What does he listen to?
What does he listen to?
Other urls found in this thread:
Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me with Science
Negative xp and new jpegmafia album
me feeding her titty pills :3
There must be something in anime that we are not aware of
Jpegmafia, Danny Brown, Kendrick Lamar, Frank Ocean and Tyler, the Creator
Imagine raising a child in a world where their mental illness will be applauded as a strength and supported through further denial of the delusions they possess by massively altering their body, leaving them still a mental wreck and likely suicide victim.
that’s a girl
>born with a penis
>i have anxiety
So put down the video games and cheese burgers and pay attention to your kids
can't control what they're taught in schools
>No I don't want to give up my bideo games and cheeseburgers the school should do the job for me
>reading comprehension
imagine being so poor you can't send your kid to private school
i want to make him my girl
>Waaah my bideogames
That is literally my ex gf AMA
Btw there's porn out there
Gimme a hint
what's her name and social medias
i'll say again
>reading comprehension
I wasn't saying "dude just let the schools do parenting for me bro". Also I don't play video games or eat hamburgers lol.
I'm saying you can do the best job as a parent but why does that matter when the society you raise them is actively undermining all your work.
private school is actually worse unless it's (seriously) religious.
You post on 4channel you were never going to be a good parent anyway.
>dude Yea Forums is niche
for me, it's alice.
>girl at work looked exactly like her but blonde and smaller boobs
>moved away
>her sister in law still works here
>said she always had a crush on me
>Muh bideogames
jesus christ you are obsessed. who the fuck actually plays video games still in 2019?
I got no clue what she listens to. Could be anything from 2010s pop to hiphop to metal to classic rock to electronica to jpop.
Does being born with a penis disqualify you from being a girl?
>You mean I actually have to RAISE my children?
>But that cuts into my 4 hours of bideogames a day!!
I personally follow the passing rule, and OP's pic qualifies as a girl to me
you'll be ok user
1. I have literally never played video games
2. I have spent more time of my life actually raising own younger siblings than I have watching movies or listening to music lol
3. ben shapiro is trash
but please, do keep rambling on and avoiding actually responding.
for me it's this guy
That explains why you're a fag blaming everybody else but yourself. Put down the bideogames and pay attention to your kids but first
Have sex
actually my mom died when I was young. but thanks for making fun of me, user.
Lucky her she didn't get to see how big a disappointment her son turned out to be
>complains about Yea Forumsfags
>is an edgy retard
Why the hell are you spewing venom and this random guy? What did they do to you?
Car Seat Headrest
He played video games? And because of that you're telling him his dead mother would be disappointed? That's real dumb, senpai.
Fuck gamers. Video games are for autists
I'm a lefty but this person has some work to do before they pass, they just look like a Scene Bro from 2009
t. former video game addict
Why would you be such a jerk? Why you being such a fucker to him? All he wanted was the pumpkins, all he wanted to laugh at was the pumpkins.
They started out fine, we should bully this guy for crying on his ass about muh trannies instead of helping his children
But the bully guy should kill himself
>Does being born with a penis disqualify you from being a girl?
yes. fuck gamers. we agree upon something after all.
Bully fag here. This user gets it
I fucking hate faggots
trannies are just another brick in the wall being built by society
do you miss your foreskin, user?
nope, they told you to kill yourself. maybe you should take their advice, seething tranny.
I'm not circumcised.
Later but first I have some bideogames to play
Absolutely furious
21st century life is a perverse, grotesque and very, very funny morbid spectacle. Frankly, I think it's all a fucking riot and a pretty good time.
It is pretty fucking funny. No wonder they call it the clown world
>seething tranny
Shaking with rage
>bideogame spammer
>not obsessed
>"I have anxiety"
>has no problem taking selfies
Meanwhile, I'm too afraid to talk to anyone in real life besides my dad, and I'm scared of seeing my own reflection. I fucking hate people.
This was the first thing I thought of too.
>I have anxiety
>*spreads ass on camera*
I mean I don't even wanna answer my phone.
Just keep playing your bideogames it's all gonna be okay
>He couldn't immediately tell
Wait..who that?
a wholesome cutie pie