Post your favorite ambient album.

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Tim Hecker - Ravedeath, 1972

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always have extremely surreal experiences listening to this album

Grayera - watch me dissapear

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This motherfucker right here. Best SOTL album.

Also, Brian Eno's Apollo or The Pearl. Maybe Ambient 1.

git gud

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aoty if you ask me

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what are people favourite ambient releases from this year? ive only heard william basinskis on time out of time, emily a spragues water memeroy reissue and jefre cantu ledesmas tracing back the radiance
the residents are ambient? never listened to them

Does this count?

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they have a few albums that fall under ambient but most of their work isn't like that

I'm inclined to say that The Ballasted Orchestra is the superior SotL album in my opinion, but I do love Avec Laudenum

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my favourite album, not only ambient

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all the mirrors in the house by His Name is Alive

Name of album?

you guys like their tired sounds and refinement of the decline?

has that band always made ambient too?

I'm less of a fan of their later stuff, I think Refinement has its moments but is generally overwrought. Tired Sounds is good though, if morose

Am I the only one that doesn't get eno's stuff? I listen to a ton of ambient but his music feels like baby's first ambient and I find it generally boring.

Ambient 4 and Apollo are great, 1 and Discreet Music are interesting from historic context, his early stuff with Fripp is good but every other ambient he made is garbage. It's no surprise he got into generative music since that's basically what his ambient is.

If any of you guys haven't heard this go check it out. I'm not sure of the exact science myself but they took various energy signatures picked up by the Voyager and translated them into an audible form. Very ethereal and interesting.

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some of the GOATs

for me it's
En - Already Gone

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great album but that story is bullshit, he just made some [ETHEREAL WHOOSHING] out of some heavily edited audio samples

David Lynch with the digits over hear

I may be retarded

Are you sure?

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>The probes recorded all this data on magnetometers, plasma detectors, low-energy charged particle detectors, radio antennas and instruments to measure cosmic rays and plasma waves. Then, some uncredited artist or artists arranged selections from these recordings into a more musical form. So you're not listening to the raw data here, but rather an audible collage constructed from various pieces.

I seem to remember some website going more into how much the samples were edited but I can't seem to find it right now.

Still interesting.

favorite track?
for me its the makes my soul drift away

everything except the last track.
I've played countless hours of mindless videogames with that album on repeat

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ooof this is a close second for me after Pop. Very based choice

Second maybe? The whole thing is amazing though.

> reducing the best ambient album of all time to background music for vidya

that's going to be a yikes from me, user

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I listen to it a lot outside of that, duder, just a fond memory

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trips of truth

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Moby - Go

I love this album so much, much better than what Wiltzie did on Stars of the Lid

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not gonna shill myself, but i make drone music and it's probably the most peaceful hobby outside of being bob ross incarnate

Good album

In the box or actual music?

Back off

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Definitely 4. Such an otherworldly track

How to start?

I never got the appeal of this album and I really like the KLF

That's a shame user. But you're definitely not alone, I think. To me it's just a rare album that can emulate the feeling of driving alone with nothing but your thoughts in the darkness past midnight for long periods of time. You've got no worries. The song "3AM Somewhere Out of Beaumont" would have to be one of the most beautiful of all time, especially in the context of the album.

computery and guitar with reverb cranked on the amp

How to start for computer drone
>spend three years being bad at DAW programming
>dont use paulstretch

How to start guitar drone
>save money to buy reverb pedals
>don't buy pedals because life is expensive
>riff on two chords for 15 minutes at a time
>play guitar and use digital reverb in your daw

What's some other ambient country

WMD by WMD. I don't know if it strictly falls under Ambient though. Hello Meteor also have soundscape-type ambien music.

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I might actually give it another listen in that context, I often listen to Autobahn for that long trip mood so I'll try to listen to Chill Out in a similar way.

I love this album, there's a very special place for it in my heart

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you all have shit taste

post yours faggot


no point, none of you would appreciate it


Weightless by Brian Eno off of Apollo
but if you want an album I like Balsams by Chuck Johnson

>inb4 Music for Airports

Imperial Distortion

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Personally I prefer Konigsforst and Zauberberg

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The Haxan Cloak - Excavation

nope, I'm just in a shit mood because I'm experiencing the law of diminishing returns in music discovery. I have skimmed through a couple hundred releases today trying to find the diamonds in the rough after deep diving for more ambient netlabels, and it was the most soul crushing experience ever.

nah bud, I don't have any Eno in my library, just not my thing.

well hell, at least i helped bump the thread.

finally, someone with not shit taste

Looking through these posts I'm realizing you're based saying no one here has taste

the haxan cloak is good, but so is a bunch of other stuff in here

>inb4 Cryo-Chamber worshipper

warmer but still not quite. Cryo Chamber is a mixed back, some of it's good, some of it's bad.

look it's 2:50AM here, I'm going to go to bed before yous can convince me to post any rec.

Ah yes another ambient thread with a bunch of tourist trash. Never change, Yea Forums.

don't wimp out, if you're not already asleep you're already a bum

I agree they're really good. But I personally see Pop as the climax of that set of albums. They're both solid 9/10s though

Same, dropping acid with friends and making drone is one of my favourite activities

based pick

post reccs / your dick or get out faggot

Wish I could find more Ambient like it everyday

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tour deez nuts nigga

Fine. But I can't pick a single personal favourite so here's a list of recs I think are worth checking out:

1) Mathias Grassow - Himalaya
2) Helicalin - Space Dope
3) Masaya Ozaki - Fluid and Dreaming of Stripes
4) Olan Mill - Cavade Morlem
5) Eternell - Portals
6) 279 - In Love
7) Wintersilence - Slow Focus
8) Hymnambulae - Orgelhuset
9) Desiderii Marginis - Deadbeat
10) Celer - Something Cathartic
11) Mordançage - Mordançage
12) Ivan Kamaldinov - Unrest
13) Kowalski Room - Drifting and Phasing
14) Warmth - Wildlife
15) Cousin Silas - Permutations

look ma, no Cryo Chamber!
16) God Body Disconnect - Dredge Portals
I think I'm allowed one.

I also forgot to mention this is the only Yea Forumscore ambient I can tolerate and should've excluded Biosphere from my "shit taste" accusation earlier.

now let me get some kip.

It's not ambient you retard

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I'd classify it as ambient honestly

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Mathias Grassow is the only one there that is truly worth a mention.
For the rest, you're just trying too hard to go against the grain. Most of those are post 2010s. Ambient obviously peaked in the 90s.
Mordançage, seriously?

You have shit taste, user. Few of those surpass 6/10

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>It was released within the last decade and I haven't heard of it, therefore it's bad

v nice

you should have gone to sleep user

so loopy and hypnotic and such pretty noodling

of course it's ambient

Call me a pleb all you want.

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I'm gonna have to agree with the others and say it's ambient, even though I don't like it.

something about this album really gets to me. I like alot of ambient but this one just hits that hypnotic spacey vibe perfectly imo.

it helps that I've done DMT to it a few times as well. just perfect for it

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This destroys.

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Honorable mention

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How can i find DMT having no friends and no contacts?
The closest i could probably find is ayahuasca (which would be somewhat easy to find since i live in Brownzil), but shitting and puking all over while a shaman tells me to "listen to mother ayahuasca" doesn't really appeal to me. The only good part of ayahuasca would be the legality of it.

find a source for mimosa hostilis root bark powder online. its legal and easy to source from overseas.

then Google how to do a straight to base DMT extraction. you can buy everything at hardware stores or walmart. it's one of the best things I've ever done in life. I sold some for awhile but what I enjoy most is just doing absolutely insane amounts for days on end on my own and mixing it with other drugs. it's so short lived and mind shattering at the same time. very meditative if you want it to be, too.

I'm a loner druggie and it really wasn't hard to do, honestly is way easier than growing weed or mushrooms.


Cousin Silas is a cool dude, but he's like the buckethead of ambient music. Celer is a god, and Olan Mill makes some cool stuff

i can't put it anymore eloquently than that

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Yes. Fantastic taste my friend.

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Eximia - Visitors