?

Attached: geeta.gif (450x253, 3.38M)

You can't play like him either, but it's ok. Guitar music tends to be pretty much trash, since most of it is inspired by american pop music produced by money hungry jews

More kaka and dirt = more weight = more sustain

Yeah 1986 Megadeth with thrash rhythms and jazz leads was definitely inspired by money hungry Jews you sure have a clue what you're talking about

This is pretty musical. No trem bar special effects


Dream guitars

Attached: Luxx-ChoppaS.jpg (830x623, 342K)

>thrash rhythms and jazz leads
American junk music. Good thing american music producers got rid of most of the notes now, right?

Im going to go see jacky vincent in a small venue in november.


Are you just some shitskin or yuropoor? I honestly can't tell anymore by your schizo rambling

brb relicing my guits

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When I change strings

Just a concerned citizen

I always wondered... if electric guitars can be played in the same way as classical guitars... why electric guitar plays only try to emulate american cowboy garbage?


It's a bit more of an art form than that, jackass

Attached: Luxxtone-S.jpg (867x650, 405K)

That tone is tasteless. I see why even the steel string guitar is still regarded as a pleb toy in academic circles let alone the electric one.


Attached: steve-vai-tips.jpg (720x340, 56K)

>if electric guitars can be played in the same way as classical guitars
It can't

Ok cowboy


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Nice ghetto bridge homie

for me, it's twice

Once you start listening to real music (instead of american cowboy pop trash), you'll think "What the hell is he doing?" whenever you see a player noodling on a pentatonic scale


it's better than yours

You're not making a case for yourself here. That hideous reverb and the volume dropouts are laughable (in addition to even needing this amount of effects on it to sound remotely okay). I won't even start with the nuances that only classical guitars support. Toy instrument for manchildren.

>Toy instrument for manchildren
Classical guitars were considered that when they first appeared


Alright, gotta get up or else I won't do anything today.

Try playing this with your floyd rose bridge.


not him but skip to 4:41 youtu.be/vUp1WX5oFIQ

They were regarded as interesting side shows originally by the likes of Paganini, but Carcassi and Giuliani really changed the image of the guitar by utilizing proper classical composing techniques and virtuosity not seen up to that point.

I think you misunderstand what the classical guitar is capable of and what its tone represents.
Playing Bouree, not a difficult piece in Bach's "Lute" suited, is not a good indication of the viability of classical guitar music on a thin, shrill sounding electric guitar.

XGP SOLID BRASS Chrome locking Tuneomatic bridge, locking Saddles

Attached: XGP SOLID BRASS Chrome locking Tuneomatic bridge, locking Saddles.jpg (800x688, 72K)

>on a thin, shrill sounding electric guitar
oh hi grandpa

Do you look like a rock star?

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please rate

What are some good sweep picking exercises?

he doesnt

I'm a long time strat-player thinking of buying a PRS SE but I'm worried about the lack of a pickguard. Does the lack of one lead to visible scratches on the finish over time?

Attached: file.png (739x489, 193K)

who the hell strums over the pickguard area

it would make a lot of noise

should have erased the tab part

I was lazy and licked up the glass prison, that's not even a good tab for it

>imagine being this poor

Thanks user, I'll try this

Do you have something for all 6 strings too?

Luckily not

6 strings are really masturbatory, if you can do 4 or 5 you can handle a 6 depending on the specific pattern of the passage but here


If you can do Glass Prison at 70% clean the technique will transfer over

Try the first few bars of aperggios from hell

Sweep tap dumbass.

it's a great bridge thank you

Does anybody have the keys to the lamborghini?


Yeah why bro what's up


Yeah, store owner of the pet shop Sammy works at here

>english third language

How's this

slow desu

Brass on lp style guitars is not desireable get an aluminium bridge instead.

it's literally the material of the 1959 ones. with steel saddles.

my guitar is kinda bright and it has a super distortion type pickup so the brass makes it more balanced. plus it helps tame that shrill 2k bump that all guitars have

>tfw literally scared of grabbing your guitar because a set of strings costs 1/15 of your monthly wage

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Right here dawg

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does he still anime and video games?

How do I make guitar sound better?


This picture fills me with terror and dread

why not let nature and time take its course?

I bought a guitar on amazon and never did anything with it besides play Mad World

Thats awesome though.

Open question, is there not more value in a guitar relic'd naturally rather than artificially?

I have a question. Having a sunburst painted bass with no strap, I wonder what colour would work nicely with it. What colour scheme should I look for when buying a strap for my guitar?

Cheers, and love

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you should to

black or a deep red and black

There is less value in a relic

>pot metal