Attached: EEJtrCkUwAAiN8R.jpg (1463x2048, 238K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1563809932016.jpg (644x869, 98K)

for me, it's (you)

Attached: 1558224190571.webm (606x1080, 2.95M)


Attached: 1568327740736.webm (550x394, 2.57M)

for me, it's m'joonk

Attached: womarin.jpg (1291x1938, 448K)

our freakin girls

Attached: 1546703442278.jpg (1080x1069, 177K)

datesluts mentioned

Attached: DesertedMilkyLeafbird-mobile.webm (640x360, 1.09M)

Attached: DisguisedRealisticHoatzin.webm (360x640, 494K)

vampire is a banger

Attached: 68748934_120068362373771_1034109635784331081_n.jpg (961x961, 172K)

left or right?

Attached: EEWDi-yU0AAImEz.jpg (1080x1080, 71K)

10 10 10 other

Rosé and Jennie look quite different here. This was an early moment, wasn’t it?

other 10

Attached: 1551591806660.jpg (960x1280, 111K)

we wanted a yeji thread not this uggo

does seulgi have a boyfriend?


Attached: 1539316562327.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

she's more manly than me kek

Attached: 69387481_694244951044706_6819571319479757985_n.jpg (960x721, 65K)

eat shit you dumb shartbrain

Seolas looks declined sharply from debut until now
I was actually in love with her when she was afraid to go in the water tank

these koreans make me cum too fast I'm going back to porn

looks like a 2014-2015 picture

Attached: 1553318926518.jpg (1242x1907, 178K)

Attached: jeongyeon.webm (554x480, 2.83M)

for me, it's twice

Attached: RectangularTediousBobolink.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

Why is Hitomi there on the left

this is the hottest webm i have ever seen in my entire life

Attached: 1568350777515.jpg (1352x2048, 265K)

>GFriend #14
>TWICE #17
even Buddies >>> ONCELS

Attached: 1537639480282.jpg (1716x2048, 354K)

that's pokpak

Attached: 1549796307683.jpg (1300x1300, 1.57M)

nice try but wrong piercing

Attached: mina mina mina.webm (800x638, 2.72M)

Sharktards need to fucking leave


Attached: 1566251896925.jpg (1080x1352, 80K)

very true
very cringe

Attached: 4215d458-8e94-4240-af6d-7f29bc136260.jpg (1000x1551, 1.15M)

Attached: 1558207208237.jpg (1000x1500, 219K)

they are having a comeback too and they won't even bother to vote

mina is for _____

Attached: mina lift.webm (724x1080, 1.32M)

wasnt all of fromis confirmed datesluts?

i just keep falling deeper and deeper

Attached: Ep.6 상대방을 유혹하는 인싸의 기술 [인싸가 된 아싸짱 (IN-OUT SIDER)]{133886}-9.w (1226x1080, 2.55M)

just slagyuggo and possibly seoyeon

what the heck was this

Attached: 1561972752994.jpg (720x720, 58K)

Attached: 1558960221567.jpg (2162x1600, 360K)

she was at her best looking when she was fat

impregnating and forcing an abortion on

Attached: 1324352543657657667.jpg (1594x2400, 579K)

being nice to so her anxiety level is lowered

Attached: 1539853470382.jpg (1080x1350, 177K)

Attached: 1565282719332.jpg (2240x2240, 520K)

It's as if Bstink knows koreans aren't the ones boosting their views...

Attached: based mina.webm (1600x900, 2.6M)

A disappointment!

¿Qué carajo acabas de decir de mi hermosa esposa, maricón estúpido?

everglow land sucks...

Attached: EBQWkLWU0AAjfE7.jpg (832x1024, 119K)


Attached: minawife.jpg (1080x1080, 81K)

Attached: 1568245609741.jpg (1333x2000, 714K)

that's not even the official channel
someone just took something they did a long time ago and explained what the words meant
what the hell was that

Attached: beach mina.webm (1244x700, 2.87M)

The tall chick in everglow looks like kyungri

and blinks thought they will get an actual content from bp LMAO

me, but we prefer to keep a low profile for now

Attached: 9q8u41db67l31.jpg (1364x2048, 365K)

Attached: 1547779789214.webm (640x450, 2.19M)

¡Calmate hermano!

Attached: 190714 영풍문고 코엑스점 우주소녀 For the Summer 마지막 팬사인회 후반부 은서 (1148x720, 2.93M)

Attached: dr mina.webm (628x700, 1.22M)

Attached: 1568350777517.jpg (1352x2048, 266K)

Attached: 1547634938247.jpg (598x1198, 142K)

Attached: elegant mina.webm (916x720, 773K)

omg finito

ugly man

are there any kpop groups this wont affect? seems most of them do this

honestly it's better than anything i have seen from any other group

Attached: 1548367284438.jpg (1080x815, 187K)

fellow shartbros

the little korea man is afraid of the chad indian

Attached: mina aaah.webm (700x738, 1.31M)

Attached: 1556350634820.jpg (827x827, 44K)

not gonna lie park bom is kinda cute on queendom

Attached: ia_100000020463.jpg (1280x1920, 394K)

Attached: 1568350777518.jpg (1352x2048, 267K)

Seola nice nether regions

Attached: JEONGERS.png (550x351, 122K)

speak for yourself uggo, I'm pretty fine

Attached: 68703738_2479530005426535_296657037879881551_n.jpg (1080x720, 113K)

I'm going to lewd mina and there is nothing any of you can do it about it

Attached: 1567273984561.jpg (1364x2048, 325K)

Attached: mina aegyo.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Attached: 1543340105417.gif (400x285, 3.92M)

that thing is an ugly man

For me, it’s Jiheon

Attached: jiwon_gold_medal.webm (1280x720, 683K)

Attached: 14314355346576766445.jpg (838x1200, 228K)

can you please not post her, im eating

did you look in the mirror?

Attached: 1551568449838.jpg (1280x1920, 319K)

Bigger groups don't do this anymore. I think BP stopped after those first few songs they put out, and I've never once seen a SM or YG group do it.

It'll hit the smaller agencies most but mid tier should be fine sine they funnel their shit to 1thK anyway

post her feet


Attached: pain.jpg (960x959, 52K)

please don't insult megan like that.

if china had youtube they would beat most records, just stop considering bot views as achievements equal to sales

Attached: kek.jpg (500x399, 25K)

lewd away

Attached: 1562717636377.jpg (1334x2000, 436K)

this is peak hime-sama
shoulder length no bangs dark hair

Attached: cheeky mina.webm (974x1640, 832K)

is sakura a psychopath? she knows chaeyeon is a perfectionist and she brought up her mistake to make her cry

do you want to take away everything from stinks?

Attached: GrandEquatorialCopperhead.webm (1280x720, 1004K)


Any one ever notice that Dubu is dumb and ugly?


you seem a little obsessed about dicks and trannies user, that's kinda gay, unless you're a girl

Attached: 1565836291867.jpg (1000x1500, 179K)

hail china


Attached: 1564480493369.jpg (2376x3672, 1.64M)

she got gold? i'm so proud of her!

Attached: 지원.jpg (1500x2250, 1.31M)

cute 3rd fromis

yeah, eating cock for sure

Attached: 234325.jpg (768x1079, 240K)

I wanna fuck her fat arse

that's called bullying

Twice fucking sucks.

Attached: cuterin.webm (1118x1000, 2.54M)

nooo think of the small browns its all the have after cutting off their dicks

good post