Collage thread

3x3 4x4 5x5 last week

Attached: LastfmCollage_7day_73.jpg (1500x1500, 810K)

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First time making one of these, am I ok anons?

Attached: fav albums.png (660x654, 1M)

Props for jon brion soundtrack, should check out more of his stuff

Magnolia and Synecdoche are essential viewing
his solo album isn't very good though

Attached: collage.jpg (1000x1000, 400K)

midwest us
west us
east us

Attached: collage.php.jpg (1250x1250, 567K)

Am confused are you guessing where we are from or where the music is from, I don't browse Yea Forums much at all.

I forgot sorry

Lol ok.

i know less on your list than on any others, so based.
youre literally the only person ive seen with quelle chris
if you're listening to "I See a Darkness", its been a tough week.

Attached: collage.jpg (1250x1250, 536K)

More like am I right lads

Attached: collage (16).jpg (1250x1250, 518K)