How do you assess Angel Olsens new track and body of work in general?

How do you assess Angel Olsens new track and body of work in general?

Attached: ao.webm (1144x1080, 262K)

by cumming to it

>those disgusting cut marks on her arm at some point in the video
She's so ugly now.


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hahahaha body of work, you are so funny
kill yourself

Didn’t she get a reduction

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It could use more exposure.

Nah she's just more mindful of coomers and tries her hardest to hide em



Attached: milkies.webm (1920x1080, 1.87M)

Attached: tom_hanks_pants_are_dirty.jpg (400x400, 30K)

t. tranny faggot

She loves showing those titties off every once in awhile huh? Heh, women... Fucking cunts


based phoneposter

It's the only way I can post perro caca on Yea Forums

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t.mad cause bitch got a penis and he doesnt

song is pretty rad. did they digitally add lense flare to cover up her nipples in the wet clothes?

Well maybe she needs a boost of $$$
She doesn't show em off on Instagram at least

Will the hacker known as Yea Forums please hack and leak her nudes already

>new Angel Olsen

Attached: boner land.jpg (768x1024, 256K)

Anyone else think she probably has the flappiest roastie ever? Lmao

I mean DeMarco probably went hard on that fucking pussy, not that you can really blame them.

i keep hearing about how hot this girl is, so i go have a look and she's just some fat chick
what gives?
she's slightly smaller than adele but everyone is acting like she's lauren or some shit

I thought she lost weight?

thought the same thing. video looks pretty ritzy. director was using drone cameras. some light cgi isn't that far of a leap.

Shit taste kys Brandon


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God what I would fucking give to see her RAVAGED by a pack of negroes, or even fucked by a horse.

Is this hoe actually lesbo?

DAMN, artist usually stagnate creatively as years pass by but Angel is getting better with every album
AOTY on the horizon

I miss her more folksy sound, but this new direction she's taking with more synths and string arrangements is pretty good.

Great googly moogly

a pic of her ass exist? thanks

>Angel Olsen

Attached: 2lpagt.jpg (1125x1096, 120K)

Not really. You can see it’s pretty big in the new video though

A good woman needs a bit of meat on the bone