>take lexapro for a month
>try and listen to deathconsciousness
>it fucking sucks
what happened i used to love carissas wierd and have a nice life
>take lexapro for a month
>try and listen to deathconsciousness
>it fucking sucks
what happened i used to love carissas wierd and have a nice life
>falling for the medical jew
looks like the lexapro cleared your brain
being prescribed 20mg lexapro and 2mg xanax has made me not want to kill myself anymore so placebo or not im much happier
SSRIs are jewish mind control pills
and they work
Careful that shit will change you for real. Like, you're meant to feel highs and lows but SSRI's will make you feel so middle of the road, cold, emotionless. It's bad shit. Sort your problems out, those drugs won't fix anything. /rant
This. The fact that doctors give them away like candy nowadays is fucked. Plus the side effects are awful when you start on them and withdrawal is even worse. My prescription ran out and I got brain zaps so bad I thought I was dying.
Life sucks bro, if you need pills to make it tolerable so be it.
Lexapro just made it hard for me to get a boner t b h
>based retard giving anecdotal advice because he or someone he knows didnt react well to lexapro
lexapro has made a huge improvement in my life this year and i still experience a full range of emotions, minus the wanting to die part.
Idk if it has to do with lexapro, I eventually got over my depression though and once I was in a better place in my life I stopped liking HANL as well as well as slowcore. It stopped sounding profound to me and just became mopey
take as little as you only require tho. Don't depend on pills too much. I mean maybe right now you have scheduled days to take it, but if you feel quite alright, but not as good as at the beginning due to tolerance, DON'T ask for more. Take just enough to feel good, but not to escape reality
they work by dulling emotions and trading depression for anhedonia. good deal brah
yeah i get that but it got me out of my room, got me wanting to do stuff. horrible anxiety attacks and social anxiety is completely gone and the only side effect i get is dry mouth
>dulling emotions
Sounds good to me actually.
I've never been on antidepressants and HANL recently clicked for me. I've always liked the odd track here and there but the whole shebang has sort of settled in for me. I've always really liked depressing music though, might like Giles Corey even more in all honesty.
i dont abuse it. i take it once a day at 1pm and i am good throughout the whole day. it changed my life around from not leaving my house or doing anything to just going for hour long walks, meeting people. i have zero issues with just walking up to people and talking now which was my biggest probably aside from anxiety attacks
shoutout sean ranklin, big ups liquid richard
this dude takes lexapro
this, they work if you actually suffer depression. cant say i like "how" they work, theyre certainly not for me, but they stopped me from hitting rock bottom when i was on them
it helps a lot for anxiety. also i think the whole weight gain thing is blown way out of proportion. everyone says lexapro makes you fat but maybe im just lucky