For me it's 10,000 Days: the best Tool album.
and you?
Always been Ænima, son
it sure as hell is better than Fear Inoculum, that's for sure
Aenima > 10k days > Lateralus > FI > Undertow
Nice bait, should've said Undertow though
I like them all, but Undertow would have to be my favorite.
Anyone who has Undertow in the bottom two is a complete faggot
For me, it's Colin Quinn
I really like Lateralus and have been listening to it a lot lately. 10K Days is the first one I heard, and I really like the songs on this but I think I might prefer Ænema slightly more. Then I haven't listened to Undertow or FI enough
sorry I don't listen to garbage
For me, it’s Lateralus
AEnima > Undertow > 10,000 / Lateralus > Opiate > FI
For me it’s
Lateralus > Ænima > 10,000 Days > Fear Inoculum > Undertow
They’re all great though
For me, it's necrophilia.
I have listened to FI maybe 8 times now waiting for it to click. Danny is the only one trying any more. I feel like he is desperately trying to do something to give it a pulse the whole time. FI just makes me sad BUT...
as my friend told me after Phantom Menace came out..."would u rather have shitty Star Wars or no Star Wars?" and that always stuck w me and it applies here.
FI is just uninspired musical masturbation.
u put undertow last? plz kill urself
I've been a fan of Aenima and Opiate for years, but I gotta day, Fear Inoculum quickly became my favortie Tool album. I like how consistent it is. It's more subdued and not trying to be so damn edgy. That's what i really like about it.
>10,000 Days
Tell us more about how you aren't just pretending to like Loveless.
Lateralus>FI=Aenima>10,000 Days=Undertow
Just an opinion though, good band imo but hardly worth couching one's identity in, either for or against them like I've seen on this forum constantly the past few weeks.
Based and "mhhhhmmmm stupid" pilled
I like Tool quite a bit, but honestly they have never been a "full album" band for me. AEnima probably has the most tracks I like, although my absolute favorite tracks are from 10,000 days. Each album (except the new one) have at least a handful of tracks that I really enjoy.
The fact that everybody here argues over the ranking of all of the albums so much shows that they're all great.
>Fear Innoculum>Aenima>10,000 Days>Lateralus>Undertow>Opiate>Salival
10,000 Days is also my favourite, though I feel we're in the minority here. Wings is just so powerful; Vicarious, Jambi, and The Pot are all really catchy; and Rosetta Stoned is my favourite Tool song from any of them.
Lateralus is great, but it just doesn't feel punchy and exciting enough. Don't even get me started on FI
As a huge Tool fan that has always liked all of their work, 10,000 Days has certainly grown on me a lot recently. I've always liked it but considered it nowhere near as good as Lateralus, but it's gotten pretty close for me ('Rosetta Stoned' being the big highlight).
10.000 Days is not even close.
1. Lateralus
2. Aenima
3. Undertow
4. New album
5. 10.000 Days
I hated 10.000 Days because of the lyrical direction. It sounded like a Maynard solo album. The songs were good, but they would fit much more into the Perfect Circle style. When I listen to Tool I want philoshopical and semi-religious, mathematical, meditative and esoteric themed, psy lyrics..Basically like Lateralus. Thats Tool. 10.000 Days for me is just not that good.
or isn't a cunt geezer who was convinced by youth that it was good
>was convinced by youth that it was good
That's the only way to really like Tool. No experienced adult would actually like this shit, especially the dragged out songs they went on to write
What Yea Forumscore stuff do you like the most?
it's their best, really the only album of theirs I like every song that's not a shitty interlude
You make a great point! Usually for most bands there are like 2 albums in their discography that everyone spergs over, while the rest get ignored. Tool seems to have transcended this and has people arguing over their entire catalog.
Psychopathy might be one of the best songs tool has ever made. What a god damn beautiful song.