Sam Smith changes pronouns to they/them

>Sam Smith has asked fans to use the pronouns "they/them", not "he/him", after coming out as non-binary.

>The pop star wrote on Instagram: "After a lifetime of being at war with my gender I've decided to embrace myself for who I am, inside and out." The singer added: "I've been very nervous about announcing this because I care too much about what people think."

>Six months ago, Smith said they did not feel male or female, but "I flow somewhere in between". On Friday, the 27-year-old said they had been "surrounded by people that support me in this decision".


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We need more bullies desu

Faggot is a non-binary term

Wow at this point I can only believe they do this for attention.

he's clearly just a gay bottom who wants attention from the media

I change my pronouns to fag/Nigger (capitalized N)

Femme it up! Party with nature!

>”I don’t fall into every standard idea of the male sex, therefore I must not be a man and actually have a unique gender that applies to only me!”

Freddie Mercury must be spinning in his grave.

The only person I will call they is lady jaye p-orridge

Does he have multiple personalities or something?


smith is fucking mental

>Smith was bullied for having breasts as a child, and had liposuction at age 12

>at a time in life where losing weight is the easiest

What a bitch.

Imagine being so privileged that you create your own problems while simultaneousy complaining about the privileged class that youre a part of.

how are people so open to suggestion by whatever trends are in fashion, no matter how macabre

Is this the logical next step for all gay men? I knew a guy who was gay in high school and he transitioned about a year ago. Didn't Arca transition too? Is being a trans woman the final destination of being gay?

I hope a comet annihilates the planet because we don't deserve to live

Why call it anything at all? Surely your gender identity is unique to you and a label can’t do it justice anyway.

You know what would be the most fluid thing of all? Something you don’t categorize because you can’t

>Is being a trans woman the final destination of being gay?
Only for the super woke of the current era who are hungry for attention. Normal fags are against the idea of even being feminine to be a gay man. Check /cm/. post a feminine gay like that James Charles fag, and all of the gays will tell you "gtfo straight", "might as well fuck a girl". True story.

they's based


Because the people who go into entertainment have a gaping hole in their souls that they try to fill with attention from others

I don't understand what's going on anymore

In the current society it is, it has been known already for a long time that before we started forcing transition on people that most young people who thought they were trans would grow out of it and just be gay as adults. Gay people are inherently "gender non-conforming" but now that we've made gender non-conforming a gender in and of itself, people are just identifying as that and ruining themselves and society.

rich white people everywhere be doing shit like this

Arca's not white. Also, apparently in my local elections this week the first "queer" person ever was elected (one of those people who calls themselves "they") and it's a black woman.

why does that trigger people?
being forced into gender stereotypes is uncomfortable for some people and they don't want to be seen that way.
it's not a new thing, morrissey was saying he felt like this in the 80s.

It wont make any difference to Britain, it's already Queer enough...

Because it’s obvious he’s doing it for attention. How are you this obtuse?

check out the dense cunt here

>forced into gender stereotypes
You sound very weak of character.

how is it obvious? you know nothing about his personal life or upbringing.

>implying the LGBTQ movement isn't forcing people into other, more fringe gender stereotypes
Also citation needed on the Moz quote

>you know nothing about his personal life or upbringing.
I don’t need to. I can see how he’s “coming out” as non-binary because it’s the fad of the moment

You either are born with a penis and in english people use "he" to refer to you are you are born with a cunny and you are known as girl and people use "she" to refer to you

Morrissey never denied being a man, lmao. He just denied labeling himself as any sexuality.

This precisely what the LGBT mafia does.

If you didn’t actually care about prefined gender categories, then then why discuss it? Just let your gender be whatever it is without trying to classify it

Jesus, you're an even bigger faggot than be is.

>I'm nonbinary BTW they/them pronouns only
About as pressing a matter as your preference in pizza toppings.
Nice to you I'm Sam, I hate olives. No olives on my pizza, thanks.

Because there are two solutions to this problem, either everyone is a special gender which has to be respected and nobody can be lumped into anything but also everyone is part of a minority group from which they can complain about the majority oppressing them (the impractical solution you and your types are going for) or everyone is an individual and there are gender roles in society that you can either choose to conform to or not but that doesn't change your sex (science and civilization continuing to exist 100 years from now require this solution).

But he’s right. Sam Smith is a fag btw

Did you just assume that because of his song "I'm Not A Man?" You do realize he sang that because of all the masculine stereotypes that come with being a man, not that he's literally not a man or woman
If you were to ask him if he's a woman he'd say no, again with forcing fringe genders on people

>Only I dictate what other people's genders should be!

>Only I dictate how others regard me!

Because in a society you need to communicate with other people

Honestly who cares. If it bothers ypu that much you need to take sone deep breaths, calm down and reassess your priorities in life.

Just so everyone's fucking aware: nobody has any pronouns. You don't own any pronouns. You can't change "your" pronouns because they aren't yours. Drink bleach you fucking retards.

Why about your own gender though? It's completely attention seeking

this loser is just trying to stay relevant

Gender is performance. It is itself a form of communication language cannot describe.

Language marginalizes my performance of my gender. I am not “non-binary” because thousands of others are “non-binary” too and their gender is not mine

>gender is performance
fucking WHAT

Haha what a homo

Why is that no reasonable?
How so? You can mostly identify men and women naturally, so it's reasonable to specify otherwise so others don't make a mistake
>Language marginalizes my performance of my gender. I am
There's your problem -- this isn't about you.

Lmao rich white people problems

Fuck off Judith

>There's your problem -- this isn't about you.

It is about me because others have a say in your performance too. It is society which primarily decides your gender, not yourself

It's not a mistake if you just say it is, what about it is a mistake?

>It is about me because others have a say in your performance too
What do you mean performance? We are just talking about identification

Remember pre-social media when nobody gave two shits about your sexuality/gender identity?

What kind of people are you guys surrounding yourselves with to continue to perpetuate this myth of societally enforced gender stereotypes? You fags make daily life sound like it's a fucking middle school locker room or fraternity pledgeship.
>Ok but do you understand I'm LITERALLY in danger of being the victim of a hate crime because I don't wear trucker hats and drink Coor's light and shit myself over sportsball and put big pictures of titties all over my walls
>Gender is a performance
>implying you're the performer
Everything you do matters a lot less than you think.

>It's not a mistake if you just say it is
How do you know what it is, without asking them?

That’s why it’s important for society NOT to discuss gender because then the performance becomes unique to you rather than something relative to the performance of others

>I don't care about your sexuality/gender identity, therefor no one does


What if I just don't care and don't want to ask them? Stop being vague

It's not about you.

>What if I just don't care
Is this a problem you need to fix?

I'm tri-binary. I identify as male and female and as a tamale.

No, I don't think so
Therefore you're making the mistake of judging me

>Is this a problem you need to fix?
Don't think that's any of your business, but since you're asking, no. I'm allowed to not care about anything I want to.

You can almost hear the barbarians approaching the city walls.

The identification is a judgement of performative symbiotics.
Have you even BEEN to college, bumpkin? I have PhD in Gender-Queer Theory.

>Everything you do matters a lot less than you think.
Wrong. Everything I do forms part of the narrative of the social construct of our normative symiotics

>PhD in Gender-Queer Theory
Good luck finding a job, idiot

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Why not?
>Therefore you're making the mistake of judging me
If you are being an asshole and not caring about other people,I'm going to call you out on it. That is the consequence you must suffer.
Why don't you care about other people? What happened to you?
You didn't answer the question. Try again

Also nice LARP

This whole issue only exists because zoomers have politicized being offended and are putting it into law. For decades people were calling men "she" and women "he" if they presented themselves that way (especially if they passed but even when they didn't) and nobody cared. But it's the demand that if you don't follow enforced pronouns that you're worse than Hitler and should be put in jail that's the problem. Also, it's the way these tranny activists try to have it both ways that's the problem. Gender is how you present yourselves and therefore others perceive you, sex is who you actually are. Laws in the past that were made based on sex are now being conflated with gender. But surely you should be able to have a rape clinic for the female sex or one for all genders. Or sports teams for female sex and one for all genders. You shouldn't be able to discriminate based on gender since it's so individualistic, but you should be able to have places for the female sex that doesn't include MtF trannies. It is probably too late for society on a lot of these issues though, in places like where I live you can just ask to change your sex in official documents and they'll do it. So maybe we should just eliminate female-only spaces altogether.

Ok I see now that you were joking, have a good weekend.

If you haven’t had a solid curriculum in gender theory, you need to go back to /pol/, pronto.
Or the mods will have to be called. Your choice!

>But it's the demand that if you don't follow enforced pronouns that you're worse than Hitler and should be put in jail that's the problem.
Nice CIS Fragility

I'm sadly not cis by anyone's standards, which is why I hate the hypocrisy of trannies so much. Their ridiculousness directly ruins my daily life.

>I'm sadly not cis by anyone's standards
Not relevant.

>I'm going to call you out on it. That is the consequence you must suffer.
Truly I've suffered the wrath of justice, I care about other people just as much as you, but I have the decency to not burden them with what offends me, if I don't feel they'd like something about me, I don't tell them, does that mean I'm suffering in my silence? No, I just have the common sense to realize some people do not and will not care
Telling the whole world you're non-binary is a stupid idea and is only going to isolate you from a society that is diverse in ideals and motivations.

What are you talking about? Muslims love trannies, they hate gays and force them to become trannies just like we do. We are the barbarians. This is state-enforced conformity, China would love it!



>I care about other people just as much as you
If that were true, you'd use their preferred pronouns and this wouldn't be an issue
>but I have the decency to not burden them with what offends me
Guess I gotta repeat myself: it's not about you

I know, which is why I didn't mention it in my original post. But the faggot who replied to me tried to dismiss my entire post by implying otherwise.

>Why don't you care about other people?
Doesn't particularly matter, but more than that, it's none of your business. You don't get to determine expectations of courtesy rendered unto you.

How cold, would any LGBTQ+ person tolerate it if I went up to someone and called their gender identity, "Not relevant?"

My pronouns are if/ when.

>I know
Then why bring it up? You don't understand the concept of White Fragility (in this case, CIS Fragility)?
>But the faggot who replied to me tried to dismiss my entire post by implying otherwise.
That's because it wasn't relevant.
Why are you so guarded? Who hurt you?
>so much for the tolerant left!

you guys are fucking faggots
in a strictly pejorative and insulting sense don't get it twisted brandon

>If that were true, you'd use their preferred pronouns and this wouldn't be an issue
If someone expects something of me without even knowing me, I call that being needy.
>Guess I gotta repeat myself: it's not about you
Why isn't it about me? Am I less of a human than anyone else?

>Why are you so guarded? Who hurt you?
>>so much for the tolerant left!
Sounds like you're having trouble forming a point there, take your time.

I literally just avoid pronouns all together for the non binary types.

>Why are you so guarded? Who hurt you?
>I've been called out on my bullshit and I have nothing to left to say

>If someone expects something of me without even knowing me
You mean expecting someone to use correct pronouns? Wow.
>Am I less of a human than anyone else?
How has society determined you an outcast?
Not really. it's perfectly clear. Didn't you read the thread?
Other people wanting to be identified correctly is bullshit!

Gender stereotypes are the problem. Remove the stereotypes, and let pronouns be prounouns.
>He (penis haver)
>She (vagina haver)
>They (multiple people, potentially with penises or vaginas)

literally inventing problems
jénder ideology is navel gazing
also bourgeois

Hate fags the answer's yes

>You mean expecting someone to use correct pronouns? Wow.
Not a point
>How has society determined you an outcast?
You certainly have
>Not really. it's perfectly clear. Didn't you read the thread?
Not a point
>Other people wanting to be identified correctly is bullshit!
Not a point, again, take your time, there's plenty of arguments to go off of.

It’s peak bourgeois navel-gazing. It’s something that occurs when decadence enters into the stages of extreme excess:

>gay Dracula

he always reminded me of that anahony and the johnsons who trooned out so that doesn't shock me

>gender is performance
Firstly, stop misquoting Judith Butler, performance is not the same thing as the performative.

Secondly, if gender IS performative (which is presumably what you're getting at), then you can't do away with language because performativity is a function of language first and foremost. One doesn't make of themselves a criminal, its only until a court has affirmed your criminality through a conviction that your guilt is assured. Same goes for gender, until the doctor's cry of "It's a boy/girl!" you're just a swirling mess of unclassified sex characteristics that requires categorisation which inevitably over or under-determines the subject beyond self-recognition.

Also, you can't say that gender is beyond language when so many languages use gendered words or phrases that have nothing to do with "literal" gender.

I think you think this is debate.
No one in this thread has intellectually engaged with anything you've said so far. What are you even trying to accomplish? How many captchas have you filled out at this point just to say nothing?

We used to make fun of people that did this dumb shit until they fell in line. What the fuck happened?

I get your one of these retards who doesn't know what a zoomer is but people in college today are zoomers. Zoomer = Gen Z. Gen Y today is like ages 24-39. I'm 27 and never went to college but as far as I know most people go to it directly out of high school and it's generally four years. That means unless you went late in life or are in your sixth or eighth year or something, you are a zoomer. Greta Thunberg is a zoomer. So are those Parkland kids.

I'll accept my generation created a bunch of people who think society should be drastically overhauled and are now getting banned from society for it but the idea of being offended for political reasons was made possible through zoomers, the first generation to grow up with social media (I'll accept they were likely led into by individual Gen Y figures though but this can be said on every side of every issue...for example, Pewdiepie is Gen Y but his followers are primarily zoomers). The "hip" media companies are staffed by Gen Y but their target audience is zoomers who actually believe this garbage and force it into everything.


>language defines reality
Other way around.

How many non-responses are you going to give before you actually show some sign of competence and comprehension on the matter?
Also this isn't even debate, I do this for fun

>He doesn't know

No, language is a function of semiotics. The performative is a function of performance,

>you can't say that gender is beyond language when so many languages use gendered words or phrases that have nothing to do with "literal" gender.
Semiotics tries to make an assumption about the performative. It’s a metaphysical leap that cannot be bridged much in the same way that the mind cannot explain the body and vice-versa.

Go back to gender studies class, you dunce, or I shall have the mods cancel you for your microaggression

I do know, I know unless you have some sort of spiritual ethos, then reality and the observation of said reality is what creates language.

I've been saying it for years: what we need is another Great Depression, worldwide. Way too many people are living way too comfortably and have way too much time and money to waste on insipid delusion and general bullshit.

>show some sign of competence and comprehension
>on the matter
Did you read my post? I've not concerned myself with "the matter", much less my competence and comprehension regarding "the matter". I was pointing out the fact that no one is actually talking to you yet you keep posting, satisfying nothing.
>I do this for fun
What a miserable life you must lead.

See, but this is the problem. Nobody ever defined pronouns that way. EVER. You don't know someone's genitals and you call them by what you assume their genitals are. Are you people really so young that you don't remember the days before anyone had heard the word misgender and you would accidentally call some butch-looking woman "he" even though she had a vagina and then she corrected you? The difference is that she would just correct you, rather than make it into a political movement where getting someone's gender wrong is the same as owning slaves. What about babies? People used to ask normally, "is it a boy or a girl?" because you don't know without being told. The way parents would get around this was by dressing the kid like a stereotype but why is that a solution? Does it even matter if a newborn is a boy or a girl? Why would anyone but the parents need to know that?

>sex is who you actually are
This is an is/ought fallacy, you're making the claim that sex is a biological reality and should therefore dictate the way we OUGHT to be. But what you're missing is that biological sex is just as much of a restricting and ideologically motivated category as gender. The only reason you should have for talking about the concrete biological differences between men and women is if you're a doctor or anatomist, anything else and you're using an is (biology) to justify a claim about an ought (gender roles) which doesn't follow.

I mean you're still talking to me aren't you? From my perspective you're the miserable one

Imagine how this wholectrend is gonna be looked back on in 2030

>I mean you're still talking to me aren't you?
I wouldn't say so but I can see how it would seem that way to someone so deprived of attention that they hang out here "for fun".
>From my perspective you're the miserable one
Whatever makes you feel better.


people who identify as "they" will have finally linked into one hive-mind.
I imagine they would look back on this with nostolgia.

>I wouldn't say so
>From my perspective you're the miserable one
I don't see much different honestly, and I also believe you're a coward

It's going to be revered as brave and amazing and you know it

Not what I said, you don't understand the performative. Read JL Austen's essay

>language is a function of semiotics
language IS a semiotic system. what you're saying isn't contradicting what I've said at all.

>The performative is a function of performance
This is also meaningless because the performative can exist without any "performance" whatsoever. Strop trying to import dramaturgical ideas where they aren't required

Moz just didn't want to be labelled a fag, his lyricism is supposed to reach out beyond sexuality.

This is ultimately how I feel about the issue

Where did gender roles originate from if not from biological origins? Why have heteronormative gender roles been almost exclusively the norm in cultures around the world?

Again, whatever makes you feel better.

Hold on there, Jethro! You are getting upset over something I never said. I'm talking about sex-based discrimination so obviously I am referring to biology (therefore medicine and related fields). Sex is who you are in regards to if people want to make a facility for people who have periods, they obviously want female sex and aren't interested in MtF's. Pregnancy centers are for female sex, they have nothing to do with gender. If people want a women's sports team because the best women can't even get close to relevant in men's sports, then obviously inserting biologically male people destroys the entire premise of women's sports. If women want their own dressing rooms and bathrooms because they want a place where there won't be any penises around, saying that anyone can go in defeats the entire point of a woman's bathroom or changing room. I think all these problems have unique solutions but nobody's even trying to go for them because of the minefield that is tranny activism conflating gender and sex. Political correctness has nearly killed me personally because my dying, unconscious body was being handled by a bunch of medical people in different cities who had never met me before. It was only because I forced my politically correct family doctor to make clear my situation in my medical records after a previous bad experience at emergency that they knew how to treat me.

>language IS a semiotic system. what you're saying isn't contradicting what I've said at all.
And is a way to interpret gender performance vis-a-vis the culture. But it is not what makes gender performative,

>This is also meaningless because the performative can exist without any "performance" whatsoever. Strop trying to import dramaturgical ideas where they aren't required
No, it cannot. That’s like saying the somatic can exist without the body

trends come and go. cant wait to see what people will call themselves in 30 years

If I always wanted to be a black man can I force other people to identify me as one?

Shaun King did it, no reason you couldn't.

All of this shit is so fucking tiring. There's nothing wrong with identifying as a man and just not being masculine you nb niggers.

all these people end up blowing their brains out anyways why we gotta change up our pronoun game just for these little fags to blow up or something

>hate crimes against the LGBTBBQ are on the rise
>fail to mention it's because they're all killing themselves


Being gay is easy. Sucking dicks and getting fucked in the ass is a fool's errand. It's zero sum. It's completely ridiculous. Stuffing your throat with a big ol' dick is for cowards. Fuck you.

Why do any of you care

You sure as shit don't listen to this cunt's music

But there is in politically correct culture. There are SO MANY examples of prominent people who lived comfortably as non-masculine males but in the current climate have caved in to pressure to no longer call themselves men and masculine men are often among the first to disown these non-masculine people as men. Either when you put on a dress you are a woman or you are a feminine man. Most of the people who demand you are a feminine man are also the same people who think you are destroying society by wearing the dress as a man (Shapiro is a classic example of this). You have to pick the battle, is the hill you want to die on that men and women are just chromosomes and non-conformity doesn't change that or do you want to die on the hill that men and women are exclusively allowed to do certain things and if you do those things you are by default that gender?

Dubs and you prolapse.

Tomorrow's terrorists...

>The Taliban are the heroes of all transsexuals.

Tomorrow? That gay boy and his tranny boyfriend (ftm) shot up a school in Colorado already.

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part of me wants to be accepting of trannies and non-binary people because it's whatever
but at the same time it's like how could a man possibly know what it's like to be a woman and identify enough with their experience to want to be a woman
it also seems really weird because it's basically just dudes coopting women's problems and demanding to be part of their spaces and stuff

No coincidence "passing" is so decidedly fetishistic and light. We've reached a point where we regard the spiritual essence of womanhood with all the sanctity of going to a Halloween party dressed as a slutty nun.

>That’s like saying the somatic can exist without the body
looks like someone isn't familiar with Deleuze.

laughed out loud at this post

Just respect the individuals you meet and hate the collective. Problem solved. I doubt any individual you meet will actually have thought these things through and if you talked to them, you could come to a place of agreement.

This is good advice.


It's laughable him saying "I'm so scared right now!" Most people don't give a shit that he's gay, now a lot will think he's a self obsessed cunt. What actual risk is he taking? He gets lots of woke points and anyone who says it's retarded will be called a genocidal Nazi.

>Dimantling the face is no mean affair. Madness is a definite danger: Is it by chance that schizos lose their sense of the face, their own and others', their sense of the landscape, and the sense of language and its dominant significations all at the same time? [...] Dismantling the face is the same as breaking through the wall of the signifier and getting out of the black hole of subjectivity

You haven’t yet dismantled the face. You will understand once you have broken through the signifiers you hold so dear

Who fucking cares?

This. Why the fuck should I care? The fact that I don't care makes me 'problematic', fuck this shit.

Sam Smith is awesome and lol at all the triggered /pol/tards in here



>Sam Smith is awesome
Stopped reading there
Regardless of his shit personal life his music sucks ass as well

Nah they’d accuse him of wanting to shut down communication and discussion of gender identities sort of like did

Is he?


but that's just going to increase the amount of /pol/tard losers

>When being gay isn't enough anymore to sell your shitty albums so you need to take it a step further to separate yourself from the crowd and be considered an "individual"
what's next for the LGBTQ+ community?

what's next for right-wing incels who have nothing better to do than to talk shit about someone who has a preference for their gender pronouns?

The attention whoring worked. You tards are already talking about this fag non stop when no one gave a single fuck about this fuck up before this article.

Thank fucking christ there was no twitter around when new wave was popular. You insufferable attention whores would have ruined all those great musicians by focusing on something that nobody gave a shit about.

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He destroyed his career so hard even before this shit

Yeah, but is his music any fucking good?

>Sam Smith
Who is he?

I think you meant who is they?


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hey guys I like to cook, I like to keep a clean house, sometimes I wear pink, and I listened to a beyonce song once

am I non binary


Dubs and you prolapse

lol u gay

you know this is all for attention right? literally all of this non binary, tranny whatever crap is just a fad and will be laughed at 20 years from now.

All this psychoanaltical mumbo jumbo just to dress up the fact you take a dick in the shitter.

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There are going to be a lot of people scrubbing their social media horrified over what they did or believed when they were younger.

18 and up. if you're 18 or over and still believe edgelord shit like this that's even worse lmao

Most trannies are just male feminists who want to have sex with women by tricking them into a false sense of security.

>he says this and gets mad at NB people instead of the social conditioning that created hard edged gender roles
>he gets mad at NB people for removing themselves from their assigned gender because it's "not a big deal" while failing to recognize that in our social conditions someone's perceived gender is super important to forming an identity
lmao read theory brainlet

>I don't care about your sexuality/gender identity, therefor no one does
Correct since 99.9% of the world doesn't care about this petty mentally ill bullshit

you ever take a shit so big that you coom or is the sphincter less sensitive the more dicks you jam in there?

brevity tranny

>he thinks saying slurs everyone here has heard thousands of times is going to give him chaotic neutral joker points
lmao 18 and up buddy

Tranny is not a slur

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my bad

Why can't he just be a gay man? That's exactly what he is

>it's super important cuz I say so
More psychoanaltical gobbledy goop. Here's the auto-correct function on my phone sounding exactly like anything you try to say.
>Our social conditioning is the most evil and most effective form of psych war in the world of the world never comes to mind and that it is not so esoteric haha i fall so much more than that and I feel like i should exercise more reluctance to confide in the future full stop and not be a good thing he had the mind to neck himself over the last two years ago and she rubbed her hands all over the world

good for him


How about you just do what you want and stop caring about what other people think? There's nothing brave about forcing people to conform. Freaks and weirdos in the 80's didn't want normies to like them, that's what made them respectable despite being different.


Why are gay people always such attention seeking faggots?

>not becoming imperceptible
>ooh woo booboo enby gaga poo poo diapey
jakkkobites are brainlet as fuck i'm starting to really lose my patience with this website to be completely honest lad really just not into having to decipher these fucking ESL political posts all day mate can't vibe with this

gender is more than just sexuality buddy, a lot of gay men are "feminine" and comfortable with thinking of themselves as a man sure but that doesn't apply to everyone. also unless you believe in reactionary propaganda like muh degeneracy there's literally no actual problem being caused by people identifying as NB so not sure why you insist on sperging about it
>it's super important cuz I say so
lmao what's the deal with righttards expecting someone's emotions to be rooted in some muh logical hyper rational muh logic? also it's really not hard to understand the words I used if you've made it past middle school hoss


who the fuck cares
why is this news

would the aspergers debate club please shut the fuck up

>>super important to forming an identity
Also, no.

return to discord at your earliest convenience

t. buttpirate

I love how he knows he's going to hell for his parodic hymns to gargling cum.

>everyone who's different wants to be different
not how it works buddy. some people who are different want to be respected.
if you seriously think what I said was hard to understand I don't know what to tell you buddy. come at me with an argument next time
so are you saying most men don't have identities that somewhat revolve around being "masculine"? have you ever been outside?


>want to be respected
you earn respect not beg and whine for it


also this


lmao. learn to be a decent human being and have enough empathy to not feel the need to bully someone every time they dare to break an inconsequential social rule

>so are you saying most men don't have identities that somewhat revolve around being "masculine"? have you ever been outside?
Are you pledge at a fraternity? You grow up inside a middle school locker room or something? No, you fucking faggot.

Now this is peak trannyism

just because something is subtle and doesn't present 24/7 on the surface doesn't mean it doesn't exist lmao. you have legit autism

Nobody called hippies and emos brave and amazing

>so are you saying most men don't have identities that somewhat revolve around being "masculine"? have you ever been outside?
you ever heard of testosterone and it's affect on the human body, tranny? You must have.

>it exists cuz i say so
>it's sooper important because it is
pic related, it's you

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>he thinks a fucking hormone explains the specific social rules that vary across different cultures
lmao go back to r/JordanPeterson, pseud
I said some people feel emotionally about these things which is evidenced by them coming out lmao. sorry if that isn't muh logical enough brainlet

>Yea Forums
Yea Forumstants proving themselves to be the most retarded board yet again.

Why should anyone give a shit about how he's "comfortable thinking about himself"? The problem is if we say this is dumb we're worse than Hitler


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>i said some people pee pee about these things which is poo poo lmao. sorry if that isn't muh golbgolblahblahablhablargbla

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>wh*te boy playing the victim because people call him out on his edgy bullshit
lmao fucking adorable
pwned by logic once again

any human sub species that has evolved in any continent has that stereotypical machismo behavior exhibited by the males, how do you explain that?

>be a decent human being and capitulate to my every demand
nice zoomerism. gender doesn't exist, sex does. pushing this gender bullshit has led to a few societal ills, including all that pedo drag queen shit we've been seeing in all our libraries of late. I hope your meathole doesn't seal itself up. remember to dilate fren.

>I said some people feel emotionally about these things
yeah and they're objectively mentally ill and retarded just like you as evident that you literally have no argument and just spouting bullshit 24/7

>lmow fuggin agdorgable bowned by lojuc sooper important

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Where's your logic and where's your argument?Saying tranny deserve to be respected is not an argument since they're too mentally ill to be respected. That's objective fact.

>Smith said they did not feel male or female
They used to say "this is about gender not sex." Shouldn't it be "did not feel like a man or a woman" He is biologically male, that's a fact. Or is conflating sex and gender the next part of the plan?

housebound teenagers and boomers

who fucking cares what sam smith's pronouns are. it has no effect on any of our lives, move on. braindead retards

Why can't the left meme and why are the left super retarded they cut their own dick off?

>people feel emotionally therefore it matters
high iq big nigga hours


I, too, love the trajectory of liberal bullshit

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I don't feel a victim at all you dumbass. I'm not interested in "victim" status, this is just annoying bullshit. Don't you get that not everyone is playing the victim game?

>who fucking cares what sam smith's pronouns are.
You and Sam Smith apparently. Fortunately 99.9% of the world is still going to refer him as a he and a fag so your retarded whining didn't help at all

>Smith was bullied for having breasts as a child, and had liposuction at age 12

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Why can't the left meme?

remember to mail your cock to africa so that they have something to eat

i don't fucking care i'm never gonna meet the guy or talk about him or discuss his music with anyone. just close the thread and forget about it. braindead retards everywhere

had to reply because you're seething

This little dude got his shit pushed so far up his ass he's farting and popping out his mouth.

t-tr-tr-triggered b-b-bi-bigot

>wants to be respected

As a straight white male that lives in a progressive shit hole city in a neighborhood where I'm the minority I can tell you I don't get respect everywhere I go so no sorry you don't get a free pass either. Grow up faggot.

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umm, excuse me? xey xare xon xinary, xigot

>i don't fucking care i'm never gonna meet the guy
m8 you're continuing to reply to me like some sort of sensitive fag. That ain't healthy and there's nothing wrong with calling Smith a fag and an attention seeking whore

>stereotypical machismo behavior
define? yeah a lot of early societies had men as warriors or whatever but what is and isn't "masculine" still varied. y'know there are more ways to explain this stuff than pure biological determinism, right pseud?
>capitulate to my every demand
yeah using different pronouns is the same as slavery
>they're objectively mentally ill and retarded
if you can give me a source that says trans people have lower cognitive abilities than everyone else I'd love to see it
emotions are literally the only impact here buddy. sorry for considering them
then why are you whining about how people are gonna get mad at you for being edgy?

Memes:Why can't the left do it?

>admitting that he wants to control your behavior
>"why won't people be decent human beans and be happy under my control?"

>being edgy
you do realise 99.9 of the world's population would think this kind of thing is insane bullshit

ebin pwn

>pooping farding shidding and turd hurling
my god holy fuck actually what a poignant retort. hholy Fuck.!!

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>i think something so that must be what everyone thinks

just screams "i am housebound"

no one:
literally no one:
[double digit iq voice]: *inhales*

if I could press a button that would make you feel emotional distress would you be cool with me pressing it to get epic edge points? looks like that makes you an authoritarian fascist!
I mean yeah that's the whole point of people "coming out", pride rallies etc., to change the culture
listen man are you just gonna keep doing this all day or am I gonna get an argument

>had gay friend in high school
>incredibly based guy, fun to hang out with, good looking, insanely smart
>went to college, got super depressed, transitioned, flunked out, got fat
>now has a miserable life hanging around our hometown
I really feel bad for the people who get memed into transitioning. These people have it bad enough and I'm all for not beating them into comas for it, but the level of acceptance has done more harm than good.

>define? yeah a lot of early societies had men as warriors
And today you're still seeing those machismo warrior culture like getting fit and bodybuilding being normally attributed to men. Shit, biologically women still can't get on the same physical level as men so there goes your entire argument.

>yeah using different pronouns is the same as slavery
There's nothing wrong with referring people to their original gender and sex either. he and she is still a dominant force in everyday vocab.

>if you can give me a source that says trans people have lower cognitive abilities than everyone else I'd love to see it
>Such treatments lead to infertility, disrupt brain development and bone development, which increases the risk of osteoporosis later in life, he said. Lupron's side effects also include "neuropsychological" effects such as delusions, anxiety, and nervousness. Users are urged to "monitor for worsening of psychiatric symptoms," he said.

>Laidlaw also warned that cross-sex "wrong-sex" hormones, as he called them, increase the risk of myocardial infarction in both sexes, and that females who receive cross-sex hormones may experience liver dysfunction, hypertension, and cancer.
Why are trannies like you always defend being mentally ill and retarded. Are you projecting?

>emotions are literally the only impact here buddy. sorry for considering them
Why should I respect other people's emotion when there aren't any laws for that unless you live in dumbfuck Britistani.

>then why are you whining about how people are gonna get mad at you for being edgy?
There's nothing edgy about calling tranny mentally ill which they objectively are

cringe and dilatepilled

>i think something so that must be what everyone thinks
*reddit spacing*
just screams mentally ill tranny with an agenda to push

Except homosexuality is natural and fine. NB is edgy narcissism degeneracy

how can you believe the resulting behavior is a societal construct? literally 99% of people will be fine with their gender/sex, at any point in human history. literally any sub group of humans isolated from one another exhibits the same fundamental gender/sex behavior and you reply with:
>it has minor differences so it don't real

>I want to control how people talk to me
>I swear this isn't authoritarian you bigot

>if I could press a button that would make you feel emotional distress
99.9% of the world doesn't feel emotionally distressed when you mispronounced them, so yeah its just further proof that trannies are mentally ill.

>I mean yeah that's the whole point of people "coming out", pride rallies etc., to change the culture
The whole point of pride culture is government wanting and subsidizing a new breed of taxpayers, nothing more.

Because the left is angry and unfunny and hates anyone having any fun whatsoever. I call it leftist fragility. They know their ideology is indefensible on an intellectual level so they attack thing likes logic and reason to avoid being back discredited.

Why anyone would want to be a leftist is beyond me. It takes a whole lot of work just ti hate yourself. My guess is that leftists are inferior people and they know it, so they take to it to elevate themselves as weaklings

Friendly reminder that most of the homophobic and transphobic insults in this thread are from incels and closet cases.

>Except homosexuality is natural
>and fine

>celebrity comes out as mentally ill
hope he gets the help he needs. Mental illness is crippling this country.

it's because the tranny thinks the rupaul show is a good representation of the world

Reminder that trannies are literally naturally incels

[citation needed]

Reminds me of those leftist powerpoints were they say that objectivity, reason and empiricism are tools of white supremacy.

Why can't you just have anal sex or dress as a woman without "changing the culture"? Why does everyone's lives have to change because of your kinks?

really? my cute trans girlfriend certainly isn't as I've packed her shit in almost every night.

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I'm actually a chaser bud.

damn /pol/ chads really are winning the culture war. Homo and tranny hating sentiments still dominates the board. That's radically cool

Why the fuck is the only thread on the whole board that anyone is replying to other than Kpop about fucking Sam Smith? Can we talk about actual music? Why is every board infested with /pol/tards? What a fucking terrible website

>packed her shit in
We know.

pic related is her

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>Why is every board infested with /pol/tards? What a fucking terrible website
because the mods don't do anything about banning them

Dubs and you prolapse.


>wait what? you're transphobic? sorry user, im not going on that date with you

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NB is narcissistic, authoritarian bullshit made up with the intent to confuse people
and when confused people express their confusion activists jump on calling them bigots
other confused people see this and decide to not express their confusion so the cycle continues and it worms deeper in

it's post-modern thought police nonsense and you shouldn't support it, nor should you ever apologize for questioning it.

Reminder that the only reason why you’re trans is because it’s a fad and you’re a weakling and coward who found it easier to play dress-up than to stand up for yourself against the dying West’s assault on men and masculinity.

You fell for a ruse. You’re a sucker and transitioning will never allieviate the alienation you feel because you know it’s phony deep inside

What's her Onlyfans?

The mental operation these people engage in is creating a stereotype about masculinity, and saying that you arent really a man if you don't conform to that steretype.

>And today you're still seeing those machismo warrior culture
yup. we still live under a patriarchy. good work.
>hit, biologically women still can't get on the same physical level as men
sure. when we're talking about muscle development and bone structure there's biological sex differences definitely. in fact, that neatly explains why cultures had men as warriors without needing "men are innately machismo" bullshit
this is about treatments for transgenderism, not transgenderism itself
>Why should I respect other people's emotion when there aren't any laws for that unless you live in dumbfuck Britistani.
lol I mean if you're genuinely sociopathic and don't care about other people's emotions I guess you got me on that point
>There's nothing edgy about calling tranny mentally ill which they objectively are
see my response to the article you posted conditioning chief. most people are successfully conditioned
>iterally any sub group of humans isolated from one another exhibits the same fundamental gender/sex behavior and you reply with
what are the defining traits of masculinity? I seriously need an answer for this if we're gonna argue about it
wanting people to be nice to you is literally 1984 yeah
>99.9% of the world doesn't feel emotionally distressed when you mispronounced them
trans people have spent their whole lives confused and insecure about their gender which most people haven't so it's reasonable to expect them to be more sensitive about it

It's not really that /pol/ to think this is retarded

Dubs and you're a closet case who wants big black cock up your ass

>have boatloads of thread that he can choose on Yea Forums
>goes to one of the most sensational threads
>click on the create post button
>types loads of letters
>"hurr duurrr why do you care about this nobody cares hurr durr fuck /pol!"

Why are leftist always retarded?

Dubs and your asshole falls out ie prolapse.

being a bug chaser doesn't change my post

Wrong. I'm a cis guy who is a chaser.

Although, I do go cross-dressing on Halloween and certain cosplay events but that doesn't count as trans.

never posted an article, and not an argument

>never posted an article
>not an argument
which point?

please stop wasting your energy replying to these retards. you seem like one of the good guys just go bust a fat rope and forget about it

You’re a mentally-ill faggot, so it’s really not so substantially different

you know a board is full of morons when they can't tell the difference between trans and non-binary

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That patriarchy you're complaining about built the women's clothing store, ran electrical and plumbing and also maintained the roads to get to it so you could buy fishnets and high heels to get fucked in. Just a reminder.

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>contolling speech isn't 1984
I want people to be nice to me too, but guess what, shit doesn't always happen. go fuck your meathole and calm down.

or we don't actually care

There is no real transgender shit. There’s nothing “good” about it. People are destroying their bodies because of a fad.

It’s pushed by Western governments because it pacifies alienated men. Don’t you see that?

It's ultimately founded in the same thing: attention seeking.

Gender and sex are the same thing. You can thank pedo sex researcher, John Money for separating the two and creating this hellscape of a world we live in today.

Is he related to the guy in the sticky?

>It’s pushed by Western governments because it pacifies alienated men
you heard it here first folks trump wants people to be trannies
go back to your gangstalking thread on /x/

Then do better

>but user. Why are you transphobic? Didn't you know I'm trans? wow too bad. We're not going on that date.

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It's supposed to be under the fucking trans umbrella and people who are non-binary say they are trans (and even more 'marginalized' than transgenders) so what is the truth?

>what are the defining traits of masculinity? I seriously need an answer for this if we're gonna argue about it
agressive, dominating, hunter type. like you didn't already know?

you're in the thread dude don't pretend you don't care. hit that x in the corner if you don't

>that comment about the tomboy brainwashed into thinking they're a dude and trying to get her boy friends to be bisexual or whatever

As much as I love tomboys and am sad they've been genocided, that dude dodged a bullet.


fuck he's got me there

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>agressive, dominating, hunter type.
this describes every man that ever existed?

>thinks Trump and the administration class are on good terms
You are one lost faggot, son

>men are so autistic about admitting to liking girly shit that they literally lose their fucking mind
What the fuck is wrong with people.

it doesn't have to, what's your point here?

>yup. we still live under a patriarchy. good work.
[citation needed]
>sure. when we're talking about muscle development and bone structure there's biological sex differences definitely. in fact, that neatly explains why cultures had men as warriors without needing "men are innately machismo" bullshit
But men are indeed innately machismo since they can still beat the everliving shit out of women even if they're scrawny as fuck. Biology determines the overall perceptions of gender culture and the fact that men are still viewed as machismo and trannies are viewed as mentally ill speaks to how solid our biology is.
>this is about treatments for transgenderism, not transgenderism itself
Not only have you not posted any article or any kind of counterargument ,you also retardedly dismiss a scientific article detailing the fact that heavy hormone blocking supplements can indeed ruin your brain development, causing several mental problems. Why are you hellbent on making people miserable and mentally ill?
>lol I mean if you're genuinely sociopathic and don't care about other people's emotions I guess you got me on that point
I'm not the one who's retarded enough to ignore the fact that 99.9% of the world ignore this bullshit excuse of a problem.
>conditioning chief. most people are successfully conditioned
Are you projecting? You're the only one conditioned to defend this retarded behavior. Everywhere else people still follow their own sex/gender.
>trans people have spent their whole lives confused and insecure about their gender which most people haven't so it's reasonable to expect them to be more sensitive about it
More reasons why they're so mentally ill, people do not get confused about their gender and sex. Its literally only male,female and hermaphrodites of which trannies are not a part of.

What is liking girly shit?

your stipulation was that machismo is a social construct, was it not? a minority of gay people doesn't change the fact that most will conform irrespectively of their culture

you're making a biological determinist argument that states this is how men actually are. in order to back it up
there is nothing you just said that I disagree with lmao

>there is nothing you just said that I disagree with lmao
so you concede that machismo is not a social construct and infact innate in male -- be it hormonal or otherwise?

here is no difference, they're both mentally ill faggots

>in order to back it up
finish ur sentences, tranny. and i don't need to back it up it's a well documented phenomenon in all of human history

How long until he transitions?

>[citation needed]
guy literally gave me evidence of that
>But men are indeed innately machismo since they can still beat the everliving shit out of women even if they're scrawny as fuck.
violence isn't really an important part of our society for most people anymore
> heavy hormone blocking supplements can indeed ruin your brain development
lmao that's why I said the article was about treatments for transgenderism holy moly. you have to be joking
>I'm not the one who's retarded enough to ignore the fact that 99.9% of the world ignore this bullshit excuse of a problem.
most people wouldn't be straight up rude to these people, and if that were the case, social conditioning would explain it.
> Everywhere else people still follow their own sex/gender.
and I'm saying that's what they're conditioned to do holy shit you are fucking retarded
>people do not get confused about their gender and sex
so people who identify as transgender do not exist. well glad we figured out this one
must've misinterpreted your post, my apologies. my point is that if 'masculinity' is innate, there shouldn't be any reason for most men to not exhibit these bizarre primitive traits the user mentioned. most men don't even get into fights with each other and that's because society changed. only some men are in positions of actual dominance
my bad
*in order to back it up, every man would have to exhibit these traits
>i don't need to back it up
lmao ok buddy. nice talking to you

that's what your deficient tranny brain doesn't get.. most men don't NEED to do these things to survive any more. it's undeniable they did them when times called, irrespective of culture. do you now concede?

>*in order to back it up, every man would have to exhibit these traits
how many fingers do humans have on one hand? 5? no no this is incorrect, see this retard was born with seven, this totally invalidates the 99% who are born with 5. do you concede?

>Not a point
It absolutely is
>You certainly have
How so?
>Not a point
I answered your question.
>Not a point
It absolutely is.
>No one in this thread has intellectually engaged with anything you've said so far
>Only I say who is mentally ill or not

i like white better anyway

Like I said, whatever makes you feel better.

What did I say that?

Also, not an argument

Right, as I've said three times already, whatever makes you feel better.

>guy literally gave me evidence of that
[citation needed]
>violence isn't really an important part of our society for most people anymore
And men are still attributed to machismo stuff like working out, body building and loud shits
>lmao that's why I said the article was about treatments for transgenderism holy moly. you have to be joking
>trannies are using hormone treatment to become mentally ill trannies
>hurr durr its not transgenderism because I said so!
>most people wouldn't be straight up rude to these people, and if that were the case, social conditioning would explain it.
Why should they deserve respect? everybody knows that mentally ill people belong in an asylum and should be treated properly
>and I'm saying that's what they're conditioned to do holy shit you are fucking retarded
They're not conditioned at all. Its biological fact that there's only 2 primary sex and gender. Male and female. Everything else is a genetic anomaly of which trannies are not part of.
>so people who identify as transgender do not exist. well glad we figured out this one
transgender don't exist at all, they're mentally ill people.

>whatever makes you
It's not about me. This is not relevant.

Exactly, whatever makes you feel better.

good to know a beta incel weak minded tranny doesn't even have the intellectual honesty to admit he was wrong.

You know you are taking to different anons right?

I've already addressed this, so like I said previously; whatever makes you feel better.

>I've already addressed this
Quote me where you addressed this TO ME

Whatever makes you feel better.

it's not hard to understand
epic atheist steevie steve molly debate argument: become imperceptible instead of agonizing over your self image it's fucking easy

What makes me feel better is when you admit I am right and you are wrong.

Is that what you are admitting?

Again, whatever makes you feel better.


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>takes dick in the shitter