now that the dust has settled, how influential were they?
Now that the dust has settled, how influential were they?
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based wojack poster
crystal castles was based
The hoodie made me think CC but that wojak is barefaced. Either way I want to punch ethan in thigh
Never listened to a single track from them.
They broke up spectacular fashion though.
they both seem like dishonest twats
they’re both tryhard hipsters, very typical of people from toronto
i liked their music, alice’s stage presence was 100% a character she was playing. definitely played up how fucked up she was and whatnot
t. went to several of their shows in 2008-2011
I remember a show in 2008 where she was sweaty as fuck and kept whispering things into the microphone and then screaming. She grabbed my wrist while climbing over a crowd. So fun.
>They broke up spectacular fashion though.
Really, what happened?
she accused him of rape
and he called her a liar
and sued her for ruining his tour
I think he lost
CC are cool as fuck but i think theyre both sort of retarded.
Alice is still cute and ethan id still good at making music tho
this is how it went down
>alice suddenly leaves CC in 2014, no explanation why
>embarks on a solo career
>ethan finds another vocalist and continues as CC
>neo-CC releases new album 2 years later
>1 years after that and just before neo-CC is to begin its first tour alice accuses ethan of being abusive
>tour cancelled
>ethan sues alice for defamation and lost tour revenue
>dismissed with prejudice (so he can't appeal or whatever and i think he had to pay her court costs)
>so he can't appeal or whatever and i think he had to pay her court costs
Jesus, another guy who gets a rough deal in the courts.
no such thing
I would crawl over broken glass for the chance to fuck Alice
Post Alice content
I didn't make a special folder just for her to not share it with the world
Thank you so much. Really short hair Alice is best.
For sure, when it's short it frames her face in a really pretty way, it's the best
Wife material
That's a rare one, cheers user
is her solo work looking into or no?
Her first ep wasn't much good, but I'd say the jury is out until the album drops sometime soon, I don't think we've heard everything she has to offer yet.
>not one person groping her
Shocks the hell out of me, she looks so soft, I'm amazed there isn't even one
>people outside this website act like normal human beings instead of keeping folders full of her pictures
amazing innit
If a female crowdsurfs she enjoys random people grabbing her, no question
>it's an alice looks like a gutter slag who would suck your dick for a cigarette episode
Fug I used to love this band so much
>OP (or someone) shopped the jew nose out of my original picture
Did you jack off when you got home?
Where did everything go so wrong?
OP here
found the OP pic in the archive (rbt) some time ago
i like its alice better than yours but the nose on yours is funnier, should have made it bigger though
Remember when Alice ripped off a Kozi album cover?
she was only continuing with tradition
sans logique?
it's a Trevor Brown artwork which CC used for their shirt designs without Brown's permission
accusations of CC stealing other people's work were rampant during the band's early years of hype to the extent they made it part of their whole image, there was also the controversy that they refused to credit the chiptune musicians they sampled
also they used it on their first EP
Crystal Castles' are one of the last bands I can think of who rose to infamy not because of industry connections or even because their music is that remarkable, but based upon their skill at blagging in a very punk way, they're stealing this, they're not crediting that, wow did you know that Ethan hacked his synth to used an Atari sound chip, did Alice really record Alice Practise without knowing the mircrophone was on?
they played shitty laptop chiptune electroclash for years after it was out of style
the only reason anybody ever cared was because of alice.
proof me wrong
So did they actually steal chiptunes on their first album or was that just chiptune autists being salty? Was a big controversy back in the myspace days
i thought this was the yeah yeah yeahs
the controversy was this iirc
Of course sampling in electronic music is such a benign issue, it only became an issue early in the band's career for two reasons, one because a band who was attracting a considerable amount of hype was using samples from the relatively fringe chiptune scene without permission, and two because as mentioned previously it was part of CC's image and controversy was how they perpetuated their brand
Goddamn their second album is insane, Celestica, Baptism, pap smear god tier tracks
more like talent-less hoe