music for this feel?
Music for this feel?
>muh vagina
i'm going to assume that this epic tweet is from a coalburner or a tranny with 5 o'clock shadow
>proceeds to be assblasted at the mention of the n-word by a white person
the clitoris doesn't exist. feminist progandopoda
>proving her point
white men are so fucking pathetic, all i can do is laugh
don't forget your hourly dilating session
seethe harder, cumskin, just not so hard you go shoot up a school
>a statement that, by disagreeing with it, you make it true
It's ingenious, but it doesn't prove a thing. You know that, right, tranny faggot?
and don't forget to shave your face, you're looking particularly caveman-ish lately
White people are the best. We have the most cars, homes, guns, and access to the ICBMs per capita.
>you mad
[wigger nationalist face] "yes"
i fucking hate white people so much
I'm into eating pussy desu. Anyone else here into eating pussy?
prefer fisting myself
Sounds like a you problem. I'm doing perfectly fine over here, as a white man, whose only actual hate(and it's more of a figurative term) is false advertising of internet speed. Have you tried meditation?
>white men are sensitive
>the people who complain about white men are the ones who need “safe spaces” for “micro-aggressions” and their own segregated events so they can feel “safe”
>as a white man
kys (remember you're statistically the most likely to of all men)
Considering white men are responsible for the world's largest and most savage atrocities(which could be praised as a triumph of the will, however misinformed and 'evil' they turned out to be), they sure don't exude sensitivity in general.
I'm also statically most likely to:
Become president of a nation
Travel to outer space
Invent a life saving technology
Discover a new antibiotic
Be a billionaire
Be a philanthropist
Win a Nobel Prize
Become a world renowned painter, musician, architect
Have children that outlive me
Have a meaningful relationship that instills my offspring with the knowledge and propensity to live independently and successfully without aid from governmental or welfare bodies
Become a multimillionaire playing video games for a living
I could do this all day.
Holy based
cattle decapitation - testicular manslaughter
Chink scum detected
Either that or a goblin mutt hybrid
Dude, stop larping. You're probably a NEET, you don't have the intelligence or work ethic to win a nobel prize LMAO. Pathetic post.
>they sure don't exude sensitivity in general.
Which is the opposite of what OP’s image was saying. She is implying they’re too sensitive.
>Considering white men are responsible for the world's largest and most savage atrocities
t. professor Goldberg
You just believe anything the white male patriarchy tells you, huh?
Have sex.