Good riddance retard

Good riddance retard

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*three chords on piano* *retard voice* nobody likes me, i don't have a girlfriend

Did he ever get paid?

Shut the fuck up you flaming faggots

>guys look how woke I am I pretend to like this terrible music by a literally retarded guy aren't I cool! I'm just like Kurdt!
that's what you sound like

Yeah, the William Blake of the 20th century is a retard... Here's a thought. Maybe you're the retard.

t. emotionally dishonest

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>that edge
thanks for taking the time to post on the internet OP!

look we all know you just want attention but there's better ways to go about it

Yeah ironically his music would probably really speak to OP if they could just be open and honest about their inner life

discord trannys have arrived, someone used the r-word!

>i'm a sad lonely virgin so it's good!!!!

yet you're here on Yea Forums with your dry boypussy

Haha yes you have to be a sad lonely virgin to have empathy or to appreciate someone else's situation!

holy cringe lmao, imagine not being able to understand what made Daniel Johnston a good artist and spewing your bad opinions on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

>so emotionally dead inside you have to make fun of a mentally ill songwriter known for honest lyricism on uzbekistani paper-making board to reassure yourself that youre cool and funny

I don’t listen to music to be empathetic for mentally handicapped people you virtue signaling faggot.

You’re trying a little too hard

omg so irreverent i think Yea Forums might be getting too hardcore for me

>he got filtered by DJ

Is this 2016?

You can't appreciate Daniel Johnston until you've actually suffered in your life.

You're a sheltered kid.

what similarities does he share to Blake

You're focusing on the wrong side of the situation
it's not about empathising with him, it's about him saying things that resonate with people. Him being non-neurotypical means he has a more unique insight into life, his experience as an extreme outsider creating a message which is relatable for people who consider themselves similarly
I understand why you'd hate people who like him in a perverse and voyeristic sense, as that's cruel and the worst kind of entitled mindset bred by privelage and entitlement but there are sinscere reasons to love the man's music

>it's good because he's retarded!

>discord trannys
actual virgin Yea Forumsirgin

it's good because it's good

at old age he finally stoped looking retarded

shitty cishet men who amde lame shit


lol the people who appreciate daniel johnston are sheltered and priveleged white kids

you've never experienced true hardship in your life.

can you write that again but in english

Uzbekistani more like uzKEKistani

First F in the thread


t. grew up in a 1st world country

you have *never* suffered in your life, and you *never* will. i'm jealous, frankly.

Yes, in an incredibly simplistic way, that's true. Putting it in a reductive an offensive way doesn't detract from the fact his music is a fascinating insight into a schizophrenic mind, as well as being well written twee pop music with interesting experimental leanings. Just like any artist with a cult following, appreciating his music revolves around understanding the artist and their motivations, and DJ represented for many a side of artistry which was unashamedly creative despite his limitations and unorthodox way of thinking

>it's still patrician

you're posting on Yea Forums, you have an internet connection and a device to browse the internet.
whatever "struggle" you've faced you've never faced famine, plague, genocide or real oppression. don't fucking start a privelage debate when you're still in the top 5% of the world's wealth.
In addition to this, most "art" is mainly appreciated by sheltered white kids, your point is invalid and poorly formed. gtfo cunt


and yet somehow it's amazing
i know