You have ten seconds to post your favorite noise rock release ITT

You have ten seconds to post your favorite noise rock release ITT.

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checked & drecked

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Attached: D9EDBECF-E620-42E0-925F-42F80FAA8502.jpg (312x319, 21K) based aussie shitposters

Fetch by Melt-Banana but Charlie is almost as good

the first one

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fuck you cunt ill take sloppy seconds then, either sister or leaves turn inside

this one

its not even that noisy compared to their other stuff but its the best

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I'm new to the genre, but this is just one of my favorite albums in general.
Are there any other bands/albums with this Instrumental Sludge-feel to them? Thanks in advance to any honest answers, I'm seriously craving more like this.

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>by the way I need more of this kind

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fucking amazing record couldn't stop listening to The Dead C for a week after hearing this album

give caspar brötzmann massaker a try

Do you recc any particular albums or songs?
I'm thankful for the recc, but nothing I've tried so far sounded much like Gore at all.


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tusk is my fav of theirs. white house and secret earth are really good too

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evidence of this being one of the best noise rock albums of the decade. album version of this song is even better

>this deep in
>no lightning bolt
I'm disappointed

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very based

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amazing record

Noise rock sucks 99% of the time this one track destroys most discographies.
God tier underrated noise rock

t. tourist who thinks he's patrician

"what's your favorite vegetable?"
"apples are better than most vegetables"
"this vegetable that 7 people have heard of is god tier"

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nice, scratch or stitch is definitely my second fave

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why is this considered noise rock? it's more alternative than anything

i like whitehouse but noise rock isn't really what they're going for
nice shitty metal btw

Alternative isn't a genre pal.

It still has the noise breakdowns and Glenn Branca guitars that are present in their earlier albums, just filtered through an alt rock lens.

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nice guys, bless these noise rock threads that don't have any black midi or whatever tf else is album of the month this time

chill user, they're not ready. keep Fush and GZ in the dark where they belong

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Orchestra of Constant Distress, No Balls, and God are good heavy instrumental bands.

The only noise rock I've ever listened to.

they're performing live in brooklyn on the 14th, i have a ticket, and i'm 20 for their 21+ show. This tops the time I wasn't able to see duster live because of prior commitments

Oh, and wonderful rainbow is better if only for the opening

I work right down the fucking street from 99 Scott on Meserole and my bastard boss is having me work the bar that night, punch someone in the face in the mosh for me

Grandeur of hair

That's post hardcore bro...

your mother made my noise rock release last night

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I absolutely will if i get my ass in there. you know if they card people?

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>implying genres can't overlap

All great picks.
This is not my favorite but a band I feel is a little underappreciated.

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>no Lightning Bolt
>no Rectal Hygienics

yo bitch I post laddio bolocko in most my threads

the good old

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Cop Shoot Cop - Consumer Revolt

>no Big Black
>fucking Melt Banana
why do so many peope here have shit taste?

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kraus are pretty good, but they're more like shoegaze i guess

kraus (nz) > kraus (bk)