How do you assess Angel Olsens new track and body of work in general?
How do you assess Angel Olsens new track and body of work in general?
by cumming to it
>those disgusting cut marks on her arm at some point in the video
She's so ugly now.
hahahaha body of work, you are so funny
kill yourself
Didn’t she get a reduction
It could use more exposure.
Nah she's just more mindful of coomers and tries her hardest to hide em
t. tranny faggot
She loves showing those titties off every once in awhile huh? Heh, women... Fucking cunts
based phoneposter
It's the only way I can post perro caca on Yea Forums
t.mad cause bitch got a penis and he doesnt
song is pretty rad. did they digitally add lense flare to cover up her nipples in the wet clothes?
Well maybe she needs a boost of $$$
She doesn't show em off on Instagram at least
Will the hacker known as Yea Forums please hack and leak her nudes already
>new Angel Olsen
Anyone else think she probably has the flappiest roastie ever? Lmao
I mean DeMarco probably went hard on that fucking pussy, not that you can really blame them.
i keep hearing about how hot this girl is, so i go have a look and she's just some fat chick
what gives?
she's slightly smaller than adele but everyone is acting like she's lauren or some shit
I thought she lost weight?
thought the same thing. video looks pretty ritzy. director was using drone cameras. some light cgi isn't that far of a leap.
Shit taste kys Brandon
God what I would fucking give to see her RAVAGED by a pack of negroes, or even fucked by a horse.
Is this hoe actually lesbo?
DAMN, artist usually stagnate creatively as years pass by but Angel is getting better with every album
AOTY on the horizon
I miss her more folksy sound, but this new direction she's taking with more synths and string arrangements is pretty good.
Great googly moogly
a pic of her ass exist? thanks
>Angel Olsen
Not really. You can see it’s pretty big in the new video though
A good woman needs a bit of meat on the bone