Some boomer republicans just moved in next door and put up Trump2020 signs in their yard. Me and the roommates are having a house party next week, what music should we put on to piss them off?
Some boomer republicans just moved in next door and put up Trump2020 signs in their yard...
Other urls found in this thread:
Merzbow, Boredoms, Gerogerigegege, Coil, Throbbing Gristle, Whitehouse, Nurse with Wound, Einstürzende Neubauten, Brainbombs, Egor Letov, Death in June, Current 93, La Monte Young, Moondog, Lou Harrison, Henry Cowell, Luigi Russolo, Popol Vuh, Fishmans, Jean Jacques Perrey, Les Rallizes Dénudés, Rainbow Caroliner, Taj Mahal Travellers, Fushitsusha, Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nang Nang, Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, Nara Leão, Basic Channel, Raymond Scott, Delia Derbyshire, Daphne Oram, Noah Howard, Terry Riley, Peter Sotos, Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, Boyd Rice, Mahmoud Ahmed, Henry Flynt, Kazumoto Endo, David Tudor, Aporea, Half Japanese, Mega Banton, Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Robbie Basho, Phil Spector, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krüsi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Yat-Kha, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Pärson Sound, The Dead C, Comus, Cromagnon, Eliane Radigue, Arthur Doyle, Shizuka, The Red Krayola, Henry Cow, Magma, Opus Avantra, Pan.Thy.Monium., Murmuüre, Ksiezyc, Gong, Cukor Bila Smert', cLOUDDEAD, Muslimgauze and Kaoru Abe
this. but also add Half Japanese, Mega Banton, Secret Chiefs 3, Keiji Haino, Ramleh, Otomo Yoshihide, John Zorn, Joe Meek, Robbie Basho, Phil Spector, Faxed Head, Harry Partch, Wesley Willis, Fred Frith, The Residents, Sun Ra, Sun City Girls, Hans Krüsi, Royal Trux, Jandek, Yat-Kha, Loren Mazzacane Connors, Pärson Sound Peter Brötzmann, John Cage, Scott Walker, Unwound, Dead, Frank Zappa, Morton Feldman, Captain Beefheart, Pharoah Sanders, Albert Ayler, Ornette Coleman, Alice Coltrane, Arnold Schoenberg, Pierre Boulez, György Ligeti, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nang Nang, Thin
GLOSS thats some really transgressive shit thatll upset boomers
Just play ol town country road over and over and over and over again and then play 10 seconds of ted nugents cat scratch fever before going right back to ol town country road
jokes aside am i pretentious for enjoying most of these musicians works
Boards of Canada - Aquarius, but edit the mp3 so that every "orange" is followed by "man bad"
bernie2020, cry harder pussy
I'm here to say both these guys are old stupid faggots. YANG all the way baby! Seriously though, fuck all politicians APAS all politicians are scum and if you vote I'd happily put you down
Pretty much his only flaw.
His current bill doesn't have that as part of the plan. We'll just call our congress people if that provision comes up. I'm sure Bernie will back off if he sees it's political suicide.
>people who vote suck
I never understand this mindset
Yeah cause you SUCK.
wow 4585754654d chess worked the first time i'm sure it will work with the next israel shill too
>don't vote
cringe and bluepilled
The Exploited Fuck the USA
heh nice one
1000 Gecs
fucking based lmao
literally any music
boomers hate hardcore punk and gangsta rap the most
ask your friends at Pitchfork, you'll fit right in over there
Die boomer
die faggot
this plus Machine Girl
You'll go first old man. All that beer and McDonald's.
I'm 22 and not going anywhere. And seeing how you're already destined to drown in a puddle onions piss of your own making so I'm done with you. R.I.P.
>boot licking chud
You've got a bright life ahead of you :)
22 boomer fuck off. white male cishet supremecist capitalism is on its way out.
What does cishet mean?
LOL, I suggest you start holding your breath
waiting for that to happen right now, that'll be another one gone of self inflicted idiocy. R.I.P.
another word for normal
The shotgun symphony of you and your friends killing yourselves.
lol hate to break it to you but gender and sexuality as it is thought of are not normal or natural at all but entirely made up and forced upon you by society
hate to break it to you but john money was an mad scientist who experimented on two little boys who both committed suicide
Look up the definition of the word "Normal". I know you zoomers like to change the definitions of words, "literally" comes to mind, but for the time being, "Normal" still means what it has always meant.
>sexual reproduction is a social construct
never said that. but the way in which one thinks about and knows sexuality is. read foucault or paul presciado. in different cultures notions of sex as tied inherently to gender, ideas of sexual taboos, etc are all largely changed. under techno capitalism sex is inherently tied to an idea of pornography or some idea of science and medicalization of sex. cultural ideas of gay-straight-bisexual things like fetishes etc completely shape our experience and understanding of sex and sexuality even though sex and sexuality far presuppose such cultural phenomenology.
>techno capitalism
stopped reading there, gibson.
Hi Silver
Wow you sound very smart
now say it in non-neuromancer language
based and too true to refute
This virgins think they can blast this at a party. Goodbye any chance of getting your dick wet at a house party
who McAfee2020 here?
Sex isn't real retard.
I don't follow. If there is a sense in which sex and sexuality transcend cultural "phenomenology", how can one detect or discern such a general foundation for sexuality from within the confines of a particular culture (for example, the culture of academic studies in 1980s California influenced by the work of Foucault).
It seems to me that the sense of such a general framework, be it from Freud or from Foucault, is necessarily bound to the context of the particular culture which generated it as an idea.
>milo goes to college
theyre already angry and scared - they voted for trump.
just play Rachel maddow podcasts superloud all day.
You're speaking as though sexuality is strictly cultural. It is fairer to say that it is human instinct filtered to a degree by the norms of the society. You vastly overestimate how arbitrary these things are.
Sexuality is closely intertwined with the body. It arises from the bottom of the subconscious, where the mind becomes the body. It's only once it gets closer to the surface that such animalistic behavior can be construed as even remotely socially mediated or malleable. Regardless of how the conscious mind wants to reify gender, the underlying archetypes will remain in the subconscious, mute and chained.
It's their house party motherfucker they can play whatever they want.
Boring who cares what is this thread
>libcucks so triggered by a trump sign they have to abuse the neighbourhood with their shitty nigger music produced by jews
The correct music for this feel would be ravel's piano concerto in g major.
The most pseud post of the nite
Literally was changed by millenials long before based zoomers
How to invalidate your opinion anywhere: a post in one act
>oh no, people are edgy on Yea Forums?!?!?!?!
Go read buzzfeed, dyke.
>triggered sjws on Yea Forums
When's the reddit merge happening?
Doesn't un-invalidate the opinion of the person who says it.
Irrelevant, you're a buzzfeed-reading out of touch retard, why the fuck are you on this site you fucking dumb dyke?
I've been on Yea Forums since 2007 lol, I just grew up.
That's why you get upset when people say nigger or jew right?
Yes. It is quite normal for a mature, level-headed person to be disapproving of such nonsense. I'm not wrong that it would invalidate your opinion anywhere that matters.
Instead you started shitting yourself cuz somebody said nigger on Yea Forums, im sure youre actually well-balanced and level-headed irl tho. Its probably ur nasty bulldyke time of the month eh? Youre all pissed off and you wanna pwn racists, because professor goldberg told you racism is bad and you dont have children, so what the fuck else are you going to do?
>randomly saying nigger irl is bad
No shit retard
The comment was that it invalidates the opinion that OP would be wrong for blasting loud music that his boomer neighbors would probably dislike. Could have made a case without the racism, then we wouldn't have this conversation. I know, it's hard to suppress the urge to express your feelings about other races because it's just so virulent in your mind. Just shows that you need therapy.
How does jew cum taste
Clutch your pearls more, soccer mom
just about anything, as long as its loud
>moral haranguing on Yea Forums
>"haha i-ive been here since 2007 lol"
Bernie is critical of Israel lmao
He literally threatened to cut foreign aid to them a few weeks ago
>70% of the posters on this thread
where my yang gang niggas at?
>oh no people are speaking too honestly and not getting censored, better start fat-shaming people
Don't body shame them. Their shitty ideas are plenty of justification to shit on them.
>venture capitalist
Dropped right there
Bernie or Bust
Lose weight amerimutt
> they genuinely think they're superior
>how do I trigger boomers?
Idk literally play anything that's new
definitely whip out those dicks and start sucking each other off, make sure they got full view of that shit while you cum all over each others faces
yeah, then kiss each other on the mouth and swap your cum back and forth, make sure you record it and then post it on here, haha that would really show them OP
Aux Raus
Andrew Yang isn't a venture capitalist, his nonprofit program to help college grads start businesses was called Venture for America, but he is't a venture capitalist. Just a tech investor and a lawyer.
Has he passed .0099 yet? Trump all the way, the dems offer nobody close. Tulsi is good but shes a woman and also has no chance (partly due to dnc shafting her). The viable candidates the DNC want are Biden or Warren. Biden is too old and cannot win. Warren is like 4 years younger and she's masquerading as a neo-progressive far leftist for votes (she is a neo-lib/con in reality if you look at her past.)
The rest of the dems are unelectable, bernie would not even be worth mentioning if it werent for his shrinking fanbase of cucks he's backstabbed. Trump has outraised the dems more than threefold as of a few weeks ago. He's going to crush them.
That's better, but I'm on the fence with him. Much much better than Biden, Harris and that tier at least
he's like a bernie sanders for people that have consumed too much cold war propaganda and are scared of muh communism
>seething tranny discord shills pop up as soon as anything pro-Trump comes up
I'm laughing at how fucking desperate you are. The dem candidate doesnt stand a chance.
Biden can get fucked. Hate that senile corporate pedo. If Bernie gets shafted again I just won't vote.
Only reason Bernie doesn't win is really because most people are inherently irrational. People who don't support him genuinely deserve to be executed to be honest.
He has discords full of shills to push his cringe campaign online. He likely takes money from china, the chinese hate Trump's economics. He's also a far leftist moron but somehow is also a "venture capitalist"
>socialism is communism
>socialism ruining every country it touches is propaganda
I wouldn't go that far but he is definitely the best candidate and scares the corporate elites.
lol I posted like half of those and I think discord is for faggots. Cope chud
Post your dick to prove you're not a fatass or GTFO
>Only reason Bernie doesn't win is really because most people are inherently irrational
How? His idiotic policies will destroy the middle class and lower upper class, benefitting the growing lower class while the elites have all their money offshore and have houses all over the globe. Bernie supporters are really juvenile to not understand this. Have you ever even looked at his tax plan? Or did you just follow the reddit memes? Bernie is the most feelgood reddit candidate ever.
>"socialism is communism"
How fucking retarded do you have to be? American education system at work right here bois
Universal basic income is the inevitable solution to virtually all industry being automated but unfortunately the general public isn't wise enough to elect a candidate that has the foresight to implement in enough time for society to make the smooth transition.
I just want a Bernie but with Trump's immigration policy is that too much to ask? Trump is too buddy buddy with the 1% and the GOP wants to gut social services.
We're going to have to go there eventually, whether Bernie's dead and the next Stalin takes his place or whatever, right-wingers and their centrist friends will have to be exterminated.
No he doesnt. All he does is scare the Democrat establishment because he will get elected, tank the economy by strangulating it through taxation and central regulation, try to institute terrible social services which will never materialize, all while he humiliates the country on the international stage by getting cucked at every opportunity.
His policies benefit the middle class and lower class. Millionaires who live comfortably regardless pay a little more for essential services.
pretty much this
>taxation will strangulate the economy
Literally never happened at any point in history. Taxation has always resulted in economic growth and prosperity, and works particularly well in wealthy nations like the United States.
bernie is centrist in europe
get a grip you boomers
>so assblasted "she" admits to spamming the thread with off topic, childish garbage because "she's" having a temper tantrum
Awwwwwwww poor baby. Thanks for the laugh tho.
hmm yes, "cumb"
lol I'm a bigger man than you. Fatasses like you will go straight to the gulag
The US empire is collapsing into third world tier for 90% of the country because brainwashed rubes keep voting for trickle down economics and cutting welfare while increasing defense spending.
I never said nor ever believed socialism was communism. Way to expose yourself, redditor virgin. The stale brainlet meme was indicative as well. I'm not even american.
>Universal basic income is the inevitable solution to virtually all industry being automated
That's a huge assumption with no backup. Seems like its motivated by the conclusion too, you clearly havent thought it through.
Bernie is literally a capitalist
Social democracy is capitalism
At the highest volume you can think of
Bootyhole music.
>Trump is too buddy buddy with the 1%
He was when he was a businessman, but he turned on lots of them. Vote on policy. Trump and bernie are similar economically in some aspects. Essentially Trump is pro-nationalism (wrt economics) but wants a more decentralized economy. Bernie is the same except wants govt centralization (and therefor strangulation and volatility, take an economics course if you disagree).
Yeah but Trump wants more tax cuts for the rich and won't fix the broken health care/college loan system
It's already happening with self-driving cars, self-checkout, delivery drones...
>Bernie is the same except wants govt centralization
you're so close to understanding
like it's one thing to have a bunch of gaslit political freaks colonizing the board but it'd be nice if some of them at least pretended to know what they were talking about
>lol I'm a bigger man than you. Fatasses like you will go straight to the gulag
The probability of either of these things being correct is even lower than the probability of you ever losing your virginity or have a woman admire you ever.
Was this your attempt at sounding manly? Someone put this tranny on suicide watch.
Bernie distinguishes himself from social democrats in his advocacy for legislation requiring businesses to be democratically structured and for widespread unionization.
what is with you fucking people and the perpetually irrelevant gay weed machineguns party i don't fucking get it dude
there have to be better smoke monsters and windmills in 2019
Sounds like Germany or Scandinavia
the fatass is fucking TRIGGERED AF
learn to cope chud. Being right wing doesn't take away from the fact that you're a faggot
Not enough people like you died in gulags. We need another cleansing
Not in the slightest. Unionization is not widespread at all there.
>won't fix the broken health care
He wants a new healthcare bill. He doesnt want obamacare. As for taxing the rich less he is taxing everyone less. The middle class is finally growing again.
Taxing "the rich" does not actually do what you think it does. The real rich have all the assets offshore and dont pay taxes. Bernie rarely touches on this, since he knows he cant do anything about it. Trump has mentioned it but is the same. His shamefully expensive programs couldn't even be funded by taxing the real rich enough, let alone by just taxing the plebian 99.5% who constitute the rest of the population.
How retarded you fucking are? No, going full commie tells me you're frontlines cannon fodder gutterscum.
The United States has worldwide tax jurisdiction when levying taxes directly on wealth. Income still has to go through the IRS as well. You think they can hide, but they can’t.
>so triggered all "she" can do is spout reddit memes words in an autistic fit of rage
Stalinists are all autistic neet losers, worse than national socialists.
His healthcare bill just promotes more private health insurance and didn't even pass the senate.
> The middle class is finally growing again
How many of these households are in debt?
But Trump increased military spending
No it isnt. What you are seeing is an aging population that cant keep up with technology. There are plenty of new jobs being created. People will simply need to adapt. Why dont you learn to code or study machine learning orbdata science or something which could be fucking useful?
Brain damaged coal miners aren’t gonna have much room in the new economy.
>the fatass is fucking TRIGGERED AF
>learn to cope chud. Being right wing doesn't take away from the fact that you're a faggot
>His healthcare bill
Which one? The one paul ryan drafted? He's gone now, trump didnt like him.
A general understanding of economics and paying attention to what is actually happening with the economy (not corporate media spew). It's obvious you don't understand this stuff, so forgive me for not furthering the conversation. If you would like to learn i can enlighten you. I'm not interested in partisan bickering.
>But Trump increased military spending
You are very biased in your analysis. Yes, he increased military spending (for good or bad) but he shafted loads of other govt jobs and spending. You know doubt heard the media complaining about all the govt workers getting laid off....perhaps if you had been more mindful you would have noticed this and weighed it against the rest.
Anything with big bass, boomers fear the BOOM
Not even American and I know more about your shitty politics than you do.
Say hi to the cops for me lole.
>Some boomer republicans just moved in next door and put up Trump2020 signs in their yard
They're right though.
This is going to sound counterintuitive but:
Ted Nugent
Most of the MAGA idiots have never actually heard his music, so blast Cat Scratch Fever or Great White Buffalo at 11 and see the fireworks fly.
This, OP is a fag
this actually made me kek
Are you an idiot? Everyone knows this. People used to be able to provide for a family and buy a house working at the local grocery store, now that job is getting taken over by self checkouts. Pretty soon truck drivers will be out of work too with self driving cars and all. Human labor is just not that valuable anymore, and it's only going to get more that way with time. You have to be an idiot not to see this.