New jpeg album?

How we feelin on Peggy’s newest record.

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Who the fuck listens to this

damn, just posted a thread on this but I honestly love what I hear so far. It could top veteran for me, but we'll have to see how it ages.

the alt right

Grimy Waifu sounds like an early sweet trip song

he cant rap
just stick with making beats

I thought it was b8 at first but trash island unironically btfos this garbage

this is cringe level shit. The autotune is horrid

you're pathetic tripfag

post 5 good bars from the album





Only in it for the cash I’m a gold digger
Shitpost nigga

I'm standing next to a bunch of teens who are talking about it, so I hate it already.

you didnt even listen to it retard

don't need to lmao

ITT: seething mayos

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thats stupid

lol i thought you committed suicide or something

Imagine a black power version of Death Grips

k tripfag

If peggy heard you say that he'd skin you alive.

listen to this instead guys

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never heard of him til today when i listened to this album. thought it was pretty damn good.

Worst album cover I've ever seen

man if only
ur stupid
so death grips, got it

I have a very hard time believing kids are talking about this out in the wild.

GIFmob is better

it's like some dude just heard Death Grips for the first time

I mean I'm at an American Football concert (they're not on yet) and it seems to have attracted a lot of memelords. The kid in front of me is wearing a skirt ironically.

>browsing Yea Forums at a concert
that's exactly what a fucking tripfag would do

mentally ill white people

what do you do when you're bored

Listen to music at the concert

opening band bad

>more people are talking about this than the new Pixies album
Zoomers need to be purged

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Fantano drones love it

hurr durr not enough people talking about a new release by a bunch of shriveled no talent cunt warts well past their prime. God forbid people talk about new relevant music!

how he gonna make a vid with jeff tweedy and then call anyone else a cornball ctfu

go to sleep peggy

peggy type beat > zach hill's entire discography

>Death Grips for trannies who hate Yea Forums and love identity politics
Hard pass f a m.


stop shilling your own album you homosex nignog

as a socially retarded teen developing schizo tendencies due to mass dissociation this hits home, 9/10

good one user

I liked the production on his last album but he can't rap for shit. And he just seems like a realy unlikeable person in general desu.

Self hating whites

It's relevant and sexy

Fuck white pipo, etc

This but unironically

it really doesn't help your anti-white image if you shill on Yea Forums

life is meaningless, the whole idea of a self projecting image just holds people back from their true potential

why don't you try making good music instead of shilling to reach your true potential?

He made aoty pussy


the creation of good music takes great consideration, and perhaps a lot of time crafting the product as well once a clear idea is set to reach. any artist also needs leisure time on Yea Forums or a place of interest to recharge that inner source of creativity.


sure, any artist does, but what about you?

sorry, that title goes to anything else released this year

I swear if I catch any 1 of u racist sheltered white crackers at any of my shows I'll make sure to myself to see you get the shit slapped out of you.

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show us the hairline peggy, the people need to see how much you've cooned

Hither not!
Streams of guzzling bosoms sink beneath toes
Gyrating sands seen sickening oh about hoes
And woes I'm told rippling about the mudflaps
Was an attack of 500 bee knives scalloped, cracked
Rum sack, eye see thou
Weary woes of an ancient told
For we were sacred in our feast heavenly told
Our brinks we're sold, toasts lost and fold
Oh for the ones with glistening hubcaps
And turnips for ears, tune up a jack, a lap
And for the gray bevels left behind
Aging nibbles, a serpent so grime

not one of the white boys on this site has tested his gangster lol as expected tb h

album made me want to re-evaluate Some Rap Songs. I didn't like it as much as Veteran but jpeg maintains his core identity while trying something new which I think shows he's maturing as an artist, and fast. singles were good. I also liked PTSD and DOTS FREESTYLE REMIX a lot. looking forward to his next release.

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filename checked n keked

Peggy, I know you're in this thread.
I can't imagine anyone outside of Yea Forums naming a track "Grimy Waifu"


Production is fuckin amazing. Don't really like rap though and this isn't changing my mind. Also, does this dude hate white people or is it pretty much an act? I think it's ironic, but I just have the thought of white kids saying his lyrics back to him and just hate themselves.


kek, i was thinking the same thing.

Let me
Let me get, uh, uh
Let me get a double bacon, a double bacon, double
Nah, not a double bacon, uh, uh
A bacon, a bacon smokehouse meal with no cheese
Yeah, with, with no cheese on that thang, and uh
Is that gonna be a large?
The meal is gon' be large, the meal is
What to drink?
Uh, the meal, uh, is gon' come with a...

A bunch of skinny white guys who also listen to Tyler, The Creator, Earl Sweatshirt, and Kanye.

what is this category. can we burn them in a fire

vocals are even worse than veteran, beats are alright