What is some good music for a person who tried several times to adjust to adulthood but fucked it up each time and thus...

What is some good music for a person who tried several times to adjust to adulthood but fucked it up each time and thus gave into his anxiety and became a hikkikomori neet who wonders everyday why he doesn't just kill himself

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What? Turn around I can't hear you

unironically My Chemical Romance

lol. op getting clowned on

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johnny cash



Damn dude. Get a bike. Start small and realize you're nothing special or unique. Then start doing shit you take your mind off of it. I say bike because they're easy to find and very easy to master while being tremendously time consuming. Go from there.

coercing him into riding a bike is a subtle way of ensuring his death

Good. If he's that resistant to genuine experiential advice, he's helpless.

this, also if youre not in school right now i think you should try to go to community college or something if you can afford it. nothings gonna get any better if you dont try

have you ever tried like...getting a fucking job and actually working for once? Crazy concept, I know.

This also. You'd be shocked how easy it is to find self worth and value in even the most mundane job. Most importantly it provides you with a sense of belonging. Suddenly having people rely on you can have a huge impact on how you perceive yourself and life I general.

I am a hikkikomori and neet who has tried to adjust to normal society several times but just can't seem to do it. I initially dropped out of school and isolated myself because of anxiety and each failed attempt yo reintegrate into adulthood since them has only compounded this problem to the point where leaving the house at all just gives me anxiety. I don't see a point in trying to go to therapy because it will either end up with me getting a prescription yo Xanax or klonopin which will just turn me into a zombie who can only experience life at the most base level, essentially chemically lobotmizing me or it will just be a bunch of circular talking that goes nowhere which will waste a bunch of money my family already doesn't have. Should I just kill myself? I obviously am a defective being who is doomed to end up homeless when my source of gibs dies and in that capacity and the current one I not only don't contribute to society but actually am a drain. I don't see why there us any logical purpose for me to continue my existence

There's of course other more nuanced or specific things which have happened in my life but none of them are the source that is just my own worthlessness

I can't get a job I already tried and just quit after a week even though my boss said I was adapting well because I was too hard on myself. I know how pathetic that is but it's just how it is. I wish someone with a real disability would kill me desu because I basically insult everyone who doesn't have arms or legs or who is retarded who has a steady job and a happy life. I literally worked with a retarded guy when I had a job and he was more well adjusted than I was to life

I know how horrible this makes me sound and I am. I am just a bad person. When I am put in a position where it won't hurt the family who still cares about me (either when they die or when they expunge me from the household) I honestly probably am just going to kill myself.

>I am a hikkikomori and neet who has tried to adjust to normal society several times but just can't seem to do it.
translation: i'm a fucking pussy and a sad excuse for a male.


How does it feel knowing your life never amounted to anything and you hve to live vicariously through someone else while pretending their life is a failure?

I’ve had a great time, dude, despite everything. And will continue to.

My guess is you never did. And no amount of “success” will change the loser you are at your core as a person

You are both correct and I already said as much so idk why you even bother saying it

jesus christ man how do none of you have basic sense of compassion and empathy

They shouldn't have to they are right about me my life is nothing but pure failure and I deserve nothing other than to die an early death by my own hand after jacking off to cuck pornography one last time

>boo hoo working makes my legs and hands tired, everyone else should have to do it, but NOT me.
Man up or eat lead aspirin. Seriously. No other prescription. Before your ice yourself, punch your dad in the face for raising such a pantywaste.

Leave me the fuck alone then, weirdo

Okay I'm sorry

Truly i wish I could have just been a normal person

they're not right but you gotta stop fucking feeling sorry for yourself too. i know you said work was too anxiety inducing and i get that ive got mental illness too but you gotta make an effort man i hope things work out better for you man but you really do have to make a concious effort to improve yourself if you really actually want to.

you've gotta WORK to feel like a real person, BITCH. You've gotta pull your own fucking weight. Good lord, nobody wants an invitation to that piss-stained pity party. Nobody wants or cares about neets.


me too op
i tried working and it just pissed me off because it drained my energy and my coworkers didnt like me

the whole "purpose in work" thing is a meme that mindless npc wageslaves use to convince themselves they're not miserable shells of people

i mean it is absolutely wageslave shit but what other opportunities does OP have to improve himself

>i tried working and it just pissed me off because it drained my energy and my coworkers didnt like me
that means you're lazy for starters. the more you work, the more you build these things called muscles. The more of those "muscle" things you build, the easier work gets. The more you pull your weight, the more your co-workers will respect you. VERY hard concepts, I know.

Half of the posters on this board are retarded, don't listen to them.

I'm going to bet you've been raised by a single mother.

There is no need to be useful to a tribe that doesn't define usefulness. I will bet the people around you haven't set a clear order. You're going to have to set your own order or find a group who will do it for you.

Making money and being approved of is a meaning of life that you've been given, it doesn't have to be that way.

dont talk down to me fuckhead. you dont know a thing about me or what ive been through.

post a pic of ur boyfriend, cause only bitches can afford to have that mentality in life

>im a BIG MAN because i waste my life washing dishes at the local Mexican place for a pittance

I guess I don't want to then. I guess I just want to fucking die. I'm to pussy to do it directly tho so maybe I will just huff gas or something til I give myself brain damage and then become one of those retarded homeless people who wanders the street babbling incoherently til I get hit by the train fuck it I really wish I had never been born I hate myself so much

LOL genuinely good reply but also stop being a neet

>you dont know a thing about me or what ive been through.
nor do i care. i'll wager that your gay ass dad DIDN'T molest you hard enough though, because you're a puss still.

real mature. call me gay next. you're like 15 dude.

Let me ask you this question OP, are you white? If so, you have superpowers.

It doesn't matter I will never be happy and those other posters are right of I argue otherwise it is just a cope. I have tapped to cuck pornography and that fact alone basically proves how worthless I am as a man or a human I just shouldn't have been made in the first place my life means nothing I'm sorry

this shit is worse than the kpop/billie/clairo threads desu

if a part-time job flipping burgers is enough to throw you into an existential crisis, then yeah, you gay asf. Sorry that I had to be the one to break it to you.

xD epic dude

Well you won't find any solutions when you're feverish. If you say you've isolated yourself, you haven't done so enough to think about things. Just go to some metal concerts and scream a bunch, no one will care there (be sure to wear ear protection).

He's gay because he was raised by women.



i always love advice from dumb neets to other dumb neets
>go to a metal concert and scream a bunch
I'd wanna kill myself too if this was the best advice you tards could dispense in my time of need rofl


it's fucking cringe and we already have r9k for this shit

I am not a dumb neet, I am enlightened. Feverish and unbalanced people don't tend to find lasting solutions. Cure your fever and ease the pressure, then you'll be more likely to find something good.

Better than "just get a job lol"

>I am enlightened

Attached: enlightened.jpg (201x251, 5K)

men are meant to exert themselves physically. it builds muscle and raises testosterone. All of which increase your chances of attracting a fertile mate.

i don't have sympathy for adult males that act like female children.

oh yeah, exercise is good too. Any movement, really.

I was you until a few months ago when I got a job. Man up faggot. Walmart will hire literally anyone and failing that, Amazon.

I know that you tried working but it didn't work out because "it drained your energy", from which I can deduce that you are a weak cunt. Try getting in shape and trying again, bitch.




>my value is based only on the fact that I put my dick in a pussy and "testosterone"
I wish you get cucked faggot. I wish your gf fucks a guy with more muscles and "higher testosterone" as he is a better "fertile mate" you piece of shit

Dude are you a fucking caveman?

try post rock

>my value is based on...
Yup. Biology and society. You can try to make your own rules all you want but if you don't fall in line you have only yourself to blame. You think you aren't an animal? You think you're "too good" for the game of gene spreading? There's a term for that: Natural selection. You not bearing offspring will benefit future generations. On behalf of my kin, thank you.

>a zombie who can only experience life at the most base level
You're already precisely that. There's not much to lose.

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>I’ve never listened to post-rock and think there’s an image associated with it