>500k views in one month
are young people getting tired of progressivism Yea Forums?
500k views in one month
Scott Pilgrim didn't invent hipster chicks.
Not this shit again
it only really shows how popular incel ideology is getting. Also it is a progressivist song lol
No, it's just /pol/ and /r9k/
That's a drop in the bucket and about the same impact as sam hyde. The song sucks too. Being an angry virgin will never be cool
>Also it is a progressivist song lol
How so? And can you forcing a "lol" into every sentence to seem confident online you insecure retard?
This is the exact same shit people were saying before trump got elected. Dont underestimate the zoomers.
>it is now a right wing stance to be an incel
you can't write this shit
It's almost as if non-liberal/progressive views are dominant but the media doesn't reflect that.
>you can't write this shit
have you read like any fiction ever you fucking sperg? go to r9k if you wanna say dumbass shit to a brainless audience
yeah, try reading something not called the Turner Diaries, retard
Sorry guys. The anti-sjw videos weren't as effective as you thought. You're catching boomers with them, not zoomers.
It is. It's oppressive reactionary views on women's rights. It's 100% right wing.
I think the average age on this board is like 21 so you're probably reading shit written by a bunch of kids who went whole hog on the university kool aid. Usually soft spoken noodle armed boys who are trying to fit in or sometimes women. Mocking women for annoying online traits and calling them out isn't an incel stance thing either. A lot of guys find it mockable.
You sympathize with mass shooters. Go fuck yourself.
I'm always 5 years ahead of the curve as a result of being aggressively online, and my current position is anti-foid but left-wing otherwise, it will blow up soon trust me.
Negative XP is an incel for sure.
I never said that, you overexaggerating dork
It's funny how the sort of description that song makes are literally the bread and butter of many mainstream journalists out there. I can't recall how many "types of guys" articles and lists I've seen since 2010, Sam Kriss even wrote a satire of it.
But of course, as soon as it's turned against women, it becomes hate speech.
"incel" isn't an ideology you retard
Sympathizing with and defending incels is exactly that. Fuck you, I hope you die alone.
It'll be an ongoing trend at least economically. If we keep at it the 1% will own more than the bottom 99% in no time. That does not make for a healthy society. We see what boomers have done to break up the economic reforms of the New Deal and the Progressive era. They used it as a ladder to climb up and kicked it away for the rest of us.
How many incels are mass shooters?
this song legitimately slaps
The song is about hating women, which really cant be considered conservative in any way. and goodness gracious, you really got mad over that word. u r projecting like a bitch
Many of them, at the very least they praise and idolize them online and radicalize people.
never heard of this until now, big incel energy and the music is garbage
also spvtw had more of an averse effect on an entire generation of men than women and this song kind of just proves that lmao
>sympathizing with people who can't get laid is EVIL
Is Judd Apatow the most hateful man in hollywood??
We deserve the Top 100
Can you provide any proof? Because this is the same logic boomers use to say all muslims are terrorists and odds are you're probably just overexaggerating. Judging by your responses on here, you probably freak out and get caught up in shit really, really easily and are emotioanlly unstable.
Did they ban it off youtube or something
Disingenous retard incelism is a violent ideology that dehumanizes women and inspired several recent shootings it's not every virgin.
>Disingenous incelism
He likes to use words constructed in a seemingly more intelligent way to seem smarter than he is. Actually might be a woman or a tranny
Yes because mocking and degrading sick and mentally ill individuals will not cause them radicalize even more and lash out on people.
They deserve it for doing the same to women.
Reminder this is pretty much the only song of his that’s like this. Don’t take it too seriously.
Holy shot this song his hilarious and based
>Judging by your responses on here, you probably freak out and get caught up in shit really, really easily and are emotioanlly unstable.
It's the "conservahicks" guy, he became self-conscious about using the term but he's easy to recognize. He definitely has a mental condition.
incels are evil people who sympathize with elliot rogers desu, fuck them
The art hoe style has become so popular that you can't really categorize them all as a rlly similar type of person. Lots of respectable girls look like them now!! :)
Don’t you want to solve this problem at the root or just feed into the vicious cycle ending in more death and hatred?
i'm getting tired of you ricky
i keep telling you to frig off ricky
i can smell the fuckin piss jugs from here ricky
enjoy the eight dollars in adsense revenue i guess
also frig off thanks bud
I like his normal shit even more
>anti-foid, but left-wing otherwise
woke misogyny is the most based ideology. every woman should be cared for in the way a retard is cared for because they are on similar footing mentally
They have to fix themselves instead of blaming women for their problems and thinking they're entitled to one with no effort.
Honestly this my least favorite song of his.
Go back to twitter, whore.
fuck you cop
Same poster. Not the song you posted, the Scott pilgrim one.
I want to fuck her mouth while her hands are tied behind her back as she sucks on my dick with those soft lips with those big beautiful helpless eyes and a furrowed brow looking up at me
Imagine getting fooled by literal buzzwords online into thinking losers alone in their bedrooms are "dangerous radicals" this type of hyperbolic bullshit actually makes me feel less bad when 1% spergs out and aims at you
>The song is about hating women, which really cant be considered conservative in any way.
not being conservative =/= being progressivist, you retard
the song exist about hating women either, it's about hating members of a specific subculture
I mean a lot of them do legit praise elliot roger
I like the incels. I'm a weathered man who knows how to pick up drunk chicks when I need to, but I can't say that I don't respect the hell out of Elliot Rodger.
you admit right near the end. Not every incel is gonna be a killer dumbshit.
Only in the same mocking way some leftists praise like, Stalin. But they're Other-ized in your point of view, and by definition you can't believe them capable of irony and nuance.
holy shit. the last I saw it only had 130k views.
you do know that's not impressive numbers at all right? I have a 150k song and no one knows who the fuck I am. You and I both know youtube weirdos, pol faggots and the fash that hang out on mu are the only people that listen to this shit
So fucking what? Thousands of Tumblr chicks have entire blogs dedicated to the Columbine shooters but you don't seem to have a problem with that do you? Elliot Rodger is literally a giant meme too and your even more stupid thinking anyone actually unironically believes in his stupid diary ramblings. Your so 19 it fucking hurts talking to you I bet.
This song is his worst. Virgins simps only like it because of the aesthetic. And the people who hate it do because it’s a reflection their worst aspects.
You're an idiot.
i love how they're trying to whitewash their ideology itt like we don't share a site with /r9k/ and /pol/ and know what incels post
>you do know that's not impressive numbers at all right? I have a 150k song and no one knows who the fuck I am.
post it fag
Like how you have presume views to make yourself feel better.
incels are faggots and you're a faggot for liking them
post proof or kys yourself
He’s not not wrong.
Your entire position isn't even your own ideas or observations. You have no ideas, Ideas have you dude. Get a grip
>refering to incels as "they"
come on user, who are you trying to fool?
Women can't handle rights.
For a non-incel you really sound like you need to have sex.
Because they won't fuck your fat gamer ass?
whatever you say officer
I’m not the same user anon. You still haven’t made a point. You can only lash out because you know you’re wrong.
Name one society that gave them rights that didn't collapse.
yea ur kinda right, i just made that reply in thirty seconds. I guess it isn't about hating all women either, but hate is a dumb trait regardless imo. Most people I know who like this song seem to make as many excuses as they can to make their bitterness about society feel correct rather than trying to better themselves, which i feel is extremely degenerate
A good bit.
What kind of name of a society is a good bit?
I can't find the video anymore. Did it get wooden door'd?
yeah it got reported for "hate speech" to jewtube
calling a thot a thot and getting sad cuz you're a virgin isn't an "oppressive reactionary view on women's right"
you're right it's called being a fucking faggot
>"hate speech"
fucking what lol. how??
Faggots respect women.
nose ring white girls are a race
A good name.
what mass shooters?
You have no clue what "incel" means. There's a huge difference between some fucking loser who can't get laid and a mass shooter.
You dropping the word faggot is almost like a subconscious acknowledgement that your position here is so fucking gay and lame you need to make it sound edgier and less PC somehow. Own up to being an Ally and act accordingly, epic bacon boy.
>no effort
keep coping and hoping
Get laid then faggot
Naw you’re just a loser.
a lot of gay men are mega misogynists and think it's really funny
Because HOW DARE YOU criticize women
>when all the other incels are thinking of their hatred of women/other men, but you're just considering the most painless form of suicide
shut the fuck up ricky
And women want to fuck them. See: Morrisey/Boy George.
gotta respec wahmen amirite?
Hadn't heard this song. Honestly hilarious, pretty catchy too.
incelism is purely ideological
describing incels here, not describing myself
Yes and no, for extremely online dorks yes, but failed males are a constant of civilization and the human species in general
Agreed fellow pede
There will always be retards no matter what.
Imagine thinking this is a photo worth taking. Basedboys are children.
Hoes mad.
Based has lost all meaning. Rip lil b.
Cry more lobsterfag
how will language ever recover
Hoes mad(you)
are you people stuck in 2015? fuck off with the cringe culture war shit.
I don't even like JP, it's just a really pathetic photo to take lol
It can’t and it won’t. Can’t believe lil b was paying for those feet pics.
I you went to university, you'd know this shit is still happening.
Photo of the clowns was from 2019. I just thought the picture was lame.
Kek the absolute state of higher education
Two of the posts you were replying to were ironic.
Sadly true. I have a Media Diversity course this semester. Unfortunately mandatory for my shitty degree.
Colleges are basically containment zones to keep that bullshit away from normal, functioning adults
fucking universities stuck in 2015 like a bunch of lame-o's
Go into stem dumbass.
It's required for every major as a gen ed
>Media Diversity course
Lmao what the fuck even is this? Do you just talk about how woke black panther is all day or something?
Based kek
>burgers go into 5 figure debt for this
>Do you just talk about how woke black panther is all day or something?
tss fucking home run chippah
You might think you're exaggerating, but you're not too far off.
It's unavoidable, at least at my school.
The short answer is 'yes'
You learn how to analyze media from a critical theory lens or something, I took a similar class
I have not encountered this so far and I doubt it is even as bad as described.
So you watch movies like an ideologue with a stick up your ass?
Media diversity? Wut? Are you talking about ethnic/racial/religious diversity or diversity from the perspective of what is talking about?
I'm not so optimistic. This whit male prof preaches white male guilt.
So Yea Forums expect with movies instead of music
>about ethnic/racial/religious diversity
This one. Although you can add gender and sexuality to the list. It's about diversity in media. So the Black Panther thing was eerily close to the truth.
It's about how less white people at any institution/place is a good thing and something to strive for.
For me I had to take some diversity related course as a requirement focused on social issues, along with a foreign culture one.
> When people do not have to exert themselves to satisfy their physical needs they often set up artificial goals for themselves. In many cases they then pursue these goals with the same energy and emotional involvement that they otherwise would have put into the search for physical necessities. Thus the aristocrats of the Roman Empire had their literary pretensions; many European aristocrats a few centuries ago invested tremendous time and energy in hunting, though they certainly didn’t need the meat; other aristocracies have competed for status through elaborate displays of wealth; and a few aristocrats, like Hirohito, have turned to science.
> Leftism, at least in its recent (mid- to late-20th century) form, is in part a symptom of deprivation with respect to the power process.
> Many leftists have an intense identification with the problems of groups that have an image of being weak (women), defeated (American Indians), repellent (homosexuals) or otherwise inferior.
Yurofags are your colleges like this at all?
In UK maybe.
It's always some strain of angloid cancer isnt it
>500k views in one month
Literally nothing
>conflating the girls described in this song with progressives
Taylor Swift pulls just barely more views than that.
Sanders, much like Trump, doesn't fucking understand anything he talks about
Taylor gets a few million
This kid gets mid tier youtube gamer numbers
I can only imagine how fucking terrible your taste in music must be
>posting itt
congratulations, you're just another retard bumping the thread!
t. Joe Biden
this kid recorded his music on a ten dollar mic, Tay had billions of dollars pumped into her promotion, production and all the other shit. he got 100 times more views per dollar spent in making of the song.
You listen to incel punk m8, you have by far the worst taste
>listening to incel trash unironically
>You listen to incel punk m8,
yeah I'm listening to one talk right now
>this kid recorded his music on a ten dollar mic
We can tell, the song is trash
Nevermind Negative XP if you only listen to shit that gets more than 500k views you have no business being in a music board
On one song that became a meme on r9k and pissed twitter off for a day. Fluke
>Scott Pilgrim ruined a whole generation of women
That's giving that movie too much credit. The wave of blue-haired, taint-pierced alternachicks has its roots in Punk fashion which then spread to the internet. It's difficult to point where it suddenly took off (many blame SuicideGirls, but no one knows for sure), but this fashion aesthetic was perpetual by the late 2000s.
Every westernized person of decent means knows others who are alternative. The chic has been a thing since the late '70s and early '80s. You could even argue alternative lifestyles goes back to the late '50s and early '60s with Bohemians, Greasers, Beatniks and Flower Children / the Hippie movement, but Punk and Goth gave it legs and a distinct identity that has persisted into the 21st century. The aesthetics change every few years within a decade, but the identity and lifestyle choices stay intact.
To my knowledge, the earliest known alternative lifestyle was the flapper girl of the '20s, where loose women would party with rich men of questionable character, commonly gangsters and those who ran speakeasies. The expression of such free living included drinking, smoking, casual sex, listening to Jazz, wearing revealing yet fashionable clothes and taking opium.
tl;dr: the more things change, the more they stay the same. Get a grip.
any more thot history you'd like to share faggot
And you sympathize with the people that create them, go get shot you god damned idiot
>if u listen 2 popular things u dont kno muzik!!!!
Kill yourself you hipster incel faggot
Not reading this stupid shit. End your life.
I mean you ain't completely wrong, but the Scott Pilgrim title is a joke about art hoes wanting to be like Ramona
But muslims are a-okay
gtfo ricky
>its other ppls fault i cant get laid
Cope loser.
You're probably the sort of chubby gay kid who thinks a musician who doesn't get on the top 40 has a failed career. I'll agree to kill myself but please let me take you with me.
Can you believe this fucking incel cuck made this song because a high schooler wouldnt let him touch her titties?
>Can you believe
>Is he right in doing so?
also yes
Having never seen the film and only reading about it, I'm only responding to the claims that the film "ruined" modern women. It is my opinion that Scott Pilgrim reflected the surrounding culture much more than shaping it. Many of those trends seen in the film existed in media prior to it, and the fashion even more so.
Thinking is hard, isn't it?
Completely missing the point. Idiot.
Nah, Im the kind of person who knows that 500k views aint shit. Jump off a bridge, Ricky.
More than anything you'll ever make
Fuck off cop
Shut up Ricky.
Move to r/popheads bro, you need to be with your people. I mean, will Tay Tay beat some other generic pop whore on the charts? You let us know user.
holy shit this guy is lolcow tier
>its okay to kill people cuz im a fucking loser who cant get laid
Off yourself.
I don't think this song is as much of an incel hatemonging shit show as the consensus seems to be. It just seem like they know a girl/girls who have treated them like shit.
I haven't fucked very much but that song relates to 75% of the women I've been with in AT LEAST 4-5 ways.
It's easy to feel emotional about sex and lack there of and if you want to put that in a song, then more power to you.
The song is one giant 3 chord progression but the lyrics really hit home and make me smile.
I can see why incels would relate to this but so would someone in a shitty relationship.
There's this shitty song on the radio (I know I'm poor. Leave me alone onlyusemeblade) where the first line of the chorus and maybe even the song is "why men great til they gotta be great?" It's very easy for someone to be in a rut after a break up and resent a relationship and it's not applied to specifically one gender. Women call men pigs, dogs, douchebags, dicks, etc. And it's because men are to focused on sex and it's irritating for them. The same way men are irritated with women literally being able to line up dudes and play einy meeny miney mo to get laid. The (hopefully) temporary hate of the opposite sex is a very human thing.
But yeah punk is generally trash and you only like it because it hits hard. And if you don't like that you're a pussy
Stop complaining about incels because your shitty social standards mean you can't attack anyone else. It's more annoying than the incel shitposting. You normies are nothing but pure cancer personified, such shitty people.
>m-my music isnt popular so its good...
Keep lying to yourself Rick
I didn't know Ricky was an actual person and thought you were just satirizing R&M throughout the entire thread
Ok officer
You first idiot. You're so dumb you must be a college aged shitskin mutt.
what is the fucking song?
Kill yourself
Eat my shit and die you fucking idiot.
Have sex, incel
That's ricky actually.
conformists are faggots
r9k guys are faggots
incels are faggots
ricky's a faggot
i'm the best
ha. autism
Present thine ass
Go cry over all the girls who will never touch you because you're an unlovable faggot
what are you gonna do dickhead print out my posts and put them on your wall
I'd rather laugh at you trying to kiss up to those used up bitches
look. more autism
Ricky didn't you get cucked by a meth dealer
>hes actually here
stop having a fucking slap fight like 5 year olds on the playground you useless faggots
joe rogan tho
Why are all of you so charged about a funny song?
Imagine actually defending bullying people into psychosis
I'm too weak to be a "is this guy bothering you?" irl so I do this instead
It upsets normies hedonistic worldview and reminds them of those times they had to go to church with the grandparents on sunday, truly a traumatizing experience for them
Yeah, just stick to video games fag. Thats the closest youll ever get to having a successful interaction with a woman.
The truth is a venom
i love how the OP picture is from a random movie and noone in the entire thread mentions what song is supposedly being talked about, instead just pointlessly arguing about incels
Once again, women not wanting to fuck you isn't bulllying or trauma or a reason to excuse violence.
So are you white knighting or is the other user white knighting and you're being sarcastic? You guys are shit posting so much I can't tell what the fuck is going on
*jostles the crab bucket*
>a FUCKING cuck
Give me your sisters number and I'll let you hear one from your basement bedroom
This but unironically
Weird face but thicc, I would
No refunds.
No it doesn't. it's just some young 20 something year old bitching about women he knows. Big fucking deal people do that shit all the time
it's not white knighting i think this shit is faggy and annoying
No one knows what you're referencing because we didn't waste our time stalking a youtuber you idiot
I would, but I dont want my sister to wnd up dead when she ghosts your autistic ass for the 4th time.
I just listened to it like 2 hours ago. The algorithm got all of us real good. It's a funny song
Dont be upset...
>he thinks there aren't thirsty white knights like
that do everything in their measly social power to ostrasize and humiliate these young lads into psychosis so they'll have a chance to hold hands with a girl
Nah it's a tripfag that spams his dumb song and dating problems here
Very weak comeback user. And what's with the "your ___ ass" Twitterspeak?
Why get so worked up over it then?
Y'all making this thread into Notre Dame the amounts of burns going on here
it's not even his song he just made the video
I'd be a resentful incel too probably if I was born ugly poor and with shit parents. Shits not that easy to overcome as the muh incel spammers pretend it is
>has nothing so starts criticizing word choice
I'm sorry I should stop saying fuck and bitch or you'll confuse me with the 3-4 dudes roasting each other. I'm one of the dudes that dropped an essay on this thread and asked why everyone is pissed
90% of them arent too ugly to get laid. Theyre either huge fucking faggots, morbidly obese or developmentally disabled.
I don't have to have anything, I'm not the person you were interacting with. Just a third party, completely neutral, thinking you can do better.
ah, well I'm just annoyed there's always 3+ threads about this in the catalouge. And bullying is wrong.
No I'm the dude who wrote the long ass wholesome essay post that y'all didn't read because you were too busy being a bunch of monkeys throwing shit at each other. And I'm starting to feel a little underappreciated for putting time into this
Please calm down...
Interesting theory.
>now hes pretending to be someone else
and that obesity or disability or faggery just endlessly spirals into a self-sustained fire of inceldom
I have a feeling this will be really underwhelming for you after 250 posts of build-up
Naw. Bullying creates great content. It's just the internet anyways. Not like someone's getting their lunch stolen
Well clearly they need positive reinforcement than
>online dating statistics
I appreciate the effort, but you didn't really say anything we don't already know
Believe what you want, I didn't know these exchanges were an important source of validation for you.
Negative Xp - Scott Pilgrim Ruined a Generation of Women
I think the video is blocked/restricted in certain countries for misogynist hate speech though, plus Ricky using random tinder girls pics in the video.
Yes, it's increasingly more important as the ages and generations digitalize
Oh I've already seen it rip, still funny tho. If you get butthurt by this song you're a massive loser.
Yeah I'm in Germany and it was restricted for me
Alright dude that's two y'alls in a row. Let's not hear a third one for a while alright?
have sex
BTW if anyone wants to learn it the chord are just g f c
Literally have sex you fucking loser
Damn. Getting banned from countries is legit punk as fuck.
I guess I'm in an echo chamber then. Feels good to belong
You've already seen it and you couldn't make the association and figure out that's what we talking about you fucking faggot?
30 seconds in and im done. Ricky seriously needs help.
Being conservative is the new punk tbqh
Y'all brazy
> mildly edgy meme song is considered to be punk cuz it was banned by butthurt fags
fuck this timeline
All I'm saying is, Idles has't been banned from shit, you know?
>but I still would if I could
the best line in the song
i'm not a smart man
Cringe lmao
The amount of censorship you endure is a good metric of how much you're really bothering the establishment, so yes it's punk. It's just difficult for you to understand identity politics are now the "establishment" without having some major identity crisis.
Then I have to go out and spend money and have some girl put up with my depressing ass. I'd rather just wait until I feel more comfortable in life then I don't have to settle for some chick that's just like all the other ones I've been with
Arthoes are great in bed
*bites cyanide capsule*
Naw that's really not what I mean. It's just that that's the most stupid shit to get upset about. How has "punk" gone from Henry Rollins to some song getting banned cuz it's not pc.
Can someone link me the Ricky video?
Haha what kind of draconian shit is that
hoes mad x10000
>They just take a picture of your fat virgin body for their photography binder
Digits most definitely confirm
It's not banned it just has that content warning are you 18 click if you want to see thing that pops up, at least here
but wasn't it unlisted from the search?
==I thought it was==
Yes but you can access from the direct link I think
Was this made by a dumb fucking zoomer good lord
I still can't red text here.
Sorry it's been awhile
Song was some chinese american kid
Video was ricky the guy itt
I can't even watch it in Germany. We're quite strict.
Wait so were those shit posters claiming that the user was Ricky?
I'd imagine so with the whole killing Jews thing that happened
He shills the video here
The best part about this all is that NXP gets pussy irl lmao
>we're all complaining about nothing
Could this BE anymore of a Yea Forums thread
he literally said in the song that he would if he could, but that doesn't mean their personality isn't rancid shit.
Based chink
Ricky is the one we're laughing at mostly. He doesn't get pussy
Fuck the progressive trend just completely halted for gen z. What happened?
A big compilation of "incelcore" was released yesterday.
Get a load of this hot incel banger:
That ending was the only thing incel about that
Make that 40, incel.
just about as dumb as that meme
Not as dumb as men who think they're women though.
I might share your struggle, but if you died a bitter virgin you'd deserve it.
Lack of sex will never put me in as pathetic of a position as that of an out of shape mentally ill hairy man in a dress crying in the mirror because he'll never be a woman.
Don't talk about his dad like that
how u kno
>Scott Pilgrim didn't invent hipster chicks.
It embodied the slattern egregore into a readily digestible form for the hyletic masses (of women aping Chad Alpha Studs when in reality they prefer manipulating some gelding.)
>The art hoe style has become so popular that you can't really categorize them all as a rlly similar type of person. Lots of respectable girls look like them now!! :)
The collective psyche of the female (and male subset) expressed in this is retrograde;-- if the zebras' stripes have reconfigured like so, Scott Pilgrim is a bellweather & signpost.
Also: The entire incel thing is a psyop to agitate younger female demographics into voting/political engagement; abortion is too visceral/ambiguous -- icky gamma male drones acting-out, thinking they're fit for breeding yasslaykweens ever? That's encountered daily. The Joker movie out right now is patterned to feed into this specifically.
youre a fag