How can a bands debut and sophmore albums be so great and then release so much garbage? What happened?

How can a bands debut and sophmore albums be so great and then release so much garbage? What happened?

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Build up a berth of songs which show well at local events for several years prior to getting signed and releasing an album. After the second album, have to come up with new material that is different, yet similar enough to the first few in a much shorter time.

pinkerton killed rivers

I seriously can't get into the Blue Album that much. Pinkerton sounds amazing, but the Blue Album is hit and miss. Green Album sounds better on the whole tbqh.


He mutilated himself getting that leg surgery plus going to college whilst being a millionaire rockstar is a stupid fucking idea

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People shat on Pinkerton (their best album, and one of the best albums of the 90s), and it literally destroyed Rivers' brain.

what happened was that Cuomo was mindbroken into swearing off his magnum opus

>Cuomo was embarrassed by Pinkerton's reception and the personal nature of its songs. In August 1997, he wrote: "This has been a tough year. It's not just that the world has said Pinkerton isn't worth a shit, but that the Blue album wasn't either. It was a fluke. It was the ["Buddy Holly"] video. I'm a shitty songwriter."[74] In 2001, he told Entertainment Weekly:

>It's a hideous record... It was such a hugely painful mistake that happened in front of hundreds of thousands of people and continues to happen on a grander and grander scale and just won't go away. It's like getting really drunk at a party and spilling your guts in front of everyone and feeling incredibly great and cathartic about it, and then waking up the next morning and realizing what a complete fool you made of yourself.[75]

>After the Pinkerton tour, Sharp left the band and Weezer went on a five-year hiatus.

it's extremely sad to me. imagine the timeline where Cuomo stayed proud of Pinkerton. What kind of music do you think they'd be making now? They could've spearheaded an entire generation of this thing into the 00s, 10s even, but instead we got beverly hills.
Just remember, when you're fighting that urge to force weezer and yourself to deep throat a gun, remember that it was the industry and the fans who made them this way

Rivers complained that nobody recognized him in college, not even Weezer fans

Pinkerton, Maladroit, Green Album, Red Album, Everything Will Be Alright, White Album, Pacific Daydream and Teal Album aren't "garbage".

>isn't garbage

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Good post. Sums it up quite well.

Blue>pinkerton>Red>Maladroit>Black>EWBAITE>green>white>raditude>make believe>the rest

Teal is garbage.

fun cover album

Once you don't have to work to feed yourself, you just don't care as much. Also it allows some bands to take more of a risk which may not pay off.

>They could've spearheaded an entire generation of this thing into the 00s, 10s even, but instead we got beverly hills.
The last thing the world needs right now is more incels

>holy shit he has to describe everything using hentai image board tags
>holy shit the "cumbrain" meme is real

It's more like "once writing music becomes your job, you can no longer write for fun, you have to write what you think will sell records"

It depends on the people involved

Is it okay/possible for a band to start out shit and get good?

they would've been self-ware, unlike us now

Current 93

there was a four year gap between pinkerton and green. they had plenty of time and could have taken as long as they liked.

bad reviews from critics so he went normie mode

>Troublemaker, Greatest Man, Pork and Beans, Dreamin', Angel and the One
At least half the album is good. It's a mixed bag at worst.

the debut album is the culmination of a band's life work up to that point. these are often songs that were written years previously and have been honed and refined for their big moment. after that, it's playing catch up. the band is affected by reviews and their audience, and are stuck between more of the same or trying something new. often they are not true to themselves and are too concerned about what their fans would like.

It's just a shitty pop rock band. They were never going to last long.

The comeback with ewbaite and white back to back gave us all hope. There's still a chance with Van Weezer, not every track on Black sucked.

Black album > Pacific Daydream, pleb

Good Weezer albums;
Blue, Pinkerton, Green, Maladroit, EWBAITE, White, Probably Van Weezer as the single is showing a lot of promise

I think that Rivers just releases way too much music to refine anything at this point. Like damn.

*blocks your path*

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this is their best

love this record