BASED fuck white people

BASED fuck white people

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>Jesse Ekene Nweke Conable

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unironically based



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That is a traditional Swedish name, you racist bitch.

He looks Swedish to me, racist incel.

Sweden doesn't matter desu. It's just a perverse spectacle for everyone else to laugh at.

more like Gunnar Sven Blomqvist

Wish they would do this but for real. Whites need a wake up call

You know how many people call themselves "rappers" these days? It can be some unemployed loser who has 200 listens total on sound cloud and he gets shot and the headline will read "Rapper nobody knows shot today".

So, any swedish friends, is this a legit artist with reach and therefore the rhetoric can actually do harm or is this a nobody?

otacksamma, äckliga neger

>Paul Joseph Watson


du ja

>this is going to get replies
You Yea Forumsirgin newfag kids are so fucking dumb and easy.

>at a coffee shop
>an ADOREBLE gurl wolks in
>my PEENUS becomes stiff and I staht tah feel like BILL CLINTOHN
>SOOPAH MALE VITALUHTY kicks in so I get the cohredge tah TOLK tah her
>can't think of sumthin tah say
>"OI! Did yew know NOINETY FOH PASENT of peeple don't trost the MAYNE-STREEM MEATIER"
>she looks confused so I tolk moh loudly
>IMAJUN MY SHOCK when she stahts to roon away
>that fill wun no GEE-EFF

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Sweden is quickly becoming the laughing stock of Europe.

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Attached: Sweden.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

I thought Sweden didn't have guns. Are they going to let people have guns now because the immigrants demand it?

dont make us put you in chains again

I wouldnt put it past swedecucks

It got there like 3 years ago. Talk to the Danes or the Norwegians, even they think the Swedes are fucking retards.

This must be why every swede I know is an autistic nationalist (even the faggots).

literally says nigerian-born in screenshot. seethe more.

Lmao I don’t blame him imagine what an ugly creature he is compared to the nordic Viking ultrachads there

>imagine taking your anger out on a whole race
>imagine thinking all people of a given race are the same
I dont say this often, but that line of thinking is literally Hitler.

of course it was pjw who decided to cry about this publicly, what a fucking cracker lmao

Shut up cracker

another faggot goes full retard to get free publicity

>Paul Joseph Watson

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dont tempt us

I hope sweden will do what it takes. It is the sjw paradise, and it will end in mass murder one way or another. That is because hate, not love, is primus motor in social justice

imagine my shock, this is the "tolerant" left in 2019!

>Actually says so much for the tolerant left!

Shut the fuck up

Wow look the "tolerant" left are here on Yea Forums! Imagine my shock

Mayos will be eliminated

t. Asian BVLL


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I prefer ketchup xD

Based as fuck

But then who will listen to rap music?

I've transcended race and humanity. I know that people have no hope of creating an ideal world no matter what the demographics are. Even a planet with only one race will still find reasons to hate and kill. Jealousy, greed, desperation, and mental illness will forever plague humanity.

I hope you choke while eating never accepting that that's how you took your last breath.

That's what a projecting nigger would say.

unironically based

>le epic baby talk
incels btfo