>do you know radiohead?
Do you know radiohead?
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Everyone fuckng knows Radiohead, they are quite possibly the most famous band in the world.
>le epic underground experimental band xd roasties won't know who Radiohead is
Fuck off
famous? yeah. most famous? probably not. Bands that have wider appeal, like The Beatles, Linkin Park and Metallica are easily more famous than Radiohead lol.
I meant bands still existing. They're probably not too far off Metallica.
OP meant to say that Radiohead is for normies
>implying normies could ever listen to all of OK Computer and like it
Yeah, no
normies listen less to entire albums in one go in the first place, but that doesnt mean it aint popular with normies. pic related its chart positions for ok computer
that image is great
t. Only browses this board
Dude you need to get out more... I doubt more than 50% of 18-24 year olds have even heard of them, and I bet less than 10% could name a song by them (I can't)
Everybody knows creep. Stop being a zoomer for two seconds.
look at the nose on her
Never heard Creep in my life, but I do know the name now that you mention it. And why the fuck should I care about some neo-boomer band that makes lame as fuck music? I'd rather be listening to my zoomer-core with my young, spritely zoomer friends. U get me?
>watches the big bang theory
So what's your favorite album to binge?
you talkin' from radiohead's discography or in general?
>never heard Creep in my life
Do you live in a cave ? How old are you ? I'm sure this is impossible, especially since you are on a music forum so it's not like you don't know or care about music
I probably hear it like 10 times a year on average
Don't ever link to that satanic shithole ever again, friend, those are brown people, here is white people.
>Actually doesn't know the meme that's been posted here dozens of times.
fucking 'ell dude
Top kek
my normie ass girlfriend plays Radiohead consistently. why does this board act like it's the ultimate patrician band?
Liking Radiohead is not obscure or niche, maybe you're the one who needs to go out more. Most people know Creep and if you're in Europe most people know Paranoid Android and Karma Police. I've been to multiple parties with circles of people discussing not if they've heard of Radiohead but which album is their favorite (In Rainbows is objectively best)
Idk, as an american, the only time I hear about radiohead is when somebody is cracking a joke about creep
its just a shit test. they want you to pass it
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