Holy shit

holy shit

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degenerate trash

I know, he's ugly isn't he?

trannies are disgusting gutter-filth

complete and utter STATE of this BLOKE in a dress

imagine being this insecure. how do you even make it through life?

it's 2019


requesting better bait

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its a guy


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cUrRenT yEAr!!11

>trans: 40%
>incel: 60%

rent free

>actually thinking only whites hate trannies

get a job

get a vagina

It’s funny because the first Sophie album was actually pretty well liked because it was just a black cover but the cover on this one immediately causes fighting



i'm male

That's what "bloke" means you tard.

>no asian males on this chart

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boring music
boring astroturf
boring bait
boring people
fuck you dude

transwomen are incels that make shitty music
i don't want to hear it