Who the fuck is this faggot and why does he have the most listeners on spotify?

who the fuck is this faggot and why does he have the most listeners on spotify?

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Teeaboo twelve year old girls who want him to call them a filthy mudblood while he's fucking them

Kid that's Thom Yorker
Show some respect

he's also got the highest grossing tour *in history*
776 million dollars

he looks like a caveman

I hate how highest grossing is a category for shows as movies.
Of course some modern movie is going to make more money than some old movie because the ticket prices are getting more and more expensive

the overheads for this guy would be fuck all

Every single girl I ever went out with liked this shit. It's the most normie tier music in existence, it's essentially trying to appeal to every demographic at once.

Itt jelly virgins

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Shithouse music to blame for a lot of other shitty music which involves loop pedals, but he's difficult to dislike. I like that story when his neighbours were complaining about him so he just bought their houses and kicked them out.

White girls like his bland adult contemporary pop

because u lk prfct 2nite

You know they can adjust those numbers for inflation, right?

>every single girl I ever went out with
so zero girls like it?

damn, sweet roast user

Contrary to /pol/'s narrative, a boring plain looking white ginger with an acoustic guitar is bigger than any rapper. Believe in yourselves.

yeah or they could just count the number of tickets sold

and the biggest rapper is also a white guy

He’s not white, he’s Irish or some shit.

>not white
>european niggers
based as fuck user


mums love him as well

Yeah I guess he's not so bad after all

He's cool with me as long as he's cool with my man, Eminem.

Attached: eminem50ed.jpg (1080x719, 138K)

>when his neighbours were complaining about him so he just bought their houses and kicked them out.
Woah... Based.

>grown man flipping off a camera

Attached: jaskapaskalla.jpg (226x240, 4K)

It's that dude from that one episode of Game of Thrones that everyone got really upset about

wow, you got em

his music became famous before women knew what he looked like.

>who the fuck is this faggot
that is a rich motherfucker

>thinking the entire purpose of being a career musician isn't so you can remain in your teen years forever

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Okay, but then you're still left with 3 tickets costing way more