a new song, wrote this when i decided to live in a hotel in the middle of nowhere for a month. i do everything myself so any feedback is greatly appreciated, happy to return
I'm feedback: first track is pretty cool but it feels like it's building up to something way louder and more intense that never really comes this rules man sounds really polished the synth lines on you need out are super nice two years is well composed but it would hit a lot harder imo if it didnt have midi drums but not really something you can change maybe try using some chopped up drum breaks next time
Very happy to finally share this with you all Electronic >PostHardcore >Ambient >NoiseRock >Noise >ProgressiveElectronic >HeavyMetal >VideoGameMusic >Sampling >Hardcore >IDM >Industrial
the intro is a bit drawn out. Also , you might wanna look over your spelling lmao. not sure you want to be telling people that you're a "pretty good raper". the rapping is really good, the rest of the instrumental is solid, just the intro seems quite unnecessary.
Really dig the dynamics on this one. The drums getting bigger and reverby then small is really nice. The instrumentation is really good, the layers are nice. Feels like it could be a lil tighter somehow, but I dunno. The chorus bubbley synth is wonderful.
I like the way your voice sounds, reminds me of Elliot Smith. I didn't expect the trap drums, caught me off guard, but it oddly really works. Along with all the distortion. I think you could introduce a lil more dynamics, it's a lil too compressed. Really cool song.
Listening to "slower". The vocal effect isn't doing it for me. It sounds a little too insecure. I was waiting for like a really big drop and I don't feel like I ever got it. The same hi hat loop throughout gets a lil old. Really cool idea, though.
Some of the best produced and mixed stuff I've heard so far. Really cool stuff. Reminds me of Tame Impala.
Wow this is really fun. The guitar work is awesome. This makes me want to go catch some waves and hang out with girls in bikinis.
Listening to the first song. I dunno if I'm the right audience for this. It's a little too experimental for me. Really unique, though. I don't think I've heard anything like it.
The vocals sound a bit off when they come in. A little too breathy? I'm not sure. But they rapidly get so much better. Around the 1 minute mark, besides the fact that it's a bit too drowned out, is really solid. I think the beat is only missing some sort of better structure, it feels like it's missing punch. Awesome stuff.
Listening to Two Years. Reminds me of Real Estate and Ducktales, some of my favorite bands. Really enjoy this. It's a lot of fun. I feel like the mix is lacking a little bit, I feel like the mix is trying to be lo-fi but it just sounds low quality.
Love the album art. I feel like the vocals are too dry, but I like how they're stereo. You are nailing the folk sound. I'm really loving this. The guitars that come in during the chorus are so noodley, it works so well.
I skipped through some of your stuff. It's a little boring. It sounds like everything was recorded into a laptop webcam mic.
A little long for me, but from what I heard, I enjoy it. Although it's a little too all over the place for me to take too seriously.
Your guitar work is really good. Your voice sounds just a touch bored sounding, but you have some good pipes. The melody is great.
I'm just not too much of an ambient fan, honestly. I wish I could give better feedback. It's kind of boring to me but idk if that's just because I'm partial to ambient.
Listening to Philopon (Prototype). The first saw synth that comes in is huge. Super high hopes for this drop and it delivers. Really big beat. It sounds like some vocals on it would really take it to the next level. Great sound selection on the synths.
Lol is this remixes from the game? The screechy stuff is really hurting my ears. The funk stuff in the first track is nice. It's a little too long for me to really listen to right now. I don't know what else to say besides, wow this is some very experimental stuff. I can hear the amount of fun you had putting this together.
dude you need to find a manager or some shit. the lyrics are nice, you voice is good, you can play, you look decent, you're a white american/canadian. Is there anything more you need?
>I don't think it's that simple. sure it is, just move to a hip place and find some people who know music, and start getting gigs. you need to work for it.
David Allen
blarf for sociopaths and i eat it up like macaroni salad at a white trash funeral, 10/10 go chuck!!! Doggy PHD. Vibes, i really like the flangy guitar and its really comphy and you have the flips zarieeka/soft bulletin snare and its really great and i really like it
yup, thats drone, it sounds like a playstation is drowing. I am indifferent. i waited through an ad to listen to this for 4 minutes so i hope you enjoy that quarter of a penny i gave you or something
I'll be coming back to this thread to post & give criticism soon, but... GOOD NEWS: I've finished my newest music video, uploading it tomorrow (Friday the13th) Yup!
Opening for '68 in less than two weeks! Super stoked. Posted two new tracks tonight. One's a song about a few people I've looked up to in life that were roughly 10 years older than me, and the weird nostalgia-for-times-you-never-experienced that brings. The other's an angsty list of things I love (or don't love). soundcloud.com/b-rad-94/still-the-same-age-demo soundcloud.com/b-rad-94/in-love-with-demo
But, here's the favorite classic: soundcloud.com/b-rad-94/when-i-hear-my-voice-demo >forgot my genre tags >hard rock >alternative rock >guitar >punk >post-hardcoreish >"I've never wanted to have my garage door open while wrenching on my project car on a hot summer day drinking cheap beer more than I have now listening to your tunes. bravo."
rap isn't my thing but you nailed it. love the guitar and the mix between straight rappin and more sung lines, really cool great stuff, love how some sections are remindful of metal, shoegaze etc. while it's still electronic music - nice job friend
> ambient/drone > bedroom -- -- ashimself.bandcamp.com/album/a-series-of-unfinished -- -- recc: I'm a big fan of the synth subgenres popping up everywhere. I'm not usually into House music, but I'm really digging this.
Beats are really well made and the witchouse bass sounds slick as hell. I would try be a little more adventurous with maybe a vocal sample or a wild lead synth or do something different for the chords. I feel like that's the only thing stopping it from being amazing rather than just pretty good. Lighthouse might be one of the more ballsy interesting things i've heard on here. The movement between different field recordings and noise in and out of actual music is fucking crazy eerie -reminds me of some lynchian earlier fantomas 'Delirium Cordia' type shit. Really cool man. I think you might genuinely like the new music i'm about to put out. SO anyway Here's my single. I have an EP coming out next week with a video of psychotic violent archived footage gore filled strobing imagery. That new stuff is much more noise, post rock related. This is a little different.
It is meant to work as a whole, so it's better listening to the full album
>little pop concept/opera >psychedelic inspired >peculiar female vocals >experimental and a bit weird >lots of woodwinds and mellotron sounds >old style inspired production >independent
Please help me out by giving constructive feedback or just supporting. Follow like and share xo soundcloud.com/user-599428607/diamonds > pop > EDM > Bubblgum/Glitch pop