ITT: we celebrate Daniel Johnston and his work by posting covers of our favorite songs
no judgement or bulli, just grab your instrument of choice and sing along with one of the greatest songwriters of our time
RIP danny, maybe you be creative and happy in heaven forever
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i miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
They re-recorded Casper the Friendly Ghost on this album
>Daniel doesn't get a sticky
>Fucking Eddie Money does
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he did get a sticky you buffoon
Someone make a virgin vs Chad meme with Chris Chan as the virgin and Daniel as the chad
Reminder that Daniel Johnston was a sexist and racist
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Has homecoming 'we love you' event, tries to kill you in an aeroplane crash.
manic depressive with grandiose delusions who didn't take his medicine for weeks
so yeah that would explain that
>literally 6 people watching DJ live
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I did this a few years ago
He got a sticky that was 900+ posts
Was Daniel Johnston just talented Chris Chan?