Headphones thread

What headphones do you have senpai ?

Do you have some nice high fidelity headphones to listen to you lossless library, right ? You aren't a pleb, are you ?

>pic related the best headphones in their price range, I upgrade them with the k702 but I don't have pictures of anime girls with the k702

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I have Beyerdynamic dt880s. They're my first proper pair of headphones. I love em, but the bass is too soft and I can't quite EQ them to sound better. What should me next pair be, something Sennheiser? AKG?

I've had a pair of srh840s for several years and it's kind of falling apart in places. Still mostly works pretty well but the jack where the replaceable cable goes in seems to be loose and sometimes the audio will cut out.

>he doesnt own these bad boys

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if you want some good bass out of an open set of headphones, try Philips X2HR

>closed headphones

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nah, they aren't closed. idiot.

Purplehearts are the worst of the fostex biodynas by a long shot.

Beyerdynamic DT1770's for the office with a monoprice amp, T1's with a schitt amp for home

>V shaped headphones bad
kys senncuck

Oh, I get it, you’re mentally retarded and incapable of basic reading comprehension. If I gave a shit about veilheisers I wouldn’t be talking about Fostex biodynas specifically now would I?

I have a Schitt Fulla 2 and I can't tell if it's causing stuttering in the audio or if it's something with my computer. It's infrequent enough that it's not that annoying but still.

Sounds like typical Schiit to me.

purplehearts are the most v shaped of the tr-x00s so I assumed you had a dumb bias against that, so I assumed you were some faggoty "neutral" senncuck, no, you are an advanced cuck, the worst kind. I shudder to even say it it.... but you are a stax chink.

There's also static when I turn the volume up or down, which is apparently a known problem with their shit.

I've not encountered any issues with mine personally but have certainly heard similar things from other friends that have used Schitt in the past.

Gunna run with it till I have enough cash to upgrade, got other hifi things that I'm prioritizing.

unless you listen to lossless media with high end equipment, there is absolutely no reason to spend more than $200 USD on headphones

prove me wrong

The TH-X00s in general are not good examples of the Fostex biodyna.
Sounds like typical Schiit to me.

>The TH-X00s in general are not good examples of the Fostex biodyna.
why? I have the budget to upgrade, so why should I

They have worse technicalities than the TH900/909 and have worse transient response than the TH610. They’re also not as luscious and smooth as the Emu Teak. If I were to buy one I would buy the 909, though in general the Fostex biodyna driver is not as technical and precise as I would like.

You'd be right but stax are $700. And everybody needs stax.

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>worse transient response than the TH610
ha oh man

Glad you’re here to have interesting discourse and not to justify your purchases to uninterested parties.

*cough cough*
AHGAHA aaahh HAHA ahhh ha ha... haha ..

I bought the AKG K701 like 10 years ago, used them for 2 year regularly, then the rest sporadically. The cushions had gone to shit and the elastics were completely destroyed, I was so sad to look at them and think that they once costed me a summer job, so I decided to take them apart and clean them and order a new pair of pads. I could do nothing about the elastics though so I did a quick fix in the meanwhile.

I also did the "bass-mod" and holy shit, they are completely different cans.

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I get that you came from /hpg/ where the entire general boils down to people trying to justify why they didn’t waste $500 on some shitty mid-fi headphone but it doesn’t really fly when no one but you cares.

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There is absolutely no excuse to not get into the STAX game especially when the entry fee isnt really that high, and you can even get in at a lower price when you get used.

I don't understand why people would willingly steer away from electrostats and buy dynamics or planars at the same price point instead.


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Did the STAX posting scare everyone off?

you don't understand...l I'm disregarding your opinion, and you cant bear that.

And I’m here to mock you for your pathetic attempts at trying to make me look foolish.