What's a cheap but quality guitar to learn on?

what's a cheap but quality guitar to learn on?

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squier classic vibe or ibanez

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A Gibson SG


any schecter

Agile makes a good Les Paul knockoff that you can get for relatively cheap

I've seen pretty serious players completely lose their shit over Fender Bullet Strats, extremely affordable, solid fucking guitars.

Squier Bullet Strats*

The whole range is fantastic.


>cheap but quality

you will never, ever get this out of the box

find a guitar with a stable neck and have a professional who is also a friend dress the frets, clean up the bridge saddles, and replace the nut at a cut rate. if you don't have such a friend that work will cost $200.

the tele is better

both of mine had shielding paint randomly glopped around the pickup cavity and came with fridge magnet pickups that sounded like dogshit

>the tele is better
Sure man, the whole range is fucking insane for what you get for your money.

Yamaha Pacifica series

It just has less on it for them to fuck up and the cheaper finish combined with the rounded strat design slides all over the fucking place

The Squiers are awesome starter guitars, the pricing is just ridiculously cheap for what you're getting.

Amazing how far manufacturing has come in 15 years since I've got a cheap electric.

I know, but there's so much more you could get for just a few more dollars.

>Squiers are shit
Always some dumb fucking mouthbreathing autist thinking $ = skill, you can upgrade to something better once you sound like this guy, you don't sound like this guy.


you can upgrade to something that feels nicer and stays in tune better when you cna afford it, which if you have a job is any time

only the poorest of faggots, people who live off their parents allowance, feel like a nice instrument is earned through skill. that's the life of a teenager whose parents graciously bought him a shitty used starter guitar and really don't want to spend more than $50 on what could be another phase, not an adult who pays for their own shit. why do you still have the mentality of that teenager?

if you have the fucking money, what's a $300 guitar over a $100 one? less time fucking with tuners, less time fucking with truss rods, electronics that don't go bad in a year. and what's the big deal? if you're sane you're buying a guitar every 3 years at the most. god forbid you spend $300 on your first one.

$100 Squire, that's it, until you sound like The Dooo, only then, you upgrade, try harding guitars is fucking pure cringe.

Get a nice Squire, and use the rest of the money on a good interface for your PC so you can play with effects/amps.

Get a sub to something like Yousician so you can consistently practice every day, the music is awful, but the experience you get is meaningful.

>try harding

The perspective imparted by your poverty is showing. Who's recommending $2500 gibsons here? Nobody. I wouldn't even recommend those to a performing professional.

$200 more. Less tuning. Less setup fuckery. Lower action, less buzz, more pleasing sound without relying on distortion. Tryahrd? No, it's the life of an adult who can have what they want within reason. It's the life of someone who earns their belongings at a job instead of someone who earns their belongings by gaining the arbitrary favor of their parents. Get out of that literally juvenile mindset and stop recommending shitty guitars. You don't even have to leave your beloved squier marquee to get something better than a squier bullet.

He won't just be spending the money on a guitar alone, mate, there will be amplification required, that's extra spending, tutelage, that's extra spending.

"Bruuuuuu get the $300 sooooooo much better Bruuuuuuu"

You're so fucking consumerist and pedestrian, it's painful. Fucking clown, get lost.

buy an expensive guitar so you won't quit without feeling like you wasted a lot of money

$200 extra is absolutely fucking nothing, for fucking monthly spending. $200 extra on a purchase that won't be repeated for multiple years is beyond nothing. It's less than pennies on the day and the amount of convenience you get for that tiny amount is mind boggling, and enough to make the difference between hating your piece of shit guitar that sounds good for fifteen minutes at a time and having a usable instrument.

$100 amp is good enough
Oh no, $30 a week or what? God that is so much money. If you work at mcdonalds.

The battle cry of the poverty-stricken loser. I liked it better when it was burlap-clad slavs yelling "bourgeoisie!"

Squire strat.
Don't give Gibson money.

The fact that you keep needing to flex that having a basic income is somehow some kind of achievement is truly fucking sad.

Yes, you detestable retard, most of us over high school age have disposable money, that's not the point, being smart with your money is.

Your lack of perspective shows you aren't used to having the most basic amount of money or don't have a secure source of income

$200 is literally fucking nothing for a purchase that will not be repeated for years and the value you get for it is appreciable, unlike the difference between a $300 guitar and a $2500 guitar.


There's no fucking way a white person is behind these posts, post pic of hand, now.

Of course the fag that's poor beyond belief and thinks a $300 guitar is a bad purchase is a racist right wing fucktard.

I'm jewish.

Oh and by the way, if you buy used, a $300 guitar will sell for $300 when you quit. A bullet strat will be bought for $30 by a pawn shop after you wait around for a year.

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j mascis jazzmaster

Moshe, the $/quality ratio on guitars is extremely diminishing.

Let's say $300 on guitar, $100 on amp or PC interface, and $100 on lessons. That's $600


$100 starter, $100 on a PC interface, $30 for 3 months to Yousician, that's $230

You're a terrible Jew.

>you can't just buy stuff you have to deserve it

communism runs in your veins lad

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>$100 on lessons out of nowhere

I am an excellent jew, I actually have money to spend on $300 guitars and still shun the $3000 ones.

You are also an excellent jew for adding to the cost of lessons and hoping nobody would notice.

lmao, fuck you, 3 months of lessons would easily be $100, who are you kidding here.

Being responsible with your money is not communism, asshole!

I don't recommend paying for any instruction until you're ready to stop playing riffs and basic songs and start composing actually. It's a complete waste of money. Yousician doesn't even have anything freely available resources don't.

On the other hand a $300 guitar has objective tuning stability and tone advantages over a tinny sounding $100 gutiar that needs distortion to produce a "cool" (but not a "nice") sound.

Get a low-mid end Pacifica.

>Yousician doesn't even have anything freely available resources don
That's very true, good free resources out there, like Justinguitar, I just like that the Yousician shit has progress tracking, for me personally that's a nice feature, though the same could probably be done on a simple excel spreadsheet.

Another nice thing it has, is actually having input from your guitar, so you practice timing and precision a lot.

OK fuck you, you're probably right about the $300 guitar thing, but you have to agree that the returns in quality for money definitely decreases exponentially.

Yeah, they decrease exponentially. After $300. The peak of guitars.

The first and last guitar you need. The rest is just anime fans buying their waifus instruments to feel better about the girls themselves not being real.

I'm sorry I was rude, I assumed you were brown, you're right about the $300 peak.

400 to 500 bucks will get you a decent guitar and amp to start with (for instance a yamaha pacifica and a boss katana 50). It's not the best, but far from shit and as a beginner you don't even know what you need.
Few people ever stick with their first guitar so just get some cheap guitar (obviously not too cheap, but 200-300 dollar guitars are pretty decent) and start learning.
When you get better you will learn the instrument and what works for you and what doesn't, and that's when you upgrade to something that better fits your needs and wishes.
For a first guitar, just get something that looks cool to you. Making you actually pick it up as often as possible is important in the beginning, and looks certainly help with that. Also look at what type of pickups your favourite artists use (humbuckers or single coils) and go for that. Or a mix of both so you can experiment.

Would a PC interface not be more fun for a beginner? You get to emulate all the cool peddles and amps out there?

Is cool as an addition, but not to replace an amp that you can just plug into and play.
I find having to open up a daw and setting up a virtual amp and cab sim is a barrier for creativity.
I jam on my normal amp if I get even a whiff of desire to play guitar (get a looper pedal, seriously. Most important thing you can get as a beginner after a tuner) and when I have a creative spark I open up the daw and record.
Don't forget the amp if half of your instrument and the physical manifestation of the sound coming from your guitar. Having that actually in the room with you is very important (especially when learning), and just you don't get the same feel with a virtual amp through computer speakers/monitors/headphones.

not a beginner but what loop-pedals would you recommend?
it's about damn time I get one lmao

Simplest would be something like a tc electronic ditto like most people seem to use (or a cheaper clone like a harley benton one).
Just has one button that you use to start/stop/erase which takes some practice to get right timing-wise.
More expensive and elaborate loopers exist, with more tracks and the start/stop synced to a beat for example.
I have a cheap ass harley benton mini looper and while useful, its build quality isn't great. Stompswitch went wonky pretty quickly.
Don't have experience with other loopers yet.

I'd agree here.

What is your budget? You can have your own custom shop guitar under 900 USD, for 1.5-2 times or more the retail value; even at 500 a parts-caster is better. It's like PC building, you don't have to be that handy.

That said, first invest in a quality amp you can use indefinitely for practice/small gigging & recording, if you make a bigger investment [like AC30 Vox territory]. Or at 300, you ought to be able to get like an older used Highway One Fender xyz if you search hard enough. There's really no reason to buy new if dipping your feet into the instrument. Shecter, LTD, (Japan or Indonesia/Malaysian manufacturers are desireable)

Looper is legit; programs that can slow songs down while pitch-correcting as well.

Is Ibanez still in business? Back in the day, they were kind of the leader in cheaper knock-offs.

>I'm jewish
>encouraging others to spend more

I wouldn't say getting that good of an amp is the most important part for a beginner.
I started out with a used roland cube 15 that I got for €35. Distortion sucks but I only use the clean channel and get my dirt from pedals. A multifx pedal like a zoom might be useful for a beginner to figure out what types of effects you like. I have an MS-50G that I used to experiment with and now it's still useful for reverb, delay and modulation effects.
Getting a super cheap used practice amp might lower the barrier of entry for some, so if you don't want to spend too much it's a decent option.
On the other hand, of course I would prefer a better amp with better sound and more features, but I make do.

Bottom line is just get something and start playing with it. If you don't like it you can always sell it. You can work your way up just fine. Don't get stuck on indecisiveness about gear.

>I'm jewish.
ohhh that explains your posts

Mid to high range epiphones a good

>you will never, ever get this out of the box
When eill faggots stop spewing this retarded meme? My squier bullet strat has been in use for years. Never had to fret dress, thing holds tune just fine. Bought an MIJ fender and it's got dead frets a couple of months into playing. Squiers are perfext beginner instruments. Anyone telling you otherwise is a status obsessed gearhead faggot.

Mike oldfield played a Squier Standard Telecaster in the late 00's tubular.net/instruments/photos/Gibson_Squier_PRS.jpg
then sold it off for £400

There we go. He sees valid arguments and reveals his true self.

Would you say that he revealed his true colours?