Guitar solos are bad because they're just for showing off and do not sound good

>Guitar solos are bad because they're just for showing off and do not sound good
Your ears are broken, your logic is false, and you do not rock.

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whom art thou quoting?

The person who says that

Guitar solos are the best sounding music I've ever heard.

Im more of a drum solo enthusiast

don't be stuck in dualistic thinking

I don't like Van Halen style but some players like Buckethead and Randy Rhoads can soloing nice

Guitar solos are bad for recorded music that only exists to be background noise for a car ride or drunkin party.

Guitar solos are excellent for a live performance where you pay money to see a guy play guitar. If music is something you go out and do with your friends, guitar solos are awesome. If you put it in that context, and realize they dominated when liking music meant leaving your housing and seeing it played, and maybe even playing it, not scraping it off soulseek and and writing pretentious descriptions decrying or praising various records and MAYBE MAYBE MAYBE mail-ordering a fucking vinyl or FUCKING CASSETTE TAPE, guitar solos make perfect sense, and they are excellent.

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Guitar solos are great to listen to on recorded music and I do it a lot.

check out drumgasm user, literally 3 drummers playing like they're about to die

And because I'd heard a lot of jazz, I remained thoroughly unimpressed with the cult of the guitar solo. So I came to believe the essence of rock and roll lay in good concept and song form.

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t. some brown retard from the third world

Real talk, I don't understand people who go with the narrative that solos aren't musical and are just noise to show off. I mostly listen to music that has solos, and in much of it the solo is the best part for pure listening feels, a good solo makes your ballsack tingle and feel like you can fly

im first world ivy league you oxy-cunt burnout
and that's why you hate me.
of course, you hate a lot of things, don't you?

ha ha OP can't solo for SHIT

You have to be at least 18 to post here

>implying rock without solos isn't the prime genre for teens
Nirvana, punk, and emo are way more teen oriented/teen appealing than hard rock, metal, and prog

You wouldn't know

lmao, keep seething, monkey.

solos just one element of a song, that don't always need to be there and are hard to pull off well. for every 1 solo that actually improves the song there are 10-20 that are just tacked on and distract from the flow. it should be used, but i dont need every song to have shitty shredding on it

You're not wrong, but I'd also say it depends on the genre....

If it's hard rock/heavy metal, it's so guitar oriented and the solo is the star....a punk song won't be made a better punk song because a solo is put in, a metal song is made a worse metal song without a solo


As a guitar player myself, I once heard the advice to never write / play a solo that you couldn't also sing. The solo should go with the song. It's better to play something simple that complements the song than to go for shock & awe and complexity. In the latter case, you're drawing attention away from the song (which should be the focus) and onto the guy playing the solo.

Having said this, there are lots of examples of songs where the solos are off the page and yet, the songs are still viewed as hallowed classics.

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I'm not a moron but you are. Guitar solos exist in all heavy metal songs for a reason, they go with the music.