Make good music with minilogue? you better belibe i do...

make good music with minilogue? you better belibe i do. it has much charater and lots of preset spots to save cool sounds that you can use latere. I make cwhole tacks with it sometiems and uther times i just use it to make funn y sounds and just laugh and luagh. uyou should try it out sometime go byy a used miniliogue as soon as you can they are not expesinvie not billig ver y cool actually and lots of fun.

Attached: miniogoeu.jpg (280x180, 9K)

I paired mine with this pedal. It sounds pretty neat now.

Also, Sterelab use a Minilogue in their live setup.

Attached: MS70CDR-large.jpg (445x750, 56K)

I'm thinking about buying the NTS-1 to use as an effects unit for the minilogue and also to get an extra albeit limited oscillator

I find most boss pedals pair great with the minilogue. Usually I just add effects in my DAW, but the onboard delay sounds great honestly.

coool, lemme here sum of your musics

>I make cwhole tacks with it sometiems
Thanks for the laugh OP.

I thought this thing could be programmed in microtones, why hasn't anyone done this aside from that stupid interview with Aphex?

Is this the comfy thread?

what reverb pedals are better than the bigsky? List as many as you want

I think the minilogue just recently got microtones in an update from a month or two ago. I haven't tried it yet. maybe all of us who own it are just plebs idk

Any, bigsky is overrated and expensive.