ITT: we support, follow, share...

ITT: we support, follow, share, and give constructive criticism to each other on various websites for music sharing such as Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Youtube, and more.

Post a link to your site(s) and other anons follow/share/give feedback.

People who post links and shill themselves after 5-10 posts without participating in any feedback/discussion are unwelcome and should be ignored.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>luv 2 post

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my boi


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Posting is fun!


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mister scoops

Check out his profile he has some fun stuff

Makes a buncha neat shit imo

Its all free too. I only shill him rarely in hopes someone else listens.

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it sure can be !

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>dream pop
>lush synths
>orchestral influence


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Rec but I love everyone tho

Link to my shitshow of a reddit ad with almost 2k comments telling me I suck

Reviews of some of my albums

>made like 9 albums in a year

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>dream pop


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>psych rock

i've been seeing you in these threads for the past year or so and every new song sounds even more polished and well composed than the last, and this track follows suit! love it dude
big fan of the cheesy moog-ish synth tones on bionicman, i know it's supposed to be ambient but there are moments where it gets a little too grating. dreaming is my fave track of yours
i literally love posting
this is really fun to listen to at first but it needs some more variation brah

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wow can't believe this thread's still up

Thanks for checking it out, brah!

kiss kiss no problem

>lo-fi indie
>noise rock

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just got done fucking with my 808 and wanted an opinion on how it sounds. gets better as it goes on. thanks

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>electronic, experimental, industrial, glitch, downtempo

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10/10 would cuddle up with my cat and a coffee and study to this shit.

It sounds like you would be good at making advertising jingles

I definitely fuck with this sounds like some cheesy ass shit they'd put on in the planetarium in 2nd grade. Nostalgic AF


hahahhaha this is so dope my dude. i gotta give you credit. your shits original as fuck

your music is interesting! it could use some mixing work, but the idea is there! decent voice too


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>navy blue
>leonard cohen

super clean mix on CPU

reccs I already spoke on

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Great new song dig the vibes, the best song so far, vocals are amazing

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>Industrial Techno/Minimal/Ambient/Noise

Recc as always.
Wish the breakcore portion of the track was a bit longer and way more intense desu. It's okay, but feels slightly underwhelming.
Very mid-90s Coil vibes on this one. I dig it.

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>Glitch Pop

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new song out since I haven't posted in abit

Magnum (prod. mathiastyner) by Yung Apricot

both of yall are actually very good in the aspect of flow and lyricism

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My first album is now officially on Spotify as of today! Please be my first listener. :)

>folk singer-songwriter
>Scottish, baritone voice
>acoustic guitar, mando, maracas and more
>love songs, hate songs, murder ballads, biblical shit

Excellent vocals as always and very clean production. I’m not sure about the note you are hitting on the last word at the end of a few lines in the verses though, I can tell it’s deliberate but I don’t think it always works.

I like that synth solo at the end!

>Leonard Cohen

My eyes lit up when you said that so I was disappointed to hear a rap song. Please be honest in these threads.

Great stuff.

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YO! I'm almost finished working on my music video for "WobbleBass Romance"! BOOM that'll be up on one of my youtube channels by Friday the 13th.
the Clown's Starter Pack:

DJ Dubbi - Volume 7.0 MEGADUBB
>Post Dubstep
>Hybrid Trap

DJ Dubbi - Volume 2.0 King Of Dub
>the album that ENDED dubstep worldwide.

FAQQI - the Lil Deep Head E.P
>Trap Metal
>Hip Hop

>Trap Metal
>Industrial Hip Hop
Misc. links:

DJ Dubbi:
>singles from 2013 - present
>full dj dubbi discography 2013-present

>5th remade faqqi page after many reported accounts
>Full FAQQI discography 2015-present
Rate your music:

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Indie rock
Psychedelic rock

I really dig these

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me I rec
new song, finally finished (compared to yesterdays demo i posted)
wow, amazing piano. Starts like every 'how to make l0-f1 hipHOP Like JOJI tutorORIAL', 'JOJI T Y PE BEAT' and shit. Its not bad, its just.. atleast for my taste it feels unoriginal but the samples that come up at 40 secs in give it a good atmosphere, not my thing but its ok, especially the sax sample.. if it had a vocalist it could be 'good' even for the boring production.
the lyrics are fucking trash, instrumental... ok no, this is really fucking unoriginal but i know who you're trying to appeal to.. the worst thing is that this is the shit that gets popular, good luck being the rnb p!atd, it fucking sucks. no redeemable qualities.
ok, this starts with high expectations for me. I don't have much to say, to be certainly honest i know what you were going for but the vocals.. even though they do what they

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what they are supposed to do, and i know they're meant to be annoying.. but they make a good instrumental get wasted atleast in my opinion.
the beat is way better than the previous lo-fi hiphop shit in this thread. Lyrics, suck. Edgy and... honestly i have nothing to say about the lyrics, the vocal performance is typical.. reminds me of early tyler.. kinda? and some other rapper i cannot remember the name of.. what im saying is they're not memorable and your vocal melodies suck. Lyrics are the biggest offender but the vocals distract me and make me wanna listen to that other rapper i name forgot.
listened to 'two years'. just based of your face. you feel punchable as fuck. The melody is ok, its not special but it doesn't have to be.. just that its typical... when the vocals come in.. they sound like every college band, why do all the white boys from private schools sound the same? i wonder. at 2:20 it gets good but thats just

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round 3!
thats just the instrumental going somewhere as i said, stop singing and just produce tracks and try to make them sound like your outro and you'll atleast not be annoying as hell.
ok, this is the first track that i have to say i might actually like! The itnro is already catching my interest, the instrumental is actually fucking good, i love the disortion and the low quality on it, the bass is.. very nice too! If i could id share it but you privated it ): Good shit though. I hope to see you again because you're making something worthwhile.
wow, the drumbeat is fucking annoying. Please try making good drums instead, even if it gets better they sound stale as fuck. And no, it doesnt get better.
the name.. made me wanna vomit at first. The song is.. its a great parody song, you accomplish all you wanted and the melody is great, even though its dumb you do good, do what you're doing dude i love it.

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tracks in order:
>bubbling crescendo intro
>icy soundscape followed by mind-altering trap 2nd half
>nightmarish marriage of order & chaos
>ambient mid-section
>industrial mental breakdown
>idm on krokodil
>drone outro

will give feedback in a bit

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r-r-round 4!
tobehonest,itsnotbadbutitsnotmything.Yourvocalssound good and i like them, its not that interesting but if i heard this in the background in a mall id not mind at all. Reasonably good poppy electronica, btw refering to fuck my cpu. its p good for what it is and it builds up well.
eh, to be honest the beat is boring and offending, the melody is eh. Your lyrics arent terrible but they're not good either.. if the beat was better id like it.. make your beats more, more than a single melody and a drumbeat with some random rare changes that are barely noticable.
eh, if this came out in 2016 id feel like its justified.. but dude you're gonna burn your feet on just trying to make shit everyone already did few years back and its not even good.
you sound like a furry.yourmusicdoestoo. Its ok though, i have to say i like the vocal edits mostly and the hard-hittingness of it makes it engageing not good but not bad

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>tfw you just know this guy is about to shit all over your work but part of you is hoping maybe you’ll be one of the exceptions

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And yet its still a vast improvement from dubbifaggi pasta posts

idc about that guy he's kind of like dubbi but not funny

but to be honest the longer it goes on it gets worse. Its typical and it sounds like something thatd come out in 2012 mixed with something thatd come out in 2018. Thats not a good thing but its not as bad as some shit in this thread.
man, i went to a rave few days ago and EVERY FUCKING ARTIST except for my favourite one sounded exactly like you do (of course without vocals) but HOLY SHIT, the build up takes so long.. idk to be honest maybe im not in the mood for this, i feel like the slow changes feel too stale and they're not too random because when they come they usually overuse themselves for the rest of the track, if the track was more ADHD and had more subtle changes thatd come and go at random points itd be cool. Id also add a melody to be honest, i know you're making noise and all that but itd really benefit you, or atleast a vocal sample.. maybe some rape victim interviews :p or something. yk. couldve been way worse though

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another one :p
why is criticism supposed to be funny? im trying to help people imrpove not laugh at them, but i guess nigs gonna nig and want dumb monkey entertaiment like their grannies are used to.
rec because i liked your stuff in the last thread and you're worth mentioning it.
the bass is good, i like it. but. whenever but.. the lyrics are fucking terrible, the beat is good thats all i can say.. i feel like you're trying to be Father (from awful records) but you fail at it miserably because your music isnt funny and doesnt have a nice twist.. and the beat doesnt justify the lyrics at all even though its good... the BNHA reference made me visibly puke a bit (not even a joke.)
the vocals are cool, i like them. its pretty long but.. it justifies its length, its pretty ok even though its a tiny bit samey its pretty good :p.
>crushed tides 4
boring and typical, it could be good if it was a part of a long piece but idk.

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volume warning
Breddy guud, I especially love the vocals
I checked out the first 3 tracks, I like it, the only issue I have is that I wish track 2's later beat was a bit faster, compared to how it started out, it felt a bit off.
Alright, but imo, it jumped way too fast between different styles to get into.

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last round for now.
funny thing, some music randomly started playing and i thought "fuck, is this guy actually good? holy shit this build up from the dumb shitty wannabe ambient into this is pretty fucking cool!" but then i realized the song finished and i forgot to leave a music channel on a private chat :p
its ok, not my thing but its kinda good.
thanks for the thoughts! i appreciate it, the style change was intentional and i think it flows well imho but i know where youre comming from.
i dont usually reply to people who post shit that isnt from sc in a sc thread but ill make an exception because you actually reply to people unlike like some fucking drones.
to be honest, this is the kind of noise i like! Its harsh and the design of it is really cool, it has a good feel to it and as it builds up it gets better, this is the kind of drone-noise i like. bought yr ep dude.

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Thanks for buying my EP! I really appreciate it!

were you part of the post-nightcore threads?

>wannabe ambient
>said by (you), wannabe breakbeat / lolicore
lol, do you have ADHD or some shit? Can't take a lil ambient music? geez...

Trying to phase out Soundcloud but it seems no one here clicks the Spotify links. Problem is nobody who doesn't have their own stuff on Soundcloud uses it!

Here's the Soundcloud link.

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Shut the fuck up dubbi holy shit. You give terrible advice you retard. All you do is act like an asshole to be 'funny'. Fuck you.

dubbi isn't funny either. stfu with the dubbi supporter bullshit.

i don't wannabe be breakbeat lolicore, sampling a high pitched sample from a touhou doujin song doesnt make me lolicore, its mostly breakcore. My music is what it is and i make a lot of stuff way different from this one song :p If i was 'wannabe goreshit' or some crap like that my song wouldnt change the mood halfway through and i probably wouldve used way more obnoxious loli moans :x its not that i don't like lolicore i actually love it and im friends with a lot of lolicore artists, the cirno sample there was actually an accident because of me messing the files up and i just went with it.

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so are you plastic neesound or what

>I went to a rave few days ago
No, you didn't.

no im not, ive been using my 'plastic' alias for over 3 years and made music for way longer, plus i dont shit music out every 3 days just for people to upvote it on my cool discord Yea Forums orbiter muzic anime cultz.
yes i did, id link you proof but thatd make me dox myself.

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>im not copying him he copied me!!!

Ah, well I'm curious how you can sense if someone is being a wannabe to a whole entire genre. That's what perplexes me. How do you listen to music really? Is it for catharsis or for identity or what?

?????????? i don't know who that retard is, ive not made this kind of music until few months ago so i cannot say im some original fucking oldfag but.. go die, unironically. ive never heard of that person and i hope ill never have to again. And.. ive been using my alias for way longer than they did, how am i copying them, i dont even know how their music sounds like too so i dont get what youre on about.

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you're either plasticneesound or you want to be, and from the way you talk about him it definitely sounds like you know who it is

Its just buzzwords, im not trying to call anyone like that but i can sense that someone has been only making this stuff for few months or weeks (i.e. their music is privated everywhere else and the songs arent complex, usually under a minute each.) especially because i know a lot of people who were shitposting and making 30 second clips in fl studio and i just know how that kind of stuff ends up sounding. I listen to music because i love music, its the only thing i live for.
if my shitposting and guessing based on googling their bandcamp account is correct, then i don't think ill ever want to listen to their music. I don't hate them but, from seeing people who use anime girls as cover art for all of their music, who try to make lolicore in 2019 or anything like that (based on you confusing them with me etc and even assuming my music is an anime shitpost, which it isnt.) i just don't like those people, thats why i shit on Harem Noise Wall a lot and had to

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had to notice their musice due to the massive amount of spam they did on /rym/. I hate people using anime as an aesthetic to hide their boring, bland music. thats all. I don't do that, if you claim i do you're wrong and your only proof for it would be me posting a lot of images related to it... which is a dumb proof.

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dubbi shut up already, everyone hates you here.

>im not that guy i dont even know who it is except i know everything about him and im not him my music is just the same as him and my aesthetic and plus i dont hide behind anime girls~!
t. you, plasticneesound, from behind an anime girl

???? what is your issue? you know what? i hate that guy. i hate him. ok? stop comparing me to someone else, he's not me, i'm not him. end of story. you are just too stupid to see the difference. now fuck off.

Glad to see yet another thread is being derailed by these people who don't actually like music.
I mean "i'm glad" SARCASTICALLY. I don't get the point of coming here and ruining these threads.
What could it possibly do to make you guys feel better about your shitty shitty lives.
And yes, it's clear that your lives are shitty, if they weren't you wouldn't do this to us here.

DJ Dubbi is an asshole. There's no other way to put it.
Every day. Every. Fucking. Day. He comes here and shits on all of our music.
We work hard on our craft and all he does is quickly throws a cheesy bass line over a beat.
Yet, he has the balls to tell US that our music isn't good. He has the guts to rate our music out of 10?
He can't even write a real song that isn't just a rip off of whatever thing is cool, and not done well either.
Don't let DJ Dubbi, or any of the trolls here get you down about your craft.
DJ fuckface Dubbi is just an autistic faggot who thinks shitting on peoples work is funny.
He's not trolling he's just retarded, I fucking hate him, every day he tell me my music is shitty.
I've spent half a decade perfecting my craft, and he thinks he can come along and just fuck my career up?
Fuck that.
Fuck him.
We are artists. He isn't.
Sorry for the rant..

>i can sense that someone has been only making this stuff for few months or weeks (i.e. their music is privated everywhere else and the songs arent complex, usually under a minute each.)
complex =/= mastery
also sounds like you're going against eclecticism a bit by saying oh, say in your place. Most of the shit shown to you was sketches, hence why they're privated.
>making 30 second clips in fl studio
user, you just described most of your output on soundcloud.
>I listen to music because i love music, its the only thing i live for
oh, that's adorable user... hope you get tinnitus... ^v^

whatever neesound


I mean to say this to

ugh. i give up. fuck you guys.

yeah, because most of the stuff i put on soundcloud is stuff i send to my collaborators and i like to have it public in case :x
The reason why i send a specific track here is because its the only one i care about showing as of now. Eitherway, i dont care. go die, id be happy if you got ran over by a tram and no one ever heard of you again, disgusting fucking piece of shit. I fucking despise of people like you, maybe my shitty fucking replies are a bit non-descriptive and autistic and sometimes i might not be able to get what i mean through properly but holy shit nigs like you deserve nothing, literally nothing. all you care about is attention, you don't like music. You shit those threads with your dumb shitty ambient demo an except anything interesting of fucking reply, dude... if youd listen to ANY famous or known ambient or drone music and thought of the layering, build up that goes into it in comparision your shit is laughable, a joke.
im done and not gonna replyanymore

this is you too right?

This is almost looks like a copypasta. Also, you're being a bit of a sperg by saying the shit you say. Traps like you deserve the same fate as Leelah Alcorn. Literally no one who makes ambient / drone / experimental music thinks they're going to recognized by the masses. What kind of projection are you blabbering about? Lol to you thinking all I want is attention when you're the biggest / only attention whore here. Even bigger than Dubbi! You sound like you have issues desu. Tell us about them.

How long before we get a /dubbigeneral/ to avoid these conversations in our soundcloud threads?
I'm sick of this.

you fucking suck. stop posting this shit.

This is not dubbi related. This is Naomi related

>you're the biggest / only attention whore here. Even bigger than Dubbi!

why is he posting exactly like dubbi?

because "she's" a dubbi wannabe

Everyone is wanting to be me, deep down...
You're so good at greentexting bro!!
& etc
You wanna be me so bad
Master your stuff louder bro.
Man up bro I don't wanna see those crocodile tears.
At least you're diverse.
& Finish setting up your account rookies
& >Spotify
Bro, no offence bro but spotify
will destroy your career, or I
should say your attempt at
one before it even begins.
Spotify's whole gameplan is
to securely steal music from
artists and then when that
artist disappears they rebrand
the music under a new name.
Basically like what the industry
did with Lady GaGa but now it's
Spotify doing it and no one knows.
& Yeah I can tell you guys are big fans of me.
How long until the emo mane dies again?
Not really soulful but whatever...
I think you should give up on 808s, they're definitely not your forté, I'm the king of bass so you've come to the right place looking for help. I can help you out quite a bit if you ask,but for now what you need to focus on is Making great bass patches.
So, to make a beginner bass,
get a defult patch in Harmor,
turn the low-pass on A to 10%
and 0% on B,
and then turn the Sub up on both
A and B,
next turn on some slight distortion
and then EQ the sub in the mixer
up all the way.


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based and redpilled
this is some sage posting user

here is my first techno set
it would be nice if you listen it, like and share/repost

thank you very much

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oh yeah! I'm gonna jump right into this
as for what I've already heard, this is stellar stuff, be it your Nick Cave impressions or your folky stuff


will return all feedback!

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>Everyone is wanting to be me, deep down...
fuck off nobody wants to be anything close to your high spectrum autism.
pure delusion per usual faggi
>You're so good at greentexting bro!!
agreed, but you dont have to be an asshole for the 157th time
> & etc
>You wanna be me so bad
nobody wants you dubbi, you are a human defective. go fucking eat shit narcissist
nobody wants your shit even if you give your stupid asshat music away for free
>Master your stuff louder bro.
you don't really know what mastering is dubbi. you've evidently proved in these threads you don't understand it. so get a clue first
>Man up bro I don't wanna see those crocodile tears.
and another asshole comment. triple platinum autism level now achieved.
>At least you're diverse.
wow such helpful and insightful comments, this is "producer of year" level advice. what an expert!
> &
>Finish setting up your account rookies
more shitposting to newbs, who the fuck cares dubbi & why does it matter?
> &
>Bro, no offence bro but spotify will destroy your career, or I should say your attempt at one before it even begins.
where's your uber success at a music career idiot. you can't even impress the plebs here on /mu dubbi,
just stfu you talentless hack - no offence bro
>Spotify's whole gameplan is to securely steal music from artists and then when that artist disappears they rebrand the music under a new name.
that hilarious because you've been accused of copying other shillers tracks as well. the irony of dubbi the music hack continues
>Basically like what the industry did with Lady GaGa but now it's Spotify doing it and no one knows.
because dubbi read on a toilet wall, but thought he was reading pitchfork. great brainfart you imbecile

For someone who claims to run his own business you seem to have a lot of time to obsess over me online HA!!

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asshole. just don't fucking link a persons post with this. why do this asshole? this is a low low cunt act.
you deserve to be cuntpunched dubbi
> &
>Yeah I can tell you guys are big fans of me.
total delusion, nobody is a fan of faggi's music. its proven garbage tier crap.
delete your music dubbi/faggi and save your bandwdith
>How long until the emo mane dies again?
asshole comment. if you hate emp i hope it revives for the next 30years because it tiggers you so much.
post more emo for dubbi everyone!
>Not really soulful but whatever...
like you know what good music is. "but muh trap metal bro". your music is nothing but retarded shit dubbi

>I think you should give up on 808s, they're definitely not your forté,
you have no clue what music is so how could you comment loser
>I'm the king of bass
hahahahaa. what the fuck is this tag. your just the king of shit dubbi,
and the king of autism. so theres 2 fucking titles
>so you've come to the right place looking for help.
you dont help people faggot, youre a socioplath remember? you laugh at others misery and make asshole comments. kys
>I can help you out quite a bit if you ask,but for now what you need to focus on is Making great bass patches.
help like dubbi's maybe some more stupid pasta posting advice. which is all incorrect studio nonsense, using gay plugins on faggoty FL.
oh fuck here we go, how fucking predictable...
>So, to make a beginner bass, get a defult patch in Harmor, turn the low-pass on A to 10% and 0% on B,
>and then turn the Sub up on both A and B, next turn on some slight distortion
>and then EQ the sub in the mixer up all the way.
dont do this desu. its fucking stupid advice. dubbi doesnt know how to mix properly. he can't even use compression properly.
in fact he's fucking useless at a lot of production studio details
ffs loser we all fucking know its you. you always post your autism evil clown images with each post of your shit
kys dubbi
youre a fucking waste of space

oh high brainlet, did you get triggered?
i have lots of time to do what i want
given my business is being your shadow on /mu

>taking a known troll this seriously
you know he's been shitposting here for a decade. you aren't doing anything other than wasting your time

That's pretty funny coming from the guy who's so butthurt that you are replying to my pastas sentence by sentence LOL

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Glad to see yet another thread is being derailed by these people who don't actually like music.
I mean "i'm glad" SARCASTICALLY. I don't get the point of coming here and ruining these threads.
What could it possibly do to make you guys feel better about your shitty shitty lives.
And yes, it's clear that your lives are shitty, if they weren't you wouldn't do this to us here.

DJ Dubbi is an asshole. There's no other way to put it.
Every day. Every. Fucking. Day. He comes here and shits on all of our music.
We work hard on our craft and all he does is quickly throws a cheesy bass line over a beat.
Yet, he has the balls to tell US that our music isn't good. He has the guts to rate our music out of 10?
He can't even write a real song that isn't just a rip off of whatever thing is cool, and not done well either.
Don't let DJ Dubbi, or any of the trolls here get you down about your craft.
DJ fuckface Dubbi is just an autistic faggot who thinks shitting on peoples work is funny.
He's not trolling he's just retarded, I fucking hate him, every day he tell me my music is shitty.
I've spent half a decade perfecting my craft, and he thinks he can come along and just fuck my career up?
Fuck that.
Fuck him.
We are artists. He isn't.
Sorry for the rant..

what's the point of being this mad about a dumbass who is posting to get this kind of reaction? i hate dubbi too, but i just ignore him.

lmao dubbi hates btfo

oh touché fuckface, how am i butturt exactly.
you dont insult me, you insult the planet by existing.
you better keep taking those meds

i dont post music, i come to listen to it
except yours drivel becuase its repetitive bullshit
you keep shillng those turd sounds loser because nobody listens

>"how am i butturt exactly."
>Goes on to talk about how angry he is
K bro. Keep obsessing.

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so you bend over and take it. thats nice
if dubbi was funny i would agree
if he gave good studio advice i may also agree
if he could even produce good music then ok perhaps
he does none of these
dubbi/faggi is just a cancer
cancer needs to be dealt with or you die

lol pleb

eveytime you keep getting triggered & responding
so dubbis an idoit & a hypocrite. great going autist
>Anything between vaporwave and hard rock

Message to the newfags:


nobody gives the troll attention, he's samefagging all the time :(

Nah he’s an entity. He *is* attention

Genuinely glad dubbi and are here cause these threads are usually shill posting without em

stfu dubbi


It's a melody from a play I wrote music for last year. I loved the track so much that I tried to make a full arrangement out of it.

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>alt pop

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I like this. Very laid back and relaxed. And the wordplay is dope.

>i have only ever listened to tool and death drips ama

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Attached: Insomnia-Cover.png (500x500, 123K)
>electric organ midi electronic rock

give me criticism.

clean production. super derivative, sounds like you got all your sounds from a HOUSE PRESET PACK FREE thing.
i like the beginning of the ending before that three notes up the scale melody
sick, great track.
on the last song, im not a big fan of the way the vocals are produced, sounds like every other indie artist. guitar overdrive sounds nice and the synths are generally good. of course the tracks are much better than most people here though.

Attached: the-gradation-of-fire.jpg (1000x801, 112K)

>vocals drums guitars
free album download codes:
redeem @
t-shirts tapes fuzz pedals

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same, dubbi is usually one of the only interesting posters other than dvd gnome.

dubbi's music itself is terrible, but his pastas are funny
>how to mix your music as a .txt document

>dubbi’s music itself is terrible
this is how you can tell someone either hasn’t listened or is just generally plebbish
also on streaming services if you look up "sleep year"

>lofi indie rock
>post-punk/new wave
>concept album


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Check out Cow Tools!


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Peruvian rock n punk flute one man band

his music genuinely isn't good. I liked his Cocaine Hate And Bad Bitches EP, but that's it.

>experimental hip hop
>self produced
>pretty good raper too

imma be around the threads all day tryina like/comment/follow wut im feelin wit

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Hey yall just started putting music out I'd love some criticism.

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>it’s not good
>here’s my favorite release

This aint bad bro rhymes are good and your voice kinda reminds me of travis Scott. Beat is a little too out there for my taste though.

>why do all the white boys from private schools sound the same?

In my defense, I'm way too poor to go to a private school. Everything else you said about me is probably pretty accurate though.

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Very nice melodies on this one

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>ambient drone

Attached: tumblr_pv5rhkoA141wwptg9o1_1280.jpg (1280x1288, 333K)

and have your shit feedback'd