Hip hop sucks

Hip hop sucks.

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handsome kot

Attached: 1568080448.jpg (500x348, 56K)

good kit

I definitely got burned out with it years ago and haven’t cared much since

Yes, it does

Yeah, metal is just great. Therefore my taste is superior than anyone. le brootal xDDD *le hand signs*

Cope harder m*Talcuck.

Attached: average metalhead.png (852x658, 1.05M)

nigger damage control

You suck.



Attached: Nujabes.jpg (1920x1080, 380K)

>probably gets offended by "cracker"

>is superior than anyone
Why would you even listen to hi-hop as a retarded ESL?

Is that edited?

go back to r/hiphopheads you queer

>Thinking I'm from Reddit
Only redditors complain about Hip-Hop/Rap.

Into the trash it goes.

>being this triggered
lmao fuck off back to r/music you can downvote posts that you don't like there you fucking fag

Attached: Where+are+your+brainlet+images+fj_d237bc_6691842.jpg (692x800, 73K)

There's been like 20 posts defending metal with a wojak image
Is this really what you "people" are like?

Hip hop is just dumbed down jazz, funk and soul for people too intellectually inferior for these genres. It's why the entire genre was born out of looping just one lick from an actual song. Raptards and the demographic of drug addled subhumans it's marketed towards can't process any more than one lick.

Nice cope metalfag. Also like I said I'm not from Reddit. And also your post isn't an argument.

No cats can fly

>Instrumental Hip-Hop
Equally just cringey as "consious" Hip-Hop.

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lmao bitch, are you really that triggered that you implied i'm a metalfag? Hahaha did a metalhead fucked your gf or something? Lmao even radical leftists aren't so easy to trigger HAHAHAHA kys

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Must just be the fluffy ones