This is the guitar and bass thread. It's the JAZZMASTER and ORANGE AMP edition

This is the guitar and bass thread. It's the JAZZMASTER and ORANGE AMP edition.

How do I start learning guitar/bass?
Guitar chords and inversion
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:


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Other urls found in this thread:

post after me and your gay

the art hoe of guitar gear

Fuck off. Orange amps and Jazzmasters is the ultimate combo.

reminder that Gibsonfags who brag about owning a les paul should be ashamed that its not an ES-355

Why even bother owning a Gibson if you aren't going to buy an Orange amp too?

>tfw no es295 to leave in the corner of my room and never play

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>he couldn’t afford a schecter sls elite, the only guitar that’s good enough, because he spent all his money on boomer snake oil guitars that don’t hold tune

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Because all that money spent on a beautiful semi-hollow would be ruined by the orange amp smearing shit all over its tone

oatmeal is for breakfast, meal is for children

>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he's too stupid to lubricate a nut, let alone get a good job

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>orange amp edition
should I buy tiny terror?

Is there a better feeling than coming back to a song you thought was impossible to play a year later and it's now pretty easy to play?

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really stupid signal path.
>distortion > looper > reverb > OD

You mean an ES-335? The $3000 guitar made of plywood?

If he can't afford a gibson, there's a good chance he does in fact have experience lubricating nuts.

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No thats the les paul

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Gibsons are the C4 corvette of guitars.

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no, i mean the ES-355. Did I fucking stutter?

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What if you play a Firebird?

hell yes.

Good point

oh, so still a plywood guitar.

bass guitars are for faggots

>orange amp
Fucking hell I gotta get off this board

Yeah man, never mind all that rich sustain and creamy attack. What you REALLY want from a guitar is dad rock royalty status and neck ache.

Besides a good ole pencil lube, how do you keep an sg in tune?

Buy a better guitar

>tfw new to guitar and can't practice more than 20 minutes straight without sore fingers

I'm having to break things into multiple practices a day

Why don't you guys own a Guitalele yet? It's the ultimate travel guitar.

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If you started out on an electric or steel string acoustic rather than a nylon string, its your own fault. If you want to make any progress you should be playing until you bleed, eventually they'll toughen up

Ok but before I swap it for an esp with evertune what do

doesn't have 24 frets

>He needs more then one octave of frets

Because I'm not a nonce

Real men like big things, like long, thin, necks with 24 frets.

>t. overcompensating for small pp

repostingmy ditty

>small instrument, kid-sized
>wants to go "travelling" with it
you're a pied piper nonce if I ever saw one

This is just Bad Romance except slightly jazzy and a bit shit.

Learn how to string it properly.

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>you should be playing until you bleed


Properties of materials is completely lost on these imbeciles.

Artec Soloist is the best distortion pedal. I have put that thing in front of a silverface twin, super reverb, jcm800, even a little Vox practice amp. Just solid toan every time. Great for 80s metal in particular.

that's where you're wrong.

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This guy might look funny, but he has the wise eyes of a chinaman.

Mxr is great. Ive never heard of this tell me more.

Probably has a small chink dick too.

What do you think of my American Primitive-inspired improv

It's a collab with Shin Suzuki.
Default mode sounds great but I love the dark switch.
Lots of sustain, super clear even at max gain, very responsive. Probably the best you could find for the price, it's so satisfying and rich.

Nice. How is it against the raijin.

hanks, mate. its a standard chord progression, so its like a million songs

>high clarity at high gain levels
>major 3rds sound good with distortion (!)
Color me intrigued. Time to sell my Plimsoul

nice, mate.this wascool


James Root loves the title of this thread

James Root is a better writer than 99.9% of the people in this general

Orange amps are so shitty. Nasty midrange bump and fizzy as shit. The distortion is actually fuzz because it's so bad.

Thinking about getting a Vintera Tele

Im gonna go see final fantasy boy play in november

If gibson made a 24 fret les paul standard i would buy it

I just have this one, got it for 15 bucks used, sounds great.

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>tone city

They make a 24 fret SG with better strap button placement so it won't dive

There is no reason to own anything with less than 24 frets.

There is no reason to own anything

Materialism is a sham

Pickup position has a big impact on tone, less frets = can move neck pickup up farther

Lads what are some pedals to avoid on this list? I’m relatively new to making music in the shoegaze genre and I’m thinking of making a pedal board, I’m basically broke as shit and definitely can’t afford every pedal here ( plus every time I buy something used I try jewing down the price so it hurts my wallet less )

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who was in the wrong here?

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>telling lookieloo to pound sand
can't get more baste than this

If the seller didn’t say he didn’t care no one would have been wrong imo


My family are all so negative people then I come here and everyone is hating every other person
What am I doing with my life

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The poorfag, you shouldn't even be looking at such expensive guitars if you don't know what you're after

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How about another photo of that dean op?

I don't get this meme.

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The seller Its like buying a car before you've taken it out for a test drive or looked it over to make sure its mechanically stable.

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it's just about how we deify these virtuoso guitarists, but when you really think about it, especially if they have asshair (which jerry garcia almost certainly did at that point) then there's really no way he could have gotten all the shit with no matter how many wipes he made.

that means that when he was up there jamming in mixolydian, he probably had kaka specks all over his ass.

it's fucking disgusting

Album launch gig went brilliant. Thanks to all those who wished me luck etc. yesterday :)


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>Here's your guitar bro!

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I'd rather have dry nuts than kaka nuts.

>creamy attack
We don't need to hear what your boyfriend told you last night in bed.

That's some Pat Metheny ass looking shit

What a great amp

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i'd get the dark terror user

the buyer why the fuck buy a $7.5k guitar?

I'm betting he just wanted to touch it, and the seller knew that, so he blew him off.

so user, why haven't you bought a gibby yet?

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Because I don't want to cut off my penis.

recommendations for a compressor, a reverb, and a noise gate?

Going to slowly start coming off the multi-effects pedal, don't need $6000 botique one off vegan, gold shielded natural uranium shit, just decent regular shit. Probably going to buy used anyways.

‘Cos I’m a Martin man.

I do love the sound of a vintage J45/J50/SJ200 etc.

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I do like the vintage Martin tone. I just don't like the vintage Martin price. I get get pretty close for less, and since only my dog will ever hear it, it's good enough.

First for default tele neck pickups are bad

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should I get a tremolo lads?

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In all honesty I bought my 00015m (see ) because I was a fanny and too caught up in brand names at the time. It is a great little guitar though and I will never part with it.

You’d have to be a moron though to think Epiphone, Yamaha and so on don’t produce some excellent cheap acoustics.

Being able to sing and play a song you haven't attempted or even thought about in years.

dude i know exactly what you're talking about. the first song i tried to learn on guitar at like 13 was cape cod kwassa kwassa by vw and i struggled with it for so long but i just tried it again recently and its sooo fucking easy. catharsis

Get a dyna comp and use the money you saved to get an Empress reverb.

Terrors are aight. They're really basic 15 watters.


Being able to set to music lyrics you wrote ages ago is what tops that for me. There’s a few songs I wrote but didn’t have the knowledge to do justice to that this happened for recently

>thinking about getting a fender XII
>Fender comes out with a new "reissue" of it shortly thereafter
perhaps it's a sign

My current acoustic is a bog basic dreadnaught, one step up from the entry level, that i can abuse to death and it keeps going, and since I'm not a working musician and a hobbyist, it's all I need. If I could afford a Martin, of course, I'd get one. But right now, I'm more interested in getting a really good parlor guitar, on a budget, for fucking around with on the couch, the dreadnaught is just too big for that. I just want to capo off a parlor and fuck around with Ian Anderson chords while I watch TV.

Why would there be a midrange bump in an amp without a tone stack?

Nice try, thanks for playing.

not cringe at all

Nice, I love a good parlour guitar. Joan Baez has quite the collection of little Martins.

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Not bad. I prefer my SG and pic related

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Are there any amps that give me a full EQ instead of simple bass/mid/treble?

Mesa Mark 3 comes to mind

What's presence? reverb?

I can sweep

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>What's presence?
This is either a troll or a meme I haven't heard yet

Reverb? Not built in. I like my ehx holy grail.

answer my question nigga

The presence control on an amp is used to boost the upper midrange and treble frequencies in a certain way that makes a guitar's tone sound notably livelier, raspier and wilder than normal. In other words, it makes the tone more pronounced and present, especially in a mix, hence the name.

Based Google copypaster. Idk how some people don't know how to Google their questions

>upper midrange and treble
Shouldn't it be in between middle and treble, then?

No, because it's not an EQ, it's more of a boost.

You laugh, but he's actually right. We all wemt through it, besides, classical guitar are for faggots and spics

If a combo, cabinets typically don't have flat frequency responses.
Nice try, thanks for playing.

Some people wouldn't know how to breathe if it didn't come naturally.

Most Orange amps aren't combos. Keep moving the goal post and copying me.

It's not really something amp makers offer, and I know this will trigger some, but fuck it, I'm bored with kakaposting. Okay, what i remember is that the 3 EQ knobs on an amp aren't really EQs, the treble and bass are more high and low pass filters, that's how the circuit is designed. Big moves. I think the analogy is the knobs on an amp are paint rollers, the EQ on a parametric are fine detail brushes. And from what I dimly recall, the way amp circuits are designed, adding an EQ would overcomplicate it, and would just be on a loop in the FX chain anyway, because designing that into a tube circuit isn't easy, and it's easier/cheaper to just throw an FX in/out onto the circuit that design a true EQ circuit. Or I'm misremembering and talking out of my ass.
If you need to shape your signal that much, just throw a parametric into your signal chain, or get an EQ stomp box. I've never see an amp that isn't a modeling amp that has more than bass, mid, and treble, except for Mesa Boogies, and that's just 5 band. If you want more, you have to get into amp modeling or rack gear.

Presence is more of a notch filter than EQ. I think. Might be using the wrong term. And, I know presence is power amp, treble, mid and bass are pre-amp.

Thanks kakabro.

>tube amp
lol trash

My fingers have never bled from playing steel string acoustic. Got dry as fuck calluses for a long time but those are pretty much gone.

I was really surprised when I saw someone I know post this, what a mess.

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Quilter does something quite a bit different but simple to control.

More complicated eqs just costs parts and labor and guitarists are fucking mongs. Giving them a bunch of options that don't sound good will cripple your product's rep.

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yeah any amp with an effects loop
lol holy fuck look at this retard

Check this out, user.
It's a bass amp, but it works incredibly well with guitar.

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I considered the Elf. Nice little compact amp with decent tone and a good amount of power. But then I decided fuck that, and bought a markbass 800 w tube amp LOL

I don't see the point, even Earth uses solid state amps now. Slowdive too.
When you're playing at home you don't need that much power, when you're playing live you can just use the PA's and subwoofer. It just seems like extra trouble. I've never had a tube amp that didn't stress me out. They feel so primitive.

ya. You can buy a 25 watt amp that's the size of a Cheez-It for a dollar now.

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Cause I make good money and I wanted it. That's why.

Not my handwriting. I don't want gear that's been written on by someone else.

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These always break for some reason.

I don't work but I get 380$ a week from the government as neetbux.
I save 90% of it, maybe I should buy a new guitar or something.

What did you do to get the money?

>I don't work but I get 380$ a week from the government as neetbux.
Gonna be a big yikes from me. Come to my neck of the woods, and I'll put you to work on a roof with me and make a man outta you.

Ah yes, the triggering. I expected that, lol. That's why I tried to start a conversation, so we could all learn. So step up, Chief. Tell me how I'm wrong. Educate us. I'd really like to learn. The stage is all yours.

You're probably right, but I knew an actual electrical engineer who fucked around with tube amps, who told me tube circuits aren't easy to just slap stuff onto. I lost track of him, so I can't text him to refresh my memory on what he used to talk about.

I did way too much LSD, DMT, and shrooms now I have extremely severe hppd and agoraphobia and I can't be trusted to be employed.
I would be up for it, I like working outdoors. We should go hunting too I got a new crossbow

I watched the video on the Quilter, btw. That's an insane little box. I like the mad scientist vibe from the designer, too.

>My fingers have never bled from playing steel string acoustic. Got dry as fuck calluses for a long time but those are pretty much gone.
I've gotten blisters and sore skin, but never actually bled like that. I can't imagine what he must've played like to get like that (seriously, not using the phrase as an expression).

They have ADA compliant ramps onto the roof for his wheelchair?

lmao you type like a women mad cause she got mansplaned to

So you did so much drugs and were such a loser, that you now get paid out of everyone's taxes? Hypothetical question, if the government were to ever end pointless handouts to lazy people, how would you survive?

>I did way too much LSD, DMT, and shrooms
so you're telling me that I can get free money just by being a disappointment to my parents and a leech on society? How did you start the process for the paperwork to get money? Got a link?

Lol I wouldn't even waste my time. He wouldn't make it until lunch time before he bailed. Straight pathetic.

Only a Gibson is good enough.

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why do you retards just not put a tiny drop of superglue on each fingertip and let it harden? good god, I thought it was obvious.

Cringe. You can always spot a boomer when he reveals that he thinks wasting time and energy on a dead end low wage manual labor job is some kind of point of pride.

What'd you do for your first felony?

Crinfe. Born 91. I can always smell a lazy millennial with no work ethic. I've got a house and a music room full of high end gear bought and paid for with "dead end low wage labor"

Have a pic of my main bass rig to keep you warm at night

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fucked your mom till she turned ugly

Lmao touched a nerve huh?

lol my nerves are too expensive for you to fuck with. I spend what you make in a month in a day.

Yeah on lottery tickets and bud light lmao

I want a black vintera custom Tele. Get some nice Rolling Stones tones out of it

Ah, so you can't correct whatever mistakes I made, and educate us.

Something tells me you don't know. But maybe it's just me.

What did you take that picture with, a flip phone?

based shitty picture caller outer

case in point

>black vintera custom Tele
i could never get into teles with humbuckers. Idk, just doesn't look right to me. They sound great though, just don't have the "tele look" imo

lol i pulled my hand away just as the picture took and I was too lazy to snap another. You get the gist. It's an amp n stuff.

No, I'm honestly asking. No problem with the gear itself, but you can't see it because of the potato quality of the picture. It's just surprising to see a shitty pic like that, when phones with amazing cameras are practically free now.

The middle position is where the default pick ups really shine besides the bridge pickup

based shitty picture caller outer explainer

all that gear is pawnshop tier shit tho

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DUDE! That rig is hot sex. I wish I could play it. I'll bet it pushes out some serious ball-rattling power. Yes you should get a fucking tremolo. What brand did you have in mind? Don't go too overboard. As long as it's an analog circuit, you'd have a hard time making it sound bad through that rig. If you wanna spend a little more money, the boss trem or the ehx trem are stellar and among the best on the market imo

post pics of ur rig

I've never seen Markbass in a pawnshop

You win. Damn you.

another good one is learning whole songs by ear.

do you make money off of your music though

the boss trem (used) is what I was thinking, take out the Mojo OD, put the DOD there and put the trem between the DOD and the phaser

Play in bars with my buddies every now and then, but that's more for fun. You get a hundred or so and some free drinks. But no, I ain't selling out arenas.

the boss trem is tried and true. you just can't go wrong with one. I'd say give the ehx pulsar trem a go. It's a full stereo trem, so if you have a stereo cab setup, it's fucking aaaaaaamazing. Still sounds pretty decent through a single speaker too.

fuck of then

good for you man!


are d'addario strings good? i need to restring for the first time and idk what to get. also heavy med or light strings? i enjoy string bending, so im guessing heavier strings?

spic roofers can't afford high class hos

I hate them, but many love them.

Have you paid for a new roof? I bet you haven't, if you think that.

Just kinda sucks, cause we're all grown with families and jobs now. It gets harder to get together and just enjoy music. When we were in high school, we had shitty gear, but all the time in the world to jam. Now, we all have sweet gear that sounds great, but it's harder to just come together and play. It's all tradeoffs. You've gotta learn to enjoy music evenif you're playing it alone.

Heavier strings will make string bending more difficult and harder on your callouses. If you bend strings constantly like, say, Roy Buchanan, unironically consider those .007 Billy Gibbons strings.

don't get too caught up in the string meme. Stings are a very finite commodity. They're meant to be changed damn near as often as diapers. Find a pack of $5 strings and use them until they lose that "fresh, metallic, shiny" sound. Then rinse, repeat. Don't ever pay more than $8 a pack

ah the mantra of the failed musician

I always like Dean Markley, but try some D'ddarios, some like them, some don't. You're going to be replacing strings a lot over time, so don't get too hung up on it.
As for gauge, you really don't want heavy as a beginner. Bending strings won't be an issue with typical light gauges, with finger bends, or even dive bombing with a trem. 9's are a pretty standard gauge for most things. But I'm sure at least 4 other anons will call me a faggot for that, so...yeah. Buy what you can afford, try different gauges and stick with what feels best?

which one has a better, natural sound? I can't ruin that clean tone of the Bassman with any old bullshit..

that's something for you to decide with your ears. Watch some youtube reviews. Me personally, I'd chose the pulsar, because it's a more vibrant sounding boss trem imo. They're both great. Neither of them will fuck up the natural sound of your bassman. They're fairly transparent as far as analog modulation pedals go.

Yeah I want to know the process, too. I don't need to actually have hppd, I can just fake it. Not like anyone else can measure my perception anyways lol. I'm already agoraphobic so that's no problem.

aka the bass guitarist, aka the faggot

Whatever it takes to survive, I guess.

>They're fairly transparent
that's what I love, the DOD and Rat are great at that and I want a trem that just adds that little extra modulation between my guitar, OD/DS and the amp for an always leave on that isn't a verb or a chorus

any reason why?

i read theyre better for metal as well, due to detuning. im not too sure though

fair enough, i might just but some cheapo strings instead im just hating the gunky feel my current ones have (plus the b and e strings feel razor sharp)

This or a Plumes. Make up my mind

Touched a nerve, I guess

>repeating phrases that triggered you earlier desperately trying to even the score
lmao truly butthurt

care to extrapolate?

extrapolate on your hurt butt?


>any reason why?
I've just never had good luck with them. They either break fast, feel like shit or just sound bad.

He touched a nerve.


based fro/gg/man with his intuitive fin/gg/er

what u mean?

terrible banter you got btfo

That goes to the contractor, not the help.

savage af holy shit

i plan on going to guitar center tomorrow, what retarded and shitty riff should i play to annoy the faggots that work there?

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~$8-12k per job split between 3 people. Even my grunts get fat checks.

Rock Lobster, non-stop

Why are people who do manual labor for a living so easily baited /gg/? Seems to a recurring theme in this general

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Nobody with a brain sets being a musician as their career goal. Nobody.

why do neets get so mad when people call them lazy?

i don't know that one but it seems easy enough, i'll make sure to butcher it.

>roofers make bank
lo imagine being stupid enough to think people dont know better than this

when's the last time you made $1,200 in a week? Honest question.

I already know. It's a good business, it's just more risk and less favorable conditions. You'll also be surrounded by convicts with jobs. If you had your own business you'd have nice things, wheelbarrow boi.

nah play roundabout

When my relative died

i'll just play the harmonics over and over but make sure to actually fuck them up

intentionally, huehue

>60k a year before taxes
lmao this is so sad man

i own a house with a shit ton of music gear, a car, and your mom even comes over every now and then to rub my back. what more could I want?

ur math is a tiny bit off, babe. most modern keyboards have a hotkey that'll bring up calculator.

They're completely humorless because their lives have been shit from start to finish.

Thinking acting retarded on Yea Forums is fun is for people without jobs.

How about.. to give up online role-playing and invest in a metronome.

lmao you actually tried to brag about 60k a year

manual labor is the definition of failure for the white millennial male

they grew up dreaming not of being smart, but of doing things that would lead people to assume they were smart. and then they got the opposite. mostly because they didn't want to be smart, just be seen as smart (image obsessed fucks), partly because mainstream education is biased against male-minded individuals and dey took r jerbs (dey r wealthy kids from india who received top notch education actually).

That's a lot of money for a Mexican though.

That's median income

But he's literally destroying his body getting it, and working long ass hours on top of a fucking house, with coworkers who would shove him off for crack money,

not even meme'ing or trying to be mean, but don't you feel worthless when you don't work or be productive? i've never understood people that can wake up at noon every day and not wanna kill themselves for being useless. Do you honestly not feel a problem with not working and sitting around? Were your parents lazy? Did they collect welfare? Did your dad ever make you do chores around the house or make you mow the lawn? I'm honestly trying to understand

lmao any choad can make 60k a year working at walmart in the air conditioning and he tried to brag about working outside like an animal i'm crying over here

do you feel worthless when your place in life could be filled by a rudimentary machine or an 80 IQ gorilla without anyone noticing?

you aren't valuable to anyone. when your family dies there won't be anyone left to give a shit if you kill yourself.

i'm off the roof every day no later than 2pm. Me and the boys smoke mad weed and joke about titites and farts.

>wow, i touched a nerve there

People can be lazy with a purpose.

You don't have to spend every waking hour slaving on some menial task you hate to create value.

the 3pm sun is so hot amirite

i practice guitar

you contribute the labor value of a well trained ape and clearly don't practice guitar

I don't think this is how Walmart works. In fact I know they go out of their way to keep people under full time. They also used to use a lot of illegal labor after-hours.

ya seethin'?

>I don't think
lmao we know

Ya got a plan for when gorilla roofers undercut you by asking for less money because they don't care if they only get $30k a year?

60k Walmart for new minimum wage. Get your free Maga Gibshit guitar before it gets smashed by a Caterpillar.

ya sore? ya feelin the arthritis yet? your knees a little creaky?

lol i work in an office and my only physical activity is regimented, intentional exercise that makes me healthier and stronger. all you blue collar losers end up decrepit and weak because you're too tired for real exercise and before you know it you have no cartilage left from kneeling down and hammering nails all day.

Managers, maybe, but "any choad" ain't getting hired as manager. But typically, when people flex on salaries around here, it's some pizza deliverer who hopes to get a dollar tip. Average pay at Walmart is $9 an hour, for "choads", that's slightly less than $1200 a week. Just slightly. And you have to wear that dumb blue apron.

>$9 an hour
>40 hour weeks
>somehow this is $1200 not $360

sly fro/gg/man is sly

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Learn to sarcasm, my dude.


>working more than full time at wal-mart

Lol it's not the ol' mill, billy. You can't work 36 hour shifts there.

lol ya, you boilin' for sure

lol no i don't work in direct sunlight

don't forget to visit a dermatologist regularly to get yourself checked for melanomas

if roofers make so much money then why is the roofer bassist poor w/ a potato camera and pawnshop gear

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why ya fumin'?

i know you are but what am i?

diy and home improvement gg is kino

day laborers are all the same and i never miss an opportunity to have a laff at their expense

I am retarded with computers, but I want to record my bass. what is the cheapest method to insert bass guitar into daw.

>I am retarded

Get a 1/4 to 1/8" adapter and use the "line in" rather than the mic if you have one. Or just get the cheapest least shitty interface you can find.

Getting paid to est yakiniku

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Back to work slave.


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Spicy ramen

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This isn't the grilled stuffed burritos we're used to seeing around here. Must be azn hours.

Dean is better than nigson

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There is no reason not to own gibson cookware.

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>Tfw you checked the options pretty sure kiesel could make this exact guitar for about ~$1600 with special requests for white pickup bezels and different hardware placement

Lads, forget Gibsons

I'm saving my money to have the only Hina guitar in existence

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So where do I Actually find a good place to try and talk about learning guitar?
/gg/ is just gearfaggin about crap, the links are good and all but, i'm having some trouble with the tips my fingers and i have lots of doubts with theory

I think I am the only one around here trying to play nylon strings guitar

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I tried nylons once but no sound came out of the speaker.

you should have tried on an electroacoustic one

Holy fuck im buzzed. Feels good to be making 70/hr.


Nigga im on double time from now till 6am

gibson acoustic > martin

Both are shitty compared to taylor

all three are goofy nigga tier compared to Harley Benton

Sad delusional child peasant.

El Cajon, my back yard. Shame it's infested with muslims.

Because I run mine into a Mesa (and not a Recto).

What kind of shitty job are you working and why can't you afford a gibson despite that pay

Gibsons (specifically les pauls) are for old people.


>your age
>how much money you make in a month
>your dream gibson
>why you don't own it if it's so good

this one
i'm too lazy to take care of nitro

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>Still discussing MUH GEERZ over practicing
Never change /gg/, never change

Nice empty wallet homie

Are those overpriced too?

is 28 too late to learn guitar?

im learning at 25. I'll assume not

wap a piezo pickup on that bad boye
just air your query, if ever im on i'll try to help. I'm learning too and relish a good conversation that might better mine or someone elses ability

but fuck you too, i like talking gear
So yeah whats up?

Yo if you are still around what album was it? I know the venue you are playing in and have played there a couple times.

smoke on the water will probably get you killed

Via online videos or with a real life teacher?

beautiful guitar

i dont use videos, just books and tapes/cd's

Based Number Girl

How do you discuss practicing exactly?

which ones? and do you play acoustic or e guitar?

What? It’s a classic look, the HH teles are a little different but even then those don’t look bad at all

e guitar and i use a bunch of hal leonard books
Fretboard mastery
chord tone soloing
Fretboard workbook
Troy stetinas Rhythm 1, 2 and Lead 1, 2
Guitar aerobics
and pretty much anything i find online
these can all be torrented

but also a healthy amount of time just goofing around too
but i have prior experience

I think I'm going mad Yea Forums.
Just bought a Casio keyboard yesterday on a whim and I have no real reason as to what possessed me to do it.
Maybe I just want to practice on a different instrument for a while. I've lost a lot of motivation to practice guitar lately.

prior experience learning keys and chromatic harmonica

keys is so much more intuitive

Hi man, my own album, The Songs of Neil Matthew Fox. Sadly landlord is forcing out Leith Depot on 1st October.

Did you shag any fat bitches?

Not this time - one day though I am sure!

Oh dude really? That's a fucking downer, I really like the Depot, seen loads of cool stuff there and played a catastrophic show there

Are you an Edinburgh user? You already know my name from the album so hit me up on Facebook messenger if you fancy doing an open mic some time.

>Leith Depot

I know, it’s an institution, what absolute cunts. They already evicted all the other businesses in the building, Leith Depot is all that is remaining. Developer wants to turn it into student accommodation I believe. Planning permission was refused but developer appealing to Scottish Government and booting out all the businesses in the meantime.

Petitions are going and letters to MSPs etc, I will have a look into it myself but not looking hopeful for the venue.

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I'm inbetween places but I play drums mainly which isn't too open mic friendly, might come see one of your shows if I'm about though
Yeah I thought that the planning permission getting denied had dealt with it, real shame about what happened to Edinburgh's music scene, only places left are like Henry's, Sneakys and Bannermans if you're a band now I guess.

Cool man thanks!

I played Henry’s for the first time just on Monday there, fell in love with the place immediately. Great crowd, great sound, love the dark and dingy vibe too.

Yeah Henry's is great, dunno how long you've been about the music scene but I think the first thing I saw there was Paws in like 2013 or something and thought the same, lovely place, and when the energy's good you can really feel it

I tried the yamaha one, it's pretty cool and portable

Quite new to the scene myself, been playing live for just over a year. I like Woodland Creatures In Leith as well but that is very folk orientated.

>I'm inbetween places
lmao why do poorfags do this shit? just say you're homeless and be done with it you fucking loser

Yeah dude my life is falling apart and I've no home but i make time to post on Yea Forums!

everybody knows the type

takes 1 2 no 1 bb

digitech polara

how much of that is for hrt?

hey, whatever you need to tell yourself


What do you lads think of classical guitar?

I play some tunes on a clean electric but the string spacing makes it difficult at times

Is this modern art, or an actually playable piece of equipment?