
Why is tv/ the worst board on Yea Forums?

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What meme are they referring to?

Yea Forums is still funny
Yea Forums has become a shell of its former self


Nobody who is worth a fuck cares about Yea Forums anyway. Y'all should be out having sex.

Yea Forums is so much better than Yea Forums. Not even funny.

>Imagine thinking 12 year old edgy humor is funny

He’s right

>Imagine saying to yourself everyday you are worthless

mus the worst board desu. they never sticky the best people and Danial johnston posts were regular.

Yea Forumss always been one of the least funny boards

Man fuck mu, let's move to /tv to talk about our faggy music. Who's with me?

bradu pittu was funny and had the whole board making oc. nothing ever get's made here.

Compared to this sanitized pseud shithole? Absolutely.

You're supposed to keep shit on your own board. /pol/ is Yea Forums is Yea Forums and those crossboarding new faggots have made a garbage site for themselves, they've never known good.

>the worst chan
No further proof needed

He says when Yea Forums accepted boomer shit wholeheartedly when most other boards told the meme forcing spammer to fuck off and kill himself.

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This place is better than Yea Forums because there’s plenty of respect for the classics . TVU, Beach Boys, Beatles , ect are discussed daily on mu/ while tv/ doesn’t ever seem to give a shit about anything that was released before the 2000's (except for taxi driver). Granted , I am willing to admit the music from the 60's has aged a lot better than the films/television of the same era.

Don't really like to brag but I'm a fairly important electrical engineer, 28 yo, with a wife and 2 kids(twins), and mu/ is the only board i can actually enjoy as an adult. The chart threads are unironically good. Tv also has them, but they are incredibly rare. And sometimes i won't even search for them because i can't stand the amount of shit posts i have to go thru before finding them. Seriously tv/ is fucking garbage. Just google "4plebs tv" and see for yourself.

People like you killed this board.

The only difference is that people on Yea Forums take themselves way too seriously and places way too much value on liking/hating the right things, and Yea Forums takes nothing seriously.
I'd say that there are a few positives to both sides, but there are far more annoying things that come with how seriously people on Yea Forums take stupid shit.

To think that this board had a culture and wasn't always the circlejerking generals board it is today.

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That's /fit/

Fuck you boomer

What qualifies an electrical engineer as being "fairly important"?

Yea Forums has the worst taste of any board in their giving field

Needs an update

Yea Forums started that disgusting cunny shit so they can die in a fire

Because its basically just /pol/ with more pedos

This. Also Yea Forumsmor is abhorrently unfunny and always has been

Bro I'm trying

usually themselves.
they have a fairly limited capacity to understand cultural value and are massively restricted in their understanding of the world outside of pricing for quantities within their fields and looking up equations to copy/paste. for example, its well known that they consider sex a solely functional act for the purpose of reproduction. Women are just baby tenders to most and life is a series of minor hurdles to ensure proper cash flow in order to feed babies until such time as they return the favor and bury the engineer in a well crafted box in a hole precisely 3' wide, 6' long, and 6' deep. secretly they are horrified that the dimensions aren't in metric, but they know how conservative the world is and to speak up who lead to being an outcast, greatly inhibiting prime directives.

Yea Forums is prob not the funniest or the board with the best community but def the only one worth still browsing.
Sharethreads alone make this place 10x more worthwhile than having to sort through pages and pages of shit for hours to get maybe one funny post a day on another board

grim post