Imagine being so insecure about your musical abilities that you feel the need to sexualize yourself once you're legal...

Imagine being so insecure about your musical abilities that you feel the need to sexualize yourself once you're legal just to keep the public's attention.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I can't wait

But some hipster mag told me she’s a feminist who wears baggy clothes as a feminist statement.

I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna C-C-C-COOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

She's a one trick pony. Her second album will likely sound just like her first one and by that time her edgy minimalist style will have lost its novelty in the mainstream. In 10 years though normalfags will probably have considered her the Kurt Cobain of the 2020s. She might even end up killing herself just like him.

The fact she so quickly goes from Andrea Dworkin to Naomi Wolfe is all I need to know.

I really hate this meme. Fuck Sam Hyde

How is this news?

Imagine that, girls want to be desired

Corporate news isn't about education, just profits. Kind of like Billie here.

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It's common knowledge she's woke-for-pay. How is that some deep revelation?

Attached: woke-for-pay.png (791x572, 125K)

She knows she’s a flash in the pan.

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First we went from hoodie to tanktop milker reveal. Now she wants to “show her body” in a music video. It will not stop there

this is clearly something her marketing execs decided for her. All the baggy clothing is their way of sidestepping the idea that they're sexualising a teenager, once she's an adult they can throw her naked to the wolves with a clean conscience

She was originally marketed like this.

Attached: Billie-pre-soundclout.jpg (1080x1350, 108K)

Cum sauce

The only part i recognize is the fucking eye brows


You aren’t lucky. You’re just not rich.

I meant to say

You can't deny she had more style back then.

How far back does "Billie Eilish" the marketing experiment go? I've never seen this image. I thought she was originally marketed as "goth" before they started marketing her as a gangsta.

am I getting memed? Has someone edited the pics on this girl's eyes in every picture on this board? Is OPs picture shopped? What the fuck is going on?

Her eyes just look retarded. That's literally how they look. No photoshop, mate.

>Person says they like money
Woah! how radical

She got signed to a major label at 14 back in early 2016. Her brother arranged the record deal via his Hollywood connections.

she looks like that old meme where people use photoshop to swap her left eye with her right.

>thinking this thot was ever a feminist

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already looking forward to being a whore. good for her.

She’s 17 didn’t u do dumb shit as a 17 year old

I certainly wasn't writing requiems for domestic abusers.

god, Id love to have people lusting over my body while I rolled on the floor and rode wrecking balls
where should I upload my 'like a virgin' performance?

Nah but you were likely writing equally edgy shit on here, it’s just that you’re weren’t in the public eye to get scrutinized by millions.

If Billie is a feminist she would never have paid tribute to XXXTensioncord.

Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking eyelash threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this onions bitch on this board I don’t give a shit about what shitty song she made poorly or what was she paid for she made highly she’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why eyelash be dumb onions woman not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about her just stop fucking posting her she’s not a musician and her songs aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it she’s a moron you’re the moron for posting her whether you like het or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if eyelash were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized she was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting her stop posting about how you like and support her and stop posting about how you dislike or hate her just stop making threads about this shit.

is it really hard to imagine that someone personality and style changed between the ages of 14 and 17?


It's more that Billie had a team around her from age 14 onward who are carefully planning her image.

Literally the case with the majority popular artists

i dont believe a 14 year old girl dressed herself like that, when 14 year olds try to be slutty it looks very specific, that outfit looks like some old boomer perv from laurel canyon chose it

Meaning she's as inauthentic as they are.

Honestly it's good for her that she took the image she is now cause she looks like generic white artist #67482929

She was never about the music. Her brother does everything.



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she has asymmetrical eyes. its very common and its not something you notice unless you focus on it.

hers are a little bit more pronounced than usual. bradley cooper is an extreme example but also ryan gosling is pretty bad

Attached: Bradley-Cooper-3.jpg (1600x1200, 165K)

yeah and part of her whole gimmick was she is all covered up wearing baggy stuff and shit. all of that lore is wiped and even more meaningless now after this happens. just more proof every teenage girl is a cock hungry retarded whore in dire need to be swallowing more cum than they can suck out.

>Imagine being so insecure about your musical abilities that you feel the need to sexualize yourself once you're legal just to keep the public's attention.
Imagine being a faggot. Oh wait, OP, you don't have to!

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Will she show asshole in December?

No one on this board likes this girl.

I don't like her music either but the glimpses of her body man, you'd have to be a faggot to not be into it.

How old are you?

Lucky girl.

So she’s basically Madonna.


She's AT LEAST twenty one or twenty two years old.

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I wish this was photographed just a few inches lower.

>But some hipster mag told me she’s a feminist who wears baggy clothes as a feminist statement.
If she breathes she's a thot

I always thought she looked older

Women need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream. Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern women. These 'feminists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what women really want. I say we give it to them.

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Who didnt see this coming?

she is a money grubbing attention whore but she's literally been brought up to do just that. give her 15 more years and she will be able to objectively look back on the crazy circumstances of her life. no one is their own person or their whole selves at 17 and that's when you aren't being sold as a brand. that being said her music is shit. now let's stop picking on teenagers

No one

yummy yummy yummy

Fuck off misogynist.


Dennis, that's a little much now.

>Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking eyelash threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this onions bitch on this board I don’t give a shit about what shitty song she made poorly or what was she paid for she made highly she’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why eyelash be dumb onions woman not rate album how I rate album” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about her just stop fucking posting her she’s not a musician and her songs aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about him again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it she’s a moron you’re the moron for posting her whether you like het or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if eyelash were deleted off youtube this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized she was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting her stop posting about how you like and support her and stop posting about how you dislike or hate her just stop making threads about this shit.

based footfag.

wow she payed respect to her dead friend despite all the bad shit he had done. Such a thot, right?


“Denzel is fucking Billie Eilish bruh.” - SpaceGhostPurrp 2019

What is this like the 10th time someone’s said Billie eyelash bad on this board in the past week?

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Why would she defend abusers unless she was either a clout-chaser or thinks feminism is a joke?

Gross dude.

They didn't even meet IRL.

You do all realize this is the typical ploy in Hollywood right? Pornstars do the SAME EXACT THING.

>go into porn
>only do softcore and girl on girl soft shit
>wait a couple months to a year for faggots and companies willing to drop serious dosh on a boy girl scene
>after fucking their way through all of porn hollywood finally do some crazy BDSM or interracial shit

This is literally the same exact thing except the music industry version. Disney/Nickeldeon stars do the same exact thing as well once they get old enough.

Lmao wow

well she has to keep some type of audience, when she turns 18 she'll lose the pedos

>Lmao wow
Yep, she's a huge clout-chaser. Wouldn't be surprised if her brother is telling her to play up her "friendship" with X for clout points.

You know that post was made by her brother, right?

I swear to god if i see another billie eilish thread i'm going to slit her throat

showing her tits won't make those dead thot shark eyes or the nigger culture she's wallowing in any more attractive. Just a gross used-up whore


my dick is ready

Sad how "looking desirable" means looking like a whore.

Why wait till shes 18? Britteny spears was slutting it up at 16.

That typical white girl shit of acting "hip" whilst trying to force sexual tension and chase clout

fippy bippy

Exploiting black bodies for clout.

yet we're not making threads for every pop star

i do. very much.

Are you 14, white, and female?

Because none of them LARP as "DIY bedroom artists".

no im 33, white, male.

but yeah the real mystery is all the hate behind her. getting mad about a pop idol having a fake persona is misunderstanding how the pop industry works. if you're looking for authenticity don't listen to mainstream pop made by teenagers. pretty easy solution actually .

funny thing, she's 22

She already is sexualising herself tho. Someone posted one of her garbage songs where she sings about seducing your dad.

>implying I listen to that
>implying people posting it here aren't just marketers
If you honestly like this kind of "music", you're a gigantic faggot.

why? because you don't like her music?
people have different tastes. stop being so pretentious. let people listen to what they want. what harm does it do you?

You don't like music, you are without depth or soul. Dance Goyim, dance.

fuh puh buh puh

so he can watch as she gets fucked by bbc

do it now faggot. end Yea Forums's misery

Oh, she's not 18?

britteny was abused bro, that like totally not funny

you people are pathetic. who fucking cares.

i would like to be spared from that, tyvm. seen enough disgusting shit in my life.

i care because she so hot already, just imagining her getting hotter will blow my mind.
god i wanna taste those lips and make her mine soooo bad

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Can't wait

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Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking Eilish threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild refugees I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this whore on this board I don’t give a shit about what shitty song she made or what good song she made she’s a stupid fucking idiot we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr wait why eilish be dumb onions woman not makes songs how I make songs” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing this subhuman and always the same fucking complaints about her just stop fucking posting her she’s not a musician and her songs aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about her again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads so I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it she’s a industry plant and you’re the retarded plant for posting her whether you like her or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if eilish just died this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized she was never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting her stop posting about how you like and support her and stop posting about how you dislike or hate her just stop making threads about this shit

blacked raw

you just dont get it, retard

Have sex incel
who cares lol

i just want a nude photoshoot desu

whats up with the forced tired look she always throws on?

have sex

Based because she was friends with X

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>Those tits
She'll only become more famous
Or fans will get booty blasted at how stacked she is

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Tired of men talking about her body.


Cannot wait

She says part of the reason she wears baggy clothes is to hide them lololol. Something something doesn't want other girls to think they need a perfect body

Wait she isn’t fucking 18
YIKES people older than her listen to her music

Why does she think it's appropriate to lie to her female fans?

>god i wanna taste those lips and make her mine soooo bad

hahahahaha, lmao

Imagine being so insecure you have to make this post. It is many levels beyond

I know right?

He looks too old to be 17


based, but also cringe


This girl was always about the money.

but user you gotta be black for her to like you ;)

I was literally just thinking that it's cool to see her not give a shit and focus on selling her music instead of trying to be sexy even though she's got a banging bod. Guess I jinxed it.

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You gay or somethin?

Nah, she would have become Lana 2.0

Thanks for enlightening me, that makes it fucking hilarious

if she breathes shes a thot