Eddie Money Dead
Other urls found in this thread:
he just redeemed his ticket to paradise...
I'm 29 and barely know who he is. Is it because I'm a bong?
RIP tickets to paradise man
Sorry mate we only care about Dylan
Be glad you're a Zoomer. His music was popular among Boomers.
I'm 30 and have no fucking clue. I'm gonna guess he was some sort of American 80's pop-rocker based on that image alone.
You would know his music from at least one GTA game
F, so long eddie, rest in peace.
Take me home tonight
I don't want to let you go till you see the light
Take me home tonight
Listen honey
Just like Ronnie sang
Be my little baby
And not a single tear was shed.
No he was a two hit wonder from the early 80s who made AOR corporate rock that occasionally pops up on the classic rock station
This is a tragic day for the 10 middle aged housewives who still remember who he is.
I just googled him. He literally never charted in the UK. It's kinda adorable that you Americans think your shitty music is relevant to the rest of the world.
this guy was a legendary alcoholic
is this about the gravel
wow. its serious.
i honestly thought he died in the 80s
So is every rockstar.
dude had some pretty cool songs. don't smoke kids that throat cancer aint no joke and doesnt care if you got millions in the bank or living out on the street. you get snuffed out before your time
No sticky for the Money Man?
Nah, if Glenn Branca and Scott Walker didn't get one he shouldn't.
I worked with him. We booked him for a 75-90m set and after 35 minutes it started to lightly rain. He walked off and I threatened to sue him for breach of contract including the damages for our lost revenue and he reluctantly went back on, finished the set. The whole time he was wasted, and then trashed the guest house we had rented for him.
low tier boomer rock
Based as fuck.
Wtf I love Eddie Money now???
Oh yeah so cool, putting my career at stake because he's a temperamental manchild diva. What a based boomer
He got trashed in front of his wife (gf?) and kids (grown-up) even though he was in rehab for drinking like a year or two before. That's the kind of person he was, and why he died of cancer
Wtf I thought he was black. Loved him in Shrek, Beverly Hills Cop, Dr Doolittle, Norbit, Party All the Time. Legend.
That's what you get for booking shitty music.
press S to spit on cancer victims
He's got his ticket to paradise now
>tfw more people care about a kpop singer than this guy
Mods sticky
This guy's music sucked.
So long Eddie, May god bless thy soul and godspeed.
No wild drunken stories? Shame on you Yea Forums.
RIP Money Man. F
Huge fucking F. If you can believe it, I've seen Eddie Money live about ten times.
>Two Tickets to Paradise
>Shakin (Top 5 Coke Anthem)
>Cool Cool Waters
>Take Me Home Tonight
>Think I'm In Love
>Walk On Water
nice try fag.
Take Me Home Tonight is a fucking banger
rent free
I worked security at a concert he played a decade ago. F
Only 2 of these are remembered.
Take Me Home Tonight is a terrible song
Whoa what about Baby Hold On? another monster hit
This looks like a Swans album cover
Not op but go to any bar in America with those songs and everyone will know the chorus to any of those. plus baby hold on
Do you know what the term AOR even means? I guess this is your brain on revisionist pop hegemony.
trash boomer music
Don't forget I Wanna Go Back
Sticky When?
go listen to mumble rap then zoomer
I got one ticket to paradise! Won't you pack me in a body bag tonight!
Never we don't give a fuck about this guy
1 thread can barely stay on the first page, nobody gives a fuck about him
Press S to spit on good artists.
Jammin to that now
He died of esophageal cancer
May he rest in peace.
This sucks
so does your mom
must suck being irrelevant
Can’t say I was the biggest fan, but fuck me if I didn’t sing along every time one of his songs was on the radio.
>Guy doesn't want to get electrocuted
>Jew threatens to sue
Good pop rock music, RIP EDDIE
Eddie was jewish
rest in piss talentless hack
Uh you mean Swans album covers look like Eddie Money album covers
Checked but their was a ceiling to it, he was just finding any excuse to get paid and go drink
He was Irish Catholic. His real last name is Mahoney.
Fair enough. On with the show and then get lit.
My mom has one of his albums on vinyl. I should borrow it.
No, he's really not very good .
>Hate Eddie Money
>But parents loved him for some reason
>Dad dies in 2014
>Every weekend and some weeknights for two years was my mom sitting as a drunken crying mess listening to Eddie Money songs
>Past couple of years it’s only been holidays or other sad mom hours
>The man himself dies
>Holiday season imminent and a family wedding tomorrow
F to him, quadruple F- to my fucking relationship with my family
[spoiler]Gimme Some Water and Trinidad are ok
>I was doing this show at the Grammy Museum and I said, “My wife always looks like a million bucks and she spends so much money on clothes and I hate it. It’s the Jew in me.” And when I said that [laughs] because my mother is Jewish, [industry lawyer] Bob [Lefsetz] didn’t realize that and mentioned it [in his popular newsletter]. He thought I was Irish Catholic, Polish or German or something and all of a sudden he said I was anti-Semitic and I’m going, “What are you talking about?” [Laughs] It was a misunderstanding and I thought it was a funny joke because I got Jewish blood in me.
at least it wasn't kpoop
Based quads
Here’s source on that quote btw
The man up stairs took him home tonight
This fucking sucks.
RIP Eddie Money. Even though he had issues with alcohol, he was an extremely talented dude. Great voice, charismatic frontman, top notch sax player, and damn near the best tambourine skills in the business.
No sticky yet for this rock icon? Damn. I guess if he was a millennial mumble rapper he'd get one.
literally who
RIP money man
Only newfag zoomers care about stickies anymore
My favorite is I’ll get by
The man had 3 singles in the top 100 in every album
Can we ban rap from this board already? This is a music board not a chimps with coconuts and trashcans board.
He had 3 singles but I have double repeating digits
Clout martyr.
fuck boomers
Was about to post this.
This boomer kike doesn't deserve shit.
He was Irish m8.
This is our board not yours, now shut the FUCK up and apply for a job, faggot.
Go join this irrelevant fatass in hell old man
glad im not the only one that thought of this,
i fucking love lpc
i listened to some songs and wew this guy was terrible
Thank you, Eddie
No, mods would rather sticky for the death of some dumb degenerate rappers than a timeless music legend.
Who tf is this fag
Take Me Home Tonight has to be one of the most overused songs for WACKY ROMCOM TRAILERS
Fucking eddie money gets a sticky and scott walker got nothing? Fuck you mods.
>This got the sticky
literally who
boomer buttrock
This dude is cheese
Eddie Money you illiterate pleb
Billie Eilish
Thank you based mods.
Redeeming yourselves for making a sticky yesterday about some literally who talentless autist.
>this faggot got a sticky
He used to play free shoes on the santa cruz boardwalk watching him play with his daughter was wholesome rip
based boomer retard
>Zoomers seething at an actual musician getting a sticky
Wtf I love Eddie money now
Oh yeah, I remember at the end of August when he came out that he had cancer.
>stickie for a thread about a literal who that wouldn't have even reached bump limit otherwise
god this guy's music is shit
wtf mods
I have literally never seen anyone talk about Eddie Money on this board
Why the fuck did he get a sticky?
We really lost a legend mu/bros/!
sux but what can u do, just roll a blunt ya know 4 rockin eddie! shredding up in heaven with the J man.
kill yourselves mods
No sticky for Glenn Branca, but le gta soundtrack man gets one
thank you based mod for the sticky
i'll be blasting Eddie Money tonight at my apartment complex. the entire complex is full of zoomers.
wtf why sticky
I used to make Eddie Money threads quite frequently, but that was like 10 years ago when Yea Forums was my home board. I doubt any posters from back then are still here.
Mods don't know who Glenn Branca is.
>mom moderating Yea Forums again
I just checked this guys music out, its objectively garbage
Mods, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Start drinking now. That way you'll be well-prepared for what awaits you tomorrow.
Protip, Padraig: Jews steal names like they steal diamonds. It's how they infiltrate nations, or did you think all those German-Yiddish names came from the Levant?
zoomers BTFO
Nutty Professor, Norbit, Coming to America, Beverly Hills Cop, Dr Doolittle, SNL, Shrek
Genius actor
Not a big loss for music.
Aren't stickies only so that non Yea Forumstants don't shit up the board when someone famous dies? The only other boards that would know Scott are lit and fa
Kind of, but Daniel Johnston got one and he's almost Yea Forumscore
It's to avoid there being 5+ threads in the catalog about their death. There were a lot about Daniel Johnston, then a few threads were made complaining about lack of a sticky. All that just for a few hundred replies over the course of hours
I'd trade Eddie Money living for one more minute in exchange for all the (c)rappers in the world getting struck by lighting.
omg this music is like bad yuppie rock
>Glenn Branca didn't get a sticky
>Ornette Coleman didn't get a sticky
>Alan Vega didn't get a sticky
>Vinnie Paul didn't get a sticky
>Jaki Liebezeit didn't get a sticky
>Holger Czukay didn't get a sticky
>Glen Campbell didn't get a sticky
>Scott Walker didn't get a sticky
>David Berman didn't get a sticky
in the same amount of time, David Berman, who just died a month ago, was not stickied despite threads hitting bump limit and collectively having amounted to well over 1000 replies.
wtf is wrong with this board
>literally who?
Gtfo boomer, fuck your shitty yuppie rock.
eddie money is shit but crying about a bunch of literally whos who didnt get stickies is a bitch thing to do
holy fucking shit
>doesn't know who Glen Campbell is
zoomer kys
maybe if he was actually talented he would he be more well-known
>Yea Forums in 2019
>Liebezeit, Branca and Walker didn't get a sticky
>a literally who boomer did
>doesn't recognize the guys from can or suicide
>doesn't know scott walker
prog is shit.
>I don't know someone therefore they are untalented and not well-known
just googled him, apparently he made lame country shit for boomers? lmao that's some nice contrarian bullshit you have there. muh old is good, right?
>just googled him, apparently he made lame country shit for boomers? lmao that's some nice contrarian bullshit you have there. muh old is good, right?
Hold still zoomer this will only hurt for a second
Eddie Money was kinda like Huey Lewis but a fat drunk
Why the fuck did the Take Me Home Tonight guy get a sticky? I don't think he's ever been relevant on this board, even the archives only have 9 pages of posts mentioning him.
>Ornette Coleman didn't get a sticky
This board should be shut down
lmao not an argument my 16 year old boomer friend
Shitty early 80s buttrock
just this shit site doing what it do in the drumpf and pol era. this take me home tonight nigga represent cookie cutter whiteness and is a symbol of when "murrica was great." bland white dude with money making music for other bland white dudes with money. glad rock is dying and trap taking over.
>Eddie Money gets sticky
>Ornette Coleman doesn't
The fucking state of this board
ok this is based
Eddie Money[Columbia, 1978]
Sorry, girls (and guys)--live inspection reveals that the sleek stud on the cover (and in the ads) is as pudgy and sloppy as his voice. He even has jowls. Watch those cheeseburgers, Eddie boy, or you'll never get to the caviar.C-
ah fuck now all the radio stations are going to fucking play Take Me Home Tonight all weekend
im black but love this dude. he knows white people no longer drive music culture and has gave black music the props over vanilla rock shit for 40 years.
My nigga
Who the fuck is this?
Based and fuckmodspilled
ornette coleman established free jazz as a genre.
Trap is like the most cookie cutter genre ever lmao
even if I liked him, it's not like he's been cranking out his best work.
he's just another hasbeen, like Janet Jaxon or Master P.
Yet somehow not as generic and bland as "Eddie Money"
free jazz is shit
The people ITT right now talking shit about Eddie Money are providing proof that they are 1. Utter newfags and literally zoomsters, and 2. They have absolute shit in music. I'm sure they'll reply to this while clutching their tofu-consuming vaginas in anger, but they'll just have deal with being a tastelet forevermore.
this guy makes music for supermarkets
Nice try but no, most trap music sounds pretty much the same, it's hard to top that.
He has a song about shooting a guy at the Mexican border called Give me Some Water. Fuck his racist ass.
you should be extremely embarrassed if this is your genuine reaction to that list
Correction, I forgot to put quotes in my search. The archives only have 6 pages of posts mentioning him.
Mountain dew baja blast por favor senor eddie dinero
Why is this stickied? The fucking Sam Smith pronoun thread has more replies than this did when stickied.
unironically who
Right! Daniel Johnston didn’t get a sticky. :(
Damn I was just listening to him this morning.
yacht rock singer big in the early 80s but does not hold up today
yeah he did retard
I didn’t see it, calm down.
It got removed early yesterday morning just before it could reach sticky limit.
Literally who?
Not even memeing
crap boomer rock
I don't know who any of those people are either
They still play him on classic rock radio stations, I always change it though
Then what are you doing on this board you daft cunt? Why are you even here?
Calm down grandpa
80's pop rock guy who had 9 Billboard top 40 singles but has never been particularly relevant on this board, you might have heard this song before in movie trailers.
To pay my respects to the MONEY MAN
Hey you lil zoomer shits, grab a spoon and eat my turdz!
Why are people being so mean in this thread? ;-;
*11 singles
Look where you are.
>pop rock
Why the fuck does he have a sticky?
>playboi carti is the new kevin shields and die lit is Yea Forumscore now
>grimesposting doesn't exist anymore (thank god)
>clairo and billie elish are the new waifus of Yea Forums
>anco is garbage and most people here seem to agree now
>scott walker didn't get a sticky
>/daily/ is dead
>sharethreads are dead now
shit musician that shouldn't have been stickied especially when other more liked artists here didn't get one
Zoomers eat my shit. hope this sticky stays forever
This guy fucking sucks man. Boring music.
I don't know either.
This guys music is actually terrible
Based quads
Go ask your mom, and ask her to show you her Eddie Money albums.
its about time mods pin someone who actually deserves it
most of the fags in this thread have obviously never played GTA San Andreas.
>mad about ornette "dead nigger" Coleman and whoever the fuck Scott Walker is
>calls Eddie Money shitty and irrelevant
Like you. Kill yourself and we'll raise a glorious thread in your honoUr.
True. People are raging in this thread for other reasons too
He is and those aren't. Go back to /pol/.
ok thanks
One of the greatest moments in musical history. Eddie Money died so that real talent could take his place
Calm down racist boomer.
I'd rather ask your mom desu
incel zoomer rage
chads fuck to eddie money
>Angry as all hell zoomers in here
Based eddie
His fans dont have working dicks
your mom says otherwise
Just because your mom fucks for money doesn’t mean mine does
this nigga trash
What does his weight have to do with the music? This guy's a hack
>Scott Walker didn't get a sticky
I've seen my Mom's music shelf and she doesn't have a single Eddie Money album. The bulk of it is Bonnie Raitt's discography.
He ain’t even fat though
You don't have a mom, you have two dads.
>all these Yea Forums kiddies who can’t appreciate the neo-spectorian pop masterpiece that is take me home tonight
reminder that everything encompassing phil spector is and was the single greatest force in the history of popular music
horrible news. RIP eddie
go ask your mom about my dick and see how she wet she gets
Bruh how bad are you at detecting samefags?
>less than 300 replies in 6 hours
Still more than you'll get. LOL
My parents are both straight and you're a faggot who can't accept not everybody cared about Eddie Money.
boomer jew
eddie money was more relevant than any of those could wish to be
In Buttfuck, Kansas maybe
>sticky for some boomer one-hit wonder with absolutely no musical legacy
lmao at Yea Forums mods
Eddie Money is (was) based as fuck.
Mods doing the right thing for once.
Bring Yea Forums back to its glory days of discussing real musicians instead of literally who pipsqueak low-fi autists.
Kill yourself
Only Ornette Coleman and Glen Campbell deserve stickies from that list. Eddie Money rightfully deserves this one, too, and you'd probably add him to that list if he didn't get one.
Kill yourself
Fuck no we wouldn't. This guy was truly irrelevant. He's a cheesy 80s pop singer with 2 hits
>absolutely no musical legacy
>one-hit wonder
you drunk buddy?
he helped revive ronnie spector’s career, (not that you know or have any respect for who that is)
he managed to create a wholly new song out of an old idea (be my baby) that pretty much defined the 1980s. people like you have never even heard “back to mono.”
I literally made that list.
No you didn't
>David Berman didn't get a sticky
he did, but only for like 45 minutes lel
Does anybody here unironically like any of his music?
>He's a cheesy 80s pop singer
kek he was a 70s rock star who had a resurgence in the 80s
>with 2 hits
Verifiably false.
Imagine being so pleb you don't even know basic facts about Eddie Money. The quality of this board has plummeted so far baka desu
he was barely mentioned in the archive
Take Me Home Tonight is top-tier 80s mullet rock
>166 results found including posts today
Jeez that's not even a full thread
take me home tonight is a pop masterpiece. you fags need to get off your high horses, i used to have the same uptight mentality as you guys. couldn’t even appreciate a well-written mainstream pop song.
No Control is one of the best rock albums of 1982.
pick one
listen to more music. genuinely, not even attacking you here.
I gave it a shot and I can't this guy is pure cheese rock that should stay in 1980
why is this sticky and who is this olden dude
it always goes over well in my 80's cover band
car commercial buttrock artist
>he helped revive ronnie spector's career
That's a flat-out lie, her career has been dead since Phil tried to get the Ronettes together again and not even the album that tried to follow the coattails of TMHT was a commercial success.
i dont think you know what that word means
not an argument. when did this word become a pejorative? maybe you just hate fun bro.
Not an argument
>That's a flat-out lie, her career has been dead since Phil tried to get the Ronettes together again
in what year, user?
>not even the album that tried to follow the coattails of TMHT was a commercial success.
irrelevant, i never argued that eddie was very much more than a few-hit wonder throughout his career.
>in what year
Late 70's, they toured for a few years and then broke up again until they reunited for their induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
>i never argued that eddie was very much more than a few-hit wonder throughout his career
I'm not talking about Eddie's album. Ronnie Spector only released four albums, with the only one charting being on Billboard's Heatseekers chart three years ago. This album tried to extend in her brief success after TMHT came out and made no money.
based eddie money dabbing on zoomers even after death
why should i trust that you’ve heard enough “pop” (an inherently broad term) music to make such a judgement?
>Adam Yauch didn't get a sticky
>Bill Doss didn't get a sticky
>Ravi Shankar didn't get a sticky
>Pete Seeger didn't get a sticky
>Bob Casale didn't get a sticky
>Ben E. King didn't get a sticky
>Ornette Coleman didn't get a sticky
>Chris Squire didn't get a sticky
>Pierre Boulez didn't get a sticky
>George Martin didn't get a sticky
>Keith Emerson didn't get a sticky
>Merle Haggard didn't get a sticky
>Alan Vega didn't get a sticky
>Jaki Liebezeit didn't get a sticky
>Gregg Allman didn't get a sticky
>Glen Campbell didn't get a sticky
>Walter Becker didn't get a sticky
>Holger Czukay didn't get a sticky
>Charles Bradley didn't get a sticky
>Glenn Branca didn't get a sticky
>XXXTentacion didn't get a sticky (based actually)
>Vinnie Paul didn't get a sticky
>Pete Shelley didn't get a sticky
>Scott Walker didn't get a sticky
>David Berman didn't get a sticky
>X Japan bassist got a sticky
>Joe Jackson got a sticky
>Dick Dale got a sticky
>Eddie Money got a sticky
anyone to add?
>shitting on Dick Dale
this board is full of braindead millenials and zoomers
Good fucking God mods...
Whine whine whine. More Eddie tracks !
>Gimme some water
>I wanna go back
>Baby hold on
Look I don't even mind Eddie Money but there's no way he deserved a sticky over George Martin, Ornette Coleman, Pete Shelley, or even X.
Because "pop" music is objectively shit and if you think people need to listen to a lot of shit to ascertain that fact then you're an idiot
lmao you guys are fucking schizos
>objectively shit
lmao nope, try again mr REAL MOOSIC
do you guys know what the point of stickys are
Eddie was ok and not really worth the sticky but this Zoomer rage is making it worth it desu
Who the fuck cares about Eddie Money
idk user, you don’t sound very credible at all.
we already had this discussion last month so I'll just repost what I said:
I used to think that as well and I used to respond to the people asking for a sticky the same way, only up until recently though. That is definitely the case for other boards still. However, this is clearly not the case for Yea Forums anymore. The Dick Dale thread stayed up for a while despite not getting many replies. It only got over 300 replies because it was stickied for so long. Dick Dale, while influential, is hardly someone whose death merits a sticky (i.e. he's not notable enough for the thread to have to be stickied because otherwise you'll see duplicate threads filling up the board). The same goes for the Fats Domino stickied thread (only got 370 replies). Then there was the thread last year for Joe Jackson, despite him not being a musician and only having been a fucking talent manager that people only knew because he was Michael Jackson's father. Roky Erikson got a sticky and deserved it. David Berman deserved one as well.
Also another way to disprove your point is that when XXXTentacion died he did not get a sticky. Which is kind of based to be honest but what happened as a result was the entire board (and I mean literally the entire board) was filled with threads about him. This pushed all the other threads down in the bump order and quickly archived them. That is what a sticky is meant to prevent. And yet they didn't sticky a thread for that stupid kid.
>shit smells bad
>assume it tastes bad
>"y-you can't say it tastes bad unless you've eaten it"
>eat shit
>tastes like shit
>"y-you haven't eaten enough shits to have a valid opinion"
who cares
o i am laffin
God will be taking him home tonight.
We do. Yea Forums (basically founded in the 1990s) is a boomer board. Zoomers belong on their Discords, Snapchats, and Reddits.
Yea Forums was founded in 2003 retard
Seriously, not having a sticky is like not having a tombstone to these guys.
I grew up in the 80s but I can't say I was listening to him a lot. He made catchy tunes though. Despite being somewhat unrepresentative, I have some fond memories linked with his music I'd like to share.
It was when San Andreas came out and I was some angsty teen who couldn't talk to girls. I basically spent all my time either shitposting on the then newborn Yea Forums or playing games on my PC. Driving a motorcycle into the sun set on some long between cities with 'Two Tickets to Paradise' playing was something that put me in a state of trance. In retrospect, I guess some people disliked the long drives between locations, but I enjoyed these moments. I dreamed about the girl that I liked back in school before I graduated. Wondered what her life may be like and what I could say if I ever saw her again.
Aw man,... Rest in peace I guess. We'll all be there eventually.
>Yea Forums was founded in 2003 retard
Yea Forums is the bastard child of the SomethingAwful forums, which have been around since the late 90s. You would know this if you weren't a drooling Zoomer. Now back to Discord.
This gets a sticky but not Ornette Coleman?
Mods are fucking gay and should do better because they are awful and suck ass and nothing they do is good or helpful or useful and they deserve to be looked down upon and spat on because they are trash
First Daniel Johnston, now Eddie Money. They go in threes, who's next?
>7 and a half hours since it was posted
>only 350 replies
wasn't there a thread about him getting a reality show like a week ago lmao
That just means your moms a coalburner
5 and it's brian wilson
That's more replies than Eddie Money has ever had in every thread before his death combined
This guy is stickied but Alan Vega wasn't?
Not liking Money is one thing but Dick Dale fucking deserved that sticky you Gen X scum.
I never said I don't like any of them. I'm saying they don't deserve one when the others didn't get stickies.
>implying that you listen to or even know any of the "didn't get a sticky" you've copypasta'd
That's not Daniel Johnston.
Funny, because I don't even like Dale that much but I realized he deserved that sticky
Mods are shite
>hating dick dale
Is 90% of this board underaged or something?
I have though.
I think he deserved it as well. but so did coleman, allman, walker etc
It has nothing to do with hating Dick Dale, faggot. Dick Dale was/is a god. It's about the level of popularity of the Dick Dale thread not following the supposed purpose of a sticky, which is to prevent overcrowding in the catalog and keep a single thread that will hit bump limit. The supposed things that qualify a topic to be stickied don't hold up. so that means the others deserved stickies as well. fuck mods.
>Imagine Eddie Money getting a sticky and not Scott Walker or David Berman
You can blame the jannies all you want but this is on you, ya fucking Zoomers
>being this mad that your mod application was rejected
I would rather chop off my cock and dilate every day
some pathetic people on this board man.
RIP in paradise Money Man.
>implying that hasn't already happened
>reading comprehension
interesting post
even if I was a tranny, not possible.
yeah what about it
A literal who
>nearly 400 replies in
>still don't know why this nobody got a sticky
Who?, fucking mods abusing their power one again, faggots.
Oh shit
RIP my man :(
more like Type O Negative
The guy made some pretty rockin' pop tunes in the 80's.
Ain't making no money now
Not a fucking clue who that is, not being ironic here.
Not that I hate Eddie Money or anything, but how the fuck did Glen Campbell not get a sticky when Eddie fucking Money does?
this but unironically
here in detroit, on the radio they all acted like a president was dead. they dug out a bunch of "hits" I've never heard in my life (there's like five I actually know). I'm just a little too young to remember any of his hits being new, so it seems really disproportionate.
He made some great power pop and pop rock hits in the 70s and 80s, that's undeniable
Serious F
Delet this.
it's kind of adorable how you British think we care.
Still mad about Scott walker
kino billboards
a literal who gets a sticky but not scott fucking walker lol whoever runs sticky i hope your first born gets violently raped
Scott is a literal who. Get off Yea Forums.
Some of his works are top pop songs. I don't remember the last time i actively sought out his stuff-I'm not sure I ever have--but in going through his best of today, I def came away with more appreciation for him. When i get home in a bit, I'm going to confound my zoomer gf by putting on the one vinyl of his I inexplicably have.
>all these seething hipsters in this thread
Based moneyman
He was in GTA VCS (or VC?) where his song Hold On To Me was featured. One of the best bangers in a game filled with underrated bangers.
very based and very truthpilled
he's opened up DTE every year for like 20+ years, it's always a super cheap sold out show and people flock to it.
This is literally just a publicity stunt to promote his new reality show which is about him getting cancer.
That happened in season 2.....two years ago.
lol that people on mu, about 3/4 which are fucking mad about the sticky, are going to watch his reality show that's probably on Cozi TV or something
How come he had two tickets to paradise?
Haven't heard too much of his stuff but "Take Me Home Tonight" is some quality pop-rock. RIP.
>le epic scat analogy because i have 0 arguments xDDD
Even less of an argument. I bet you like Death Grips, you faggot zoomer.
>food analogy
dude was good, even some of his deeper cuts were masterful 70s/80s pop
Pure crap
70s yacht rock singer
Stick to eating shit faggot
wrong on decade and genre
80s and garbage then
Good night, Eddie
thats my favorite kanye album
Most of his biggest hits were in ‘70’s, he made a comeback in the 80s. And he makes music for coked up yuppies with yauchts.
>makes based music for rich Chads
>had hits in two decades
>had a comeback
Why do we hate this guy again?
I'll start out by saying I NEVER liked him as an artist. Didn't like his voice. His songs were kind of okay, but there was nothing new or innovative about them. Kind of like a hybrid of Bryan Adams and Bruce Springsteen, only with a weaker voice.
That said, here's an interesting stat: Eddie issued 22 consecutive singles that charted in the U.S. Eleven of them made it to the Top 40.
My opinion of him aside, he did SOMETHING to get people to like him.
hope fully Paul McCarthy is next
I honestly would prefer him to die than Ringo.
Paul already died and his replacement was even better. Paul will be around forever
John Meloncamp will be next, more shitty AOR nobody remembers is still alive.
F, from Yea Forums
enjoy your paradise.
Wouldn't be surprised. He lives in my town and I see him around town every once in awhile. He's always smoking cigs every time I see him.
Stick to being a fucking idiot with shit taste who can't refute anything and only resorts to memes.
Seethe more zoomie
Wait he had songs other than Take Me Home Tonight?
Ariel Pink was so young :^(
Shakin is a swaggeringer
I forgot about Baby Hold on. Great track
Fuck you. Everything is fantastic whenever Roni Spector sings
Exotic that this is even stickied or being talked about. Another privileged boomer devoid of talent gone, and such is life.
He lived in my town.
literally who the fuck is this, why has this literal who got a sticky and Scott Walker, Glenn Branca and Pete Shelley didnt't?
because Yea Forums has gone to absolute shit and only well known mainstream artists are stickied to attract anyone from the whole site
It’s. You’re literally a moron.
cancel culture fucking over the boomers once again
Not at all an apt comparison. Huey Lewis is a suck
This. Fuck anyone who disrespects the King Surf Guitar. Fuck them in the nuts
Telling you. Shove it up your Brexit, Britfag
how can i respect something i haven't even heard of?
so do i know you triunfo bro
About 10 years ago, I saw him in concert for free in Boston. It was at the Hatch Shell.
What band does that album with a ball going through some trippy liquid? It’s very well-known.
this old cracka don't even have a bolded release, let alone 300 ratings on any RYM listing. How embarrassing.
soï impala
His music is made for soundtracking Adam Sandler romcoms and retail stores
Fuck you man working for the weekend is a great song
2 dicks in my ass tonight
2 dicks and they're feelin nice
Ouch it’s really gay
how is a wagecuck anthem any good? It just promotes societal values and a mundane life of working for the man.
Scarecrow is a good album.
Sneeds Feed and Seed
Literal who
Thank you for the sticky maybe you're not all tranny fags after all, F F F
F for Sneed's Feed and Seed
F for the establishment formerly known as Chucks
Sneed's Feed & Seed is a convenience store close to the farm where Homer grew up. It sells seeds, candy and many other products. Homer bought supplies at the store when he and his family were living on the farm for a time.
Sounds cool
Remember what he was on King of Queens? That was a good episode
Based mods keeping the sticky alive
Eddie Money dabbing on the zoomers from the grave
Zoomers love 80s music for some reason
No they don't. They have no idea who anybody from the 80's is, or the 90's for that matter.
I thought this guy was black
There's a Nazi Metal band whose song sounds an awful lot like "Take Me Home Tonight" down to the saxophone:
This. They only listen to soundcloud hip hop
Guess he finally saw the light.
they THINK they love 80's music. most zoomers will talk about how the 80's seemed so cool but all they know is like thriller by michael jackson.
That's because most of the popular music to come out of the 80s is vapid garbage that is so reflective of postmodern neoliberal business practices that became prevalent during that decade that it's pretty unlistenable in the current post-postmodern age.
holy fucking fedora
cringe, but 80's pop is garbage. the 80's was about as bad as the 2000's, but not quite as bad as the 2010's.
You don't even know what I just said, you mental midget.
No way man, 2010s pop > 2000s pop > 90s pop >>>>>>>> 80s pop. 70s and 60s pop is worlds apart from the pop of the neoliberal era. Zappa was right.
thank fuck this thread for this literal who is unstickied, mods what were you thinking?
RIP sticky and Eddie Money
Most deserved Yea Forums sticky in 2019
Nah, 80's pop is easily peak pop music. The musicianship and production that went into those songs is unmatched. This fedora fag arguing a few posts above is way out of his league.
Oh yeah, when you can get Trevor Horn to make anything sound good it's "peak musicianship". My ass. The Wrecking Crew did the best pop recordings, hands down.
500th :>)
The boys from Toto were infinitely better at their instruments than the Wrecking Crew
retarded thread and retarded mods