This album FUCKS, why is this one talked about the least?

This album FUCKS, why is this one talked about the least?

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It's got a pretty different sound compared to the rest of them and change is scary

Its their best even they think so

not bad but massive drop from the queen is dead

It's okay, their worst studio album in comparison to the others, though it's pretty consistent so I see why people like it

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The Smiths discography is pretty flawless and they ended it on a high note

it has their best song on it though

I won't share you

because it's the worst one

this was Marr's favourite smiths album. I like it better than meat is murder I'd say just because that one track is hard to listen to. debut and the queen is dead were both better I think. Literally everything the smiths released was good though check out all the singles

Also this, but how do you get filtered by Meat Is Murder? Just skip the last track

self-titled is easily their worst album

>He didn't realize it's their best
Name one objectively bad thing about it, there is a right answer to this.

how fucking wrong are you?

every song is amazing. how

meat is murder is easily the worst

>Nowhere Fast
>That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore
>Well I Wonder
>Fucking How Soon Is Now on the US release
Bad bait, the worst studio release is Strangeways and debating it is fucking stupid

However he worst album including compilations and live albums, is Hatful Of Hollow

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Shit production.

>Hatful Of Hollow
actually their best

>However he worst album including compilations and live albums, is Hatful Of Hollow
I dont need to read the rest of your post to know you're retarded

wrong. the first is the most amazingly bleak and melancholy of them all because it was made before morrissey was famous and hated himself the most

This is a valid reason to dislike the album, but even with the production it's still Moz's least Marr and Rourke influenced songwriting, Marr's most jangly guitarwork and all around the best album
>Objectively worse versions of The Smith's best songs
>Studio recordings that can be found on much better compilations
>The fucking hack John Peel got any sort of praise for this rushed, objectively shit release
Disgusting that people still like this dogshite album.
The Peel version of You've Got Everything Now is the worst thing I've heard in my life and a butchering of one of the S/t's best songs.

louder than bombs is their best album

That was the end of the post, you already read it all
If you seriously immediately got triggered by that you're a retard

>Golden Lights is in the middle
No, it's actually The World Won't listen for best compilation

I only ever listened to hateful of hallow. Heard it in a record store and asked what was on and the dude grabbed the CD. I'll check this out.

>The Peel version of You've Got Everything Now is the worst thing I've heard in my life
There's no Peel version of that song on HoH you fucking braintard

Sorry, the David Jensen session
It's shit regardless

golden lights isnt THAT bad

It's not and I actually quite like it but not when it's in the middle of an album, I'd rather just turn off the album before it plays or listen to it by choice, not because I want to get to the next song

my favorite

The mixing


>album by morissey
wrong, morissey is a volcel bitch

Seethe harder incel
Volcels are actual chads