Post a book, get an album

post a book, get an album

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Susumu Hirasawa - Byakkoya: White Tiger Field

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We're really seeing this graph in action huh

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Yea Forums is the smartest board. Yea Forums is probably the dumbest even before /x/.

currently reading this

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Started reading this a couple days ago

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>Yea Forums is the smartest board.
Fuck off weeb

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Great thread idea ruined by pretentious blowhards and edgy retards who think they're funny

this is just a guy shitting on hedonists for 300 pages btw

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people who actually have high IQs would be smarter than to waste their days on Yea Forums

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The Microphones - Mount Eerie

Unironically. The song Steal Softly Thru Snow is actually a quote from the book.

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Thinking of getting this book, but worried the quality of the mass market paperback, in terms of its quality. Anyone have this copy, and happy with it?

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no rubber soul pls

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more murakami

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Fuck me I hated this book

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Easy, anything by Ruben Blades. As a Latino I can confidently say that all Latin art made between 1950 and 1990 thematically revolves around “ADVANCAR LA RAZA”, “American business/dictators bad”, and “WE NEED ANOTHER BOLIVAR”. Blades is a Harvard graduate and writes some pretty great salsa that has that down to “el barrio” quality that Marquez writes with

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How are you liking it? I think it’s excellent

fantastic post

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I'm goin to be mad if I don't get the album I expect

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thanks, what I wanted

J.S. Bach's Johannes-Passion
Close to the Edge


James Ferraro - Last American Hero

Lake of Burning Orchids - Innocence

That one where he signs about semen and mountaintops

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I meant to recommend mbv to

bataille is too good and too patrician for Yea Forums, i mean even lit is mostly just obsessed w religious bullshit

that being said, probably some early swans shit

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>le unsourced graph from 6 years ago

>this is just a guy shitting on hedonists for 300 pages btw


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>Hard Mode: No Bolt Thrower or metal

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What is it? Gay young adult sci fi? The soundtrack to Halo.

Can you do it the other way around? What's the book equivalent of this album?

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Warhammer you dumb zoom zoom

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for anyone who would read gogol's dead souls, it goes really well with either oh sees orc or face stabber (particulairly face stabber if you're the type who suffers from how long these songs are, yet needs something to listen to in the bus, to clear out the noise)

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Favorite book, and best in spanish literature right here

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Laibach - Also Sprach Zarathustra

Terminator OST

gimme gimme

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what you wanted is Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea


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it very much is gay young adult scifi though, the readership of the HH series is 90% fujoshi who fantasize about gay primarch sex

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death in venice

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Spektr - the art to disappear
Skinny Puppy - vivisect
wavelength:Satan - time-blood theory

cliche answer: Free Jazz: A Collective Improvisation

cool answer: Jim Staley - Mumbo Jumbo

real answer: pic related

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based donnie

i'm sure you listened already but i recommend kid A. i always associate this album with loneliness and helplessness. kid A also reminds me a lot of the little prince.
other than that i haven't read any book posted haha. i'm reading picrel right now

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Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska

Yea Forums got me into 4chin some years ago but you can't deny that it's a retarded board. Very few decent posts among a sea of edgy hispanic redditor meme generation zoomers.

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>few decent posts among a sea of edgy hispanic redditor meme generation zoomers
Literally describes every board. Yea Forums is just /pol/ for pseuds these days.

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Oxbow - Thin Black Duke

Not album, but the Radiohead's B-side Banana Co. is relevant

please I need more like this

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Beautifully written fiction covering the life of slaves, white and black slaveowners, and others just prior to the civil war. Constantly moving between different time periods in the books and expanding upon how interconnected everything is.

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You gotta have something for this

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not true. I have a legitimately high IQ and waste my life on here and in general

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That's not what IQ is

xiu xiu - a promise

Nah that's Tao Lin's Richard Yates

Ian Curtis didn't even read it. He just liked the title

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The Smiths

This is pretty spot on actually

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The other guys are wrong. It’s Virgin Fugs by The Fugs. They have a direct connection to Beat writers
Wait are these actually similar? I love Song Cycle, but I’ve never read Gravity’s Rainbow

Tender pray

Fire of love

I've only read Part I I think and it's kinda fitting. I couldn't continue reading because it's psychologically taxing

similar or not you should really read gravity's rainbow

John Wyndham - Day of the Triffids

Silver Jews - American Water

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Sci is actually retarded. Sure you get the smart math/physics grad student occasionally but most of the time it's just faggot engineers and CS students larping

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It's so good. I assume you're reading this version and not the new translation?

dont read

Similar only in their complete idiosyncracy, but there isn't really anything similar to either in any other way.

The glorious ninth

Ramleh - Hole in the Heart
goreshit - My Love Feels All Wrong
Crass - Stations of the Crass
Ruins - Vrresto simply because that album is constantly changing direction and introducing new ideas, thus being akin to a short story collection.

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Currently rereading Dune whilst listening to Magma in the background

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> Nietzche

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>muh zoomers
it was never good


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OST to Icicle Works (commodore +4)

inb4 Ulver's audiobook

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how come

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Thunder Perfect Mind

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(That's Thantifaxath - Sacred White Noise btw)

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*tips fedora*
they're not pop and not economists

Faust - Faust

anything from MonsterCat because only autistic shut in teens like Stirner

You can infinitely loop Faust with another version of, Faust.

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I thought nihilistic, intelligent kids with a wicked sense of humor like Stirner?

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is it based on blake?

Did you reply to the wrong post?

Well, in their head they're a nihilistc, intelligent kid with a wicked sense of humor.

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maybe this unreleased wodg bladee album

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All of those are way too vague to be worth anything.

Sneed Mangione

that chang guy comes across like the christgau of economics

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/pol/ should be a lot lower

how is fit so high? Is there a turbochad with 10000 iq busting the curve?

does being in your head mean objectivity then?


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here's something closer to your level, pal:

lol, no

I just want those 5 things to be chapter headings

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Orchid - Dance Today, Revolution Tomorrow
Unwound - Leaves Turn Inside You
Ah fuck I was gonna post this, Pink Moon for sure

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