Post overrated albums

Post overrated albums

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Can some explain this meme to me?

just some dude spamming that's all the new memes now a days

the only ones i'd consider overrated of those would be OKC, modest mouse and that fucking god awful boring spiritualized shite

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>all from 1997
that's pretty specific OP, what happened?

>Floating In Space
>Lonesome Crowded West

This, what the fuck

wtf I didn't know my birth year had so much good music

Agreed with OP.

Fuck you

all of these except spiritualized

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Probably the weakest Aphex Twin album yes

The Mollusk and OK Computer are the only overrated ones in your pic, OP. Do you have bad taste?

>saying this when Syro exists

I would probably take down what is probably Yo LaTengos best record though.

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Painful isn't on that list, user

Nobody overrates Yo La Tengo because hardly anybody ever even discusses To La Tengo. Painful and Hearts Beating are underrated if you ask me.

this except lagwafis and pfno


Yes to Spiritualised

yo la tengo as a band is underrated

I said probably... Painful might be best, but Deeper Into Movies is my favorite shit by them I guess that's why I put this record higher.

>ok computer
>the mollusk
pretty good, but definetly overrated
>built to spill
amazing album imo but i can get why some people might not like it
>yo la tengo
>modest mouse

Fuck no.
The Mollusk is good, I don't care about the others.

here you go godfuckingdamnit

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Ladies and gentlemen we're floating in space is 10/10 though. Altough i prefer the live-album

Perfect from now on is a masterpiece in a league of its own