Does Moz deserve all the hate he gets?
Does Moz deserve all the hate he gets?
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No one deserves any hate. We are all children of God.
of course not
For his shitty political opinions? Not really. For his shitty voice and just being a shitty person all around? Definitely
>shitty voice
You must listen to bladee if you think his voice is shit
>shitty person
Animal rights activist, free speech activist, has shown support for the people of Israel, anti-fascist governments, anti-Trump, pro-LGBT, I could name many others
The only right wing, "shitty" ideology he has is his stance on immigration, if that automatically makes you a shitty person then why are other, much farther right artists not getting cancelled? This, subjective selectivity influenced by media has got to be exposed, it's honestly ridiculous
And to answer your question no, absolutely not, his side deserves to be heard but no news outlet is going to show his words as he says them, instead they will portray him as racist and bigoted because they have run out of words and need to direct their anger somewhere, Trump hate has been over-saturated and now they're moving onto their next target.
Fuck the Queen.
Fuck Muslims.
Fuck meat-eaters.
What do you think for yourself, faggot?
Moz is /our guy/
This, the "right wing" thing is overblown.
I think he deserves more respect for his views. People liked him when he sad and mopey, but don't like when he's confident in what he believes.
>has shown support for the people of Israel
>anti-fascist governments
Don't trust any one who hates the ramones
People are not governments you idiot,
It's like saying "You support the people of Venezuela? I suppose you support their fascist government then!"
how about his dislike for kate bush, can that be forgiven?
also mark e smith hated her
If you want some controversial quotes look up what Kate Bush said about feminism
I'll trust a man who has good taste
>The New York Dolls
>David Bowie
>Siouxsie And The Banshees
>The B-52's
>Brian Eno
>Roxy Music
>The Velvet Underground
>T. Rex
You can read more here
Also The Smiths >>> The Ramones anyway
Also he's praised several of their songs from what I'm reading here
didn't she say something on the lines of feminists are butch lesbo man haters?
Yeah pretty much lol
>I really react to that word, and I think probably the majority of women - but I don't know - would feel the same. Feminist is one of those words. When you hear ``feminist'' you go ``"ummgh!'' It's a ``concept'' You get all these terrible images - like women with hairy legs and big muscles. And I mean you just think of butch lesbians. I think the media's been playing around with it, but I also think there are an awful lot of groups that basically don't like men, and they tend to get quite a lot of publicity. And they are terribly aggressive and quite illogical: ``What have we got men for!'' I think a lot of women feel very confused by the whole thing - I know I do - where you've just got to get in there - that's the thing - and work!
i think it's less a stance against immigration and more a stance against cultural homogeny.
>Basically a leftie but doesn't want to go full retard on immigration
Kinda based desu
This 100%
Yeah this, couldn't put it into words
Nope but I don't like his music so I don't give a shit
Im getting my fourth ticket to a show, the previous three were all cancelled
Whats the probabability he wont cancel or leave early?
I just want to see the old fart before he dies
I got a good feeling about this tour, but his new album will be coming out in 2020 so he'll have another tour as well if you miss this one
I saw him Monday and he sounded amazing still, but less than 4k tickets were sold in a 25k venue. The place was fucking dead.
Wtf I love Kate Bush now
There isn't any god tho
damn. I hope that means I can pretend to be drunk and ease my way into better seats
Did you like the setlist?
good to hear then.
You seem to be forgetting about pic related
They upgraded my seats(and many others I saw) for free. Tickets were $7 the day of the concert. The setlist was good. I'm more of a Smiths fan and he opened with How Soon is Now which was dope.
he's based but his falsetto sucks cock
Morrissey lately tho
She's praising actual feminism and shitting on the false caricatures painted by right wing media. Kate's lefty as fuck.