Released on September 12, 2006

>released on September 12, 2006
Now that the dust has settled, thoughts?

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Forever a classic. Fuck anyone who says different.

I already hate Queen. Why would I want to listen to Queen worship with a worse singer

*tips fedora*

Cringe, absolute cringe.

people are starting to overrate it. it's a good album that was unfairly hated on because of the scene it came from, but there are a few duds like mama and house of wolves.

You guys seem a little mad

literally this. it's a shitty pink floyd album that sounds like it was recorded by an even shittier queen wannabe band.

>says the absolute madman

Pretty good. Still not as good as Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, though.

>mama and house of wolves.

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only millenials will understand this album, even though it was made gen xers

How so?

I can't quite explain it, something about the pop culture landscape at the time makes mcr resonate with that generation. I can't see gen z listening to it without thinking it's "cringe"

Good, would have been great if it had the production of Bullets


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same for danger days t-b-h. killed by over-production.

they're cusp, more like xennials

Fuck yeah, I would kill for bullets-esque versions of summertime, kids from yesterday, and destroya

This, 3 cheers is vastly superior and this is a step down, but still decent.

Kill yourself

same. it could've been so good. as it is though I still think that album got too much flack. it's not too bad, save for the production-issue.


Checking these dubs during this battle of wits.

You can't name a single album that sounds similar. MCR were special

Realistically, I liked Three Cheers because I was like 15 when it came out and that shit appealed to me at the time, but by the time Black Parade came around I was a little older and had started listening to actual music that wasn't made for people in the full bloom of puberty, and so it came across as quite embarrassing. I still feel this way. It's embarrassing pop music made for middle schoolers.

perfect song

Yea, specially shit.

based and truthpilled

bombastic mediocrity

I didn't think it was possible to like MCR if you aren't a fat queer or an annoying 14 yr old girl, both these specimen being in high school.
Shit fucking band btw.

I think the sudden resurgence in popularity is really odd and probably a subconscious plot that's been programmed into people's heads
But I still enjoy it desu. Nostalgia is attached to it but also I'm not insecure about what I listen to so I can enjoy whatever I want.

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Im sure it has to do with zoomers discovering Gerard Way as the MCR frontman, knowing him only from Umbrella Academy
Also, it was one of those albums that everyone listened to across the board at the time. Id say Green Day's American Idiot and Eminem had a similar effect on the mainstream youth

>not mentioning teenagers
literally perfect album with good flow, neat storyline, but all of that is ruined by teenagers


Agreed 6/10 only because of mama. Bullets 7/10 three cheers and danger days 8/10

>Ugh, actually you’re not allowed to like this type of music unless you’re a gay degenerate pleb. Get some real taste from a cultured connoisseur of music like me, who pretends to like songs based on what /r/mu/ tells me.

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Add +1 to each of those
Except Danger Days gets -2 for Na NA NA NA NA NA NA

it's better than most the dogshit people worship here

jesus wtf happened to this guy. all that money and fame and pussy and you let yourself go... whata mess

Those are two of the best tracks you fucking tastelet

Yeah it’s called alcoholism.

Honestly never really liked this one. Always preferred the first one out of all of them

shit album objective fact if you like it you do not belong here.

>look at me i have a le username my opinions are le important!!

Gerard would still look like he was 25 if he shaved the neckbeard and lost weight

>if you like it you do not belong here.
The Black Parade is unironically Yea Forumscore