Wow, they really dumbed their sound down, didn't they?
Wow, they really dumbed their sound down, didn't they?
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After this album, I mean.
Yes. I don't like Incubus either way but they totally did.
Too bad they didn't stay funky alternative metal instead of going the shitty alt rock route. At least we will have the early meterial:
They were pretty ahead of the curve in a number of ways, check out the turntables in this first track
They realized they could put less effort in and get more sales by appealing to normies
What about Morning View? I think I’ve listened to Morning View more than any other album
More than any other album by any artist.
I haven’t listened to it as an adult though. But there must have been something there
This was when I was in middle school, cool guy. I’m sure you listened to Linkin Park and all of that like everyone else did
I listened to dcTalk and Collective Soul.
>one of the spergs nobody talked to
So you were a queer
Showbread > DC Talk
Oh yeah and Newsboys. Their drum fills and intros sound really good:
They were just a Mr Bungle rip off before this
I used to love that album, but yeah they kind of suck now.
This is a great example of how bad they are
Pretty gay. But then again, they were always kind of fruity
Morning View does not hold up well, imo, outside of a couple of songs.
I honestly didn't mind 8.
Every band that exists and has existed is a Mr Bungle rip off.
I remember recognizing SCIENCE and Fungus Amongus and even Make Yourself had more of an experimental sound, but I preferred Morning View for whatever reason
Probably because it sounded like it was made by sexually ambiguous stoned surfers who lived near the beach
How is Downy like Mr. Bungle?
morning view is a great album, it's ironically the singles that are the weakest tracks
This is still probably my favourite album.
this band only got better after morning view . next your gonna tell me dirk lance is a better bass player. lol dude just played riffs on the bass instead of actually being a bass player for the songs
It sold the most of any of their albums too, which is surprising to me. I thought for sure Make Yourself was going to be their biggest one
lol wut?
nvm thought you were talking about science
What don’t you understand about my post?
I thought Make Yourself was a more popular album than Morning View, but Morning View sold more
i misunderstood your post is all. But i will say, as big as make yourself was, morning view just continued that momentum
That’s probably why, yeah
Can anyone recommend more 90s Bungle / Primus influenced alt-metal? All I’ve been able to find is the first Darwin’s Waiting Room album which was actually pretty good dethu