ITT: Albums no one talks about but should

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This is a very good album, but didn't hold up for me overtime. Still underrated forsure, and you'd think more people would like this considering it's Liz Harris doing shoe-gaze.

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it's got some ok songs like o dana but alex was phoning this whole album in and you can hear it, especially compared with their god-tier first 2 albums


You must have shit taste. Their power-pop stuff ranges from okay-decent. Radio City is actually a shit album. Third is heartfelt, thoughtfully written, and is a summation of the previous 20 years of Rock music.

>Ok computer OKNOTOK 1997-2017 the second disk

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ok computer is their best album though

Everything by this faggot

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everything by pic related

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thanks, i'm enjoying this album

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smooth russian psychodelia

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extremely underrated, song with survivor

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Along with*

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Cowtools, needs more discussion

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This. It's the best album ever made by a female artist.

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thyre all shit

>I can't wait for a new Dethklok album, even if it can't be called Dethklok anymore.
>Wait, they made a spiritual successor?

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Dying All the Time is a shoegaze classic