Is there a more reddit album?

Is there a more reddit album?

Attached: Ween-TheMollusk (1).jpg (304x300, 25K)

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If by "Reddit" you mean "based" then yes, the Mollusk is reddit as fuck.

im gonna kick ur retarded ass in the teeth

>le funny voices!!
>le epic sea shanties
>le badass pirate guys being totally frickin badass!!
>fart sounds
>using an actual record scratch in album

Attached: 1561827542735.gif (452x371, 59K)

None of that stuff that you are incomprehensibly seething about can distract from the excellent songwriting.

The Mollusk is fun.

I'm not him, but it does for me. I can't get into ween because the vocal effects and le eacky reddit lyrics. Same goes for zappa, they're both talented songwriters but I can't enjoy it with all the reddit stuff

>he doesnt pick up on the fact its a break up album

Posting soi wojaks immediately outs your post as being fucking worthless.

Yeah. Loveless and Kid A.

IDLES Joy maybe?

Bait doesn't get much weaker than this. Try again.

They have a song called 'Wavin' My Dick In The Wind'. Explain how that's not straight up reddit.

The mollusk

Explain how that's straight up Reddit.

>Is there a more reddit album?

Attached: 71vQpL-rO0L._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 133K)

>le quirky!!


so you want more boring run of the mill trash is what you're saying

ween fucking sucks and only plebs think its patrician

People who use "reddit" as a descriptor for anything not related to Reddit itself are complete idiots

If your criteria for liking a song is because it's quirky and silly then fair fucks lad. I just expect a bit more from my songwriters.

this, it's actually getting genuinely annoying because people can't properly articulate themselves anymore, just call something you don't like reddit

It's ironic when the people making fun of soi are getting more unbearable than soi themselves.

Same with cringe. The difference is people who use cringe unironically are associated with Reddit culture too to these fucks. They wouldn't be caught saying that, so they just project onto the low hanging fruit. They can't accept that they are just as bad for that

the whole album is just making fun of prog rock while also being one of the GOAT prog rock albums.
And it's absolutely based.
Stay mad soiboi

this. basedjak is just a shorthand for "person who likes thing I don't like" without any relevance to something actually being soi. this album definitely isn't my cup of tea, and it seems pretty goofy, but hardly something I associate with sois or rebbit.

at least put some fucking effort into your shit trolling. like how small is your fucking vocabulary.

absolutely and it seems mostly used by newfags trying way too hard to fit in. most of them are probably from reddit in the first place

>you need big vocabulary to be smart


there's different music for different moods.
just cuz you're not into the vibe of an album doesn't make it bad. just stick to your korn or whatever bullshit you listen to.

thanks for proving my point retard.
gtfo off here before your mom catches you

>gtfo off here
>get the fuck out off here


You're actually a fucking loser. Seriously, just go back.

Is there a more Reddit opinion?

Yes: your favorite album.

Imagine not getting The Mollusk. It's not like Rick and Morty humor, it's not even supposed to be funny. Waving dick in the wind is just something that feels good and it's you who thinks it's "controversial" or whatever and think he's singing it to be controversial, but it's actually quite plain. And it's the same with entire album. it's more like treating all behaviours equally and singing about all things that might sound weird, but actually are nothing special
Also the music sounds like a magic picture

>I don't like something because it reminds me of a website I use too much

holy shit how can you be so brainwashed into thinking
>other: bad. edgy. quirky.
>us: good. cool. based. redpilled. patrician.

you are so down the rabbit hole I can't imagine having a conversation with you. Definition of pretentiousness. You might think you're part of some cool club of good taste but my guess is you're alone in life. Get a grip.

I fucking hate people like you. You're a piece of shit and you're not better than anyone else. Go fuck yourself Yea Forums product brainwashed fuck.

And fuck Yea Forums for creating this culture.

the beatles entire discography


You zoomers realize this album was revered as a classic before Reddit was even a thing right?

Way to bump the thread you fucking idiot. Congrats on being just as stupid as OP.

Its another way of saying "making an ass of myself" you dolt

You just made an ass of yourself by bumping this awful thread. How's it feel to fall for shitty bait while drooling on your keyboard?

Your mom

I think its a pretty good album...

>reddit spacing

Absolutely based user working the marks

all these reddit kids upset their shitty meme bands are fucking le trash haha

mediocre bait mate. touch up on your reddit writing voice

seething hiphophead jazz enlightened OP

Don't even bother, they will not listen. Americans are so fucked up beyond measure.