Listen to album once

>listen to album once
>listen to it again and pick the songs I like
>add them to a playlist and never listen the other songs again
Based or cringe?

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I used to do this in middle school

Based as FUCK. I started doing this recently. I'm fucking sick of listening to and downloading albums where less that 60% of the songs are actually good. Fuck Yea Forums for tricking me into the album meme.

Then you became intellectually dishonest. Happens to everyone.

Do people actually listen to songs they don't like? That's fucking stupid.

Even in the days before playlists we just skipped songs we didn't like. Fucking people skipped songs when all they had was vinyl.

>Listen to an artist's albums enough
>Just start shuffling their discography when I listen to them for some variety
Based or cringe?

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i do the same, thing, don't got time or desire to listen to some shitty song 100 times to maybe let it grow on me

Imagine these Yea Forums virgins forcing themselves to like albums and songs because Scaruffi called them metaphysical masterpieces in the likes of works of John Coltrane or Beethoven lmao

>listen to album once
>extract all the audible intakes of breath and fingers sliding on guitar strings
>make plunderphonics masterpiece
>post on soundcloud
>gets no listens ever for infinity
>never listen to album again out of spite

>listen to an album a few times
>like a few songs, the rest are meh, skip the ones I don't like
>think one day why I like some songs off of this album and not the others
>listen to the whole thing again
>most if not every song clicks
>feel silly for not giving them a chance before
>pity others who don't have such a beautiful experience

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I think somewhere the narrative got twisted, because I can imagine people being critical of people who claim to be a fan of something but don't listen to the whole thing.....but then I think some people twisted that to mean "you must listen to everything in its entirety all the time to be legit" because people on Yea Forums have a lot of autism and lack of awareness.

That's nice, but not every album is gonna deliver like that.

>listen to an album once
>delisten myself from the albums aural plane
>recreate the album in a metaplanar sense
>give the album 0.5 stars on rym
>call it aoty on Yea Forums
>never listen to album again out of fear for the timelines balance

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None will if you don't give them a chance

I used to do that with Korn's album. I only liked Got The Life and nothing else.

thats exactly what happened. the initial thought was pretty reasonable: if you want to discuss whole albums, or rate whole albums, it would be nice if you at least heard the whole thing, preferably a few times. and then the internet, and subsequently, autism happened.

People that don't do this are weird as fuck.

Why would you keep listening to stuff that doesn't click with you? Life's too short for that shit.

>they don't listen to albums where every song is good


I only listen on shuffle.

Absolutely based, there's literally no reason to waste your life listening to songs you don't like


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Link your album please

Based but autistic