1 Pro, 1 Con

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Artists don't get jack shit for payment.


Artists don’t get paid
Ads on free


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It has pretty much everything by every artist, even niche stuff

Independent and niche artists aren’t making any money off studio releases

How is artists not getting paid a pro lol. I guess it does weed out the shills and larps.

Decent variety
Can pick my songs or go with random stuff
Comes with hulu
I don't use it enough to warrant paying for it but I still do.

apple music has millions of more songs and actually has artists like joanna newsom and king crimson

Because making music shouldn’t be a job it should just be done for a love of the art form
Seriously fuck you if you expect me to pay you for your music

just emailed me that it's gonna kick family plan leechers like me

whoa, hold on there! like my post, I agree with your reason why. However, I still think that there should be an option for these artists to be supported in some way other than they way you are denouncing.

>Because making music shouldn’t be a job

Why should it be free? There is time, labour and expenses involved in creating, performing and publicising music.

Think before you speak.

But the ecosystem is fucked for newbies.


Pro: easy to crack/pirate
Con: supports white genocide

how for both

+ large catalogue
- the end of physical media

>Why should it be free?
Because making music shouldn’t be a job
Paying for a live performance is one thing but expecting me to drop 10 shekels for some mp3 files oh lord no

Jew owned

>It has pretty much everything by every artist, even niche stuff

pro: convenience
con: the artists get paid too much

how much of a pleb you have to be to actually think spotify has a large catalogue, holy shit, it's still worth it though, you can just download obscure shit and then export it to spotify.

Pro: none at all
Con: it’s non-free software, it makes you rely on a corporation for your music library, you don’t own any of your music, shitty streaming quality, and on top of that it has fuck all in selection

back to /g/ freetard. art wants to be proprietary.

Why should art be free to you when everything else has already been reduced to commodity-form?
Artists who get into art purely for the money are bad, sure. But why should artists who love their craft not sell it for cash as well?

>Because making music shouldn’t be a job

Yeah, you said that already and it’s retarded. When are artists supposed to find the time to tour if “making music shouldn’t be a job” and how are they supposed to afford to do it and properly gauge public interest? We’re not all fucking Ariana Grande, the gig I ran last night was a success and I still barely broke even.


That’s why music shouldn’t be a job it pays like fucking shit for the average person
Don’t expect it to work out. Don’t expect me to pay you. Now fuck off

so music can be easily fileshared and recorded music is essentially free anyways now, and it's stupid to try to go back, the free model should just be embraced, but you're also wrong

you're not paying for the mp3
you're paying for the multiple live performances it took to get the right take for each instrument
you're paying for the expensive studio time it took to get that song recorded
you're paying for the engineers, producers, mixers, and masterers that worked on the song outside the raw performances

I listen mainly to blues and folk music pre-1980s plus classical and there is plenty, plenty obscure shit. Fine, many Soundcloud kiddies aren’t on there but that’s because they know they won’t recoup the fee for online distribution.

lol, paid too much.

hes not wrong.

Great for discovering new music
Little or no Japanese artists

You’re a mouth-breathing entitled arsehole incapable of justifying your fucking cretinous comments. Don’t lie, someone as obnoxious as you doesn’t leave their home to go to gigs anyway. Choke on shit you cheap fuck.

The non-argument response.

Get a real job you fucking retard or OD because the world doesn’t need cretins like you who expect to be paid for recording their twing twangs in audacity
Legitimately consider suicide

You have no argument moron, you want to enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor without paying anything to enjoy it.

I do have a salaried job, probably pays better than sitting in your spunk encrusted computer chair waiting for your benefits to come in given that I’m not the one who thinks everything in life ought to be free.

I don’t expect money for nothing but I am not going to be made to feel bad for giving my listeners options to support my music including physical copies. If nobody ever bit the bullet and went full-time at music you can wipe out of existence a lot of great music from over the last several centuries.

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Huh, I was under the impression that the opposite was the case

>pic related

Attached: 12345.png (1316x288, 30K)

>unsourced screenshot
pic not related

A million streams would apparently earn you between six and eight thousand dollars. I assume for it to count the person needs to listen in full and not skip. The distributor may also take a cut, I know CD Baby takes 9% though some don’t like Emubands. On top of that if you have a label obviously they will take their cut too.

Right, so I don't get where people are saying that artists are paid too much in spotify and that is a con. I'm thinking that this is instead relative to other platforms?

They’re probably just joking.

To be fair I am more optimistic about having my music on Spotify than Soundcloud or Bandcamp due to the popularity and ease of use of the platform. I doubt I will make anything but I think people who see me perform live will be more likely to find me on Spotify as BC and SC appeal more to other musicians than lay people. Looking at the stats so far people listen to more tracks from an album on Spotify than the other platforms.

Daily mix is good
Everything else

so how much money do artist make from cd sales/ buying songs and albums on itunes

bout tree fiddy

and what about google music,

You know, I think people just don't want to have to think about stuff like this and just want to listen and play good music.

The purpose of this thread was to get a better idea of what the sentiments were about these things as a noobie but I think I have an idea now.

>paying for music

pro: literally any band
con: tool

Shows the biggest moneygrubbers in the industry since they avoid Spotify like the Plague
Artists can't directly upload so labels get more power yet again

Who cares about artists lol

Wagie time spent earning the monthly fee is less than you'd spend looking for working downloads with seeders
Lots of artists knowingly leave their best/newest albums off spotify (Comus, MBV, Faust, CAN, the list goes on) because they want you to buy a physical