Attached: mijoo.jpg (1000x1500, 194K)

Other urls found in this thread:

hot mama

for me, it's twice

Attached: 7.jpg (3159x3958, 1.68M)

Eating Handongs share of the food and Handong hasnt even left for China yet

Attached: unknown.png (731x814, 762K)

Post pics of yuri looking busted in idol school. I tried to watch it when it came out but couldn't get past the first episode because of the trash subs. Last year I tried again and same problem. Yuri looked fine in the first ep though (lol @ her 1.6/10 vocal ranking though)

Is it still comfy hours or has the spam started?

Attached: tzuyu.webm (640x512, 1.12M)

is being the OP really that exciting for you nerds?

we wanted a seulgi thread

Attached: D_m1YW0UEAIYxxz-orig.jpg (1364x2048, 467K)

best coat hanger for best general

Attached: 1558809573754.png (1536x2048, 3.68M)

any sharkman in

Attached: 1560606132287.jpg (549x559, 32K)

Did you like Sana's teaser

the other guy was a false flag twice anti

he's so ugly

it's always comfy behind my filters


Attached: sana.png (2185x1085, 3.26M)

yes but I want brown hair sana back

park chaeyoung

>when someone else posts super fucking early
Oh, alright just a heads up that don't do that next time, but we'll still come to your thread :)
>when I post early

Fuck you all

Attached: kkk.jpg (604x872, 44K)

Attached: D_m1YWmUcAI-uFi-orig.jpg (1364x2048, 430K)

Attached: 1565735293341.gif (420x300, 3.06M)


just us shartman

>Oh, alright just a heads up that don't do that next time, but we'll still come to your thread :)
said no one ever

No one would look good cropped like this and she's not even wearing eye makeup

Post an actual pic


you aren't even physically capable of doing this even if you were locked for 24 hours in a jail cell with her. she'd kick your ass and probably choke your weak ass out and kill you.accidentally because your lung capacity is so low.

It's cause you posted it so infuriatingly early there was time for 25 more comments to call you a retard

Let's test it. Kang Seulgi

Attached: 1563981227529.jpg (4096x2731, 1.3M)

Attached: .jpg (600x549, 37K)

for me, it's
>Hwang Yeji
>Kang Seulgi
>Kim Yewon

Attached: p12px9zk6el31.jpg (1050x2048, 151K)

no, just us shartmen

Attached: 1565539583925.webm (1422x800, 2.95M)

just skip through the boring parts

breathes through her mouth

damn she's eating well

nice try, yeji hater

Attached: Power of Dahyun.jpg (348x487, 51K)

Cute slug

post bite webm


>for me, it's
>>Hwang Yeji
>>Kang Seulgi
>>Kim Dahyun
fixed for uinmoggable epic trio

the most obvious ps she got done after idol school is her nose.

We need to understand that it is perfectly logical, normal and natural for them to have sexual intercourse several times a week. When you have a stressful life of idol, except for the phone / internet and sleep you cannot rest easy.. They probably do a lot of sexual things with each other in their rooms, something we can't imagine, and it's not our problem either. They have every right to do that.

Attached: 1566567559946.webm (720x1280, 1.45M)

Attached: EEMTdbJXUAEKSMB.jpg (1422x919, 144K)

Is Queendom good?

the prettiest angel of kpg and everyone agrees

Attached: 1537699909043.jpg (353x666, 41K)

our freakin girls

Attached: 1545051096252.jpg (1242x922, 146K)

Even during the interesting parts, like 1 important person will be talking, 4 others talking, and they'll sub none of it for a solid minute, then come back in with some unintelligible Google translate trash

it's pretty bad

next episode the groups will have to cover each other songs

Attached: I´m confused now....jpg (516x750, 54K)

Attached: seulgi0009.jpg (1067x1600, 769K)

ugliest shits of all time

rollercoaster roller roller coaster
has everyone seen the cutest thing to ever happen in the universe yet?

Attached: 1549276312904.jpg (750x1333, 170K)

What is their obsession with making their eyes blue? There's some weird inferiority complex going on there.

thank you for posting my wife

Attached: 1553121552422.gif (550x550, 3M)

hey shartman

Attached: 1567390058191.jpg (1333x2000, 358K)

i tried to find out who did it back when i watched and i think it was some random ugly pinoy dude who doesn't speak english at all

why do i see something like this posted like 20th time

Attached: 1548600867885.jpg (1278x1920, 1.39M)

the most beautiful goddess of all time
absolutely stunning fit and cute slug beauty

Attached: 1537699909040.webm (450x800, 2.91M)


Attached: 1542414864074.jpg (1280x1920, 448K)

Attached: cq431iebkda31.jpg (1174x1174, 111K)

how to slug gf?

because kpg is creatively bankrupt

they are just respecting true beauty

hey friend
how are you doing

be me

hello fellow shart
they must fear us, because us shartman stick together and for we are many
our wrath is one of a kind and it can be deadly
the shart must be respected at all times

Attached: 1565539583923.webm (1280x720, 630K)

Attached: Sure if u say it is.gif (220x220, 574K)

what did you guys think of jisoo's pineapple bag and pineapple t-shirt

Attached: 1549397359683.jpg (1280x1920, 430K)

very true

Attached: 1567476352811.jpg (1440x1774, 864K)

deklo in tears

the ugliest and most disgusting trannie

of all the idols to obsess over you choose one of the uglier ones

this is the 2nd time this has ever been posted on kpg retard

Attached: 1565563346862.jpg (1080x1080, 77K)

i'm a i'm a babyface

that is jisoo not rose

*ignores him*

nice legs, ma'am

Attached: I really hoped you´d say that....jpg (393x364, 29K)


Attached: 1566349475374.jpg (2424x3642, 1.24M)

i said something like this, not exactly

i have this imaginary stereotype of what seoyeon fans are like. Was there ever a voting age/gender breakdown for IS like there was for the other produce shows?

yeah, I'm sick and tired of that yeji anti and his forced meme

best hot sauce?

*humiliates your waifus flat fugly feet with her sky high velvet arches and stunning footmogging*

Attached: 1566350883101.webm (650x364, 2.9M)

Obligatory Eunha post

Attached: 1568225615074.jpg (750x1162, 359K)

kys miracel

>not fermenting your own peppers

Come on dude

its the jeon basedeon show

shartman alliance is too strong

Attached: 1567683794167.jpg (1515x2298, 492K)


Attached: vixx.gif (500x249, 1.96M)

to oppose the shartman is asking for death motherfucker
the wrath of shartman will leave you burried beneath the ground

Attached: 1566344388874.webm (680x1080, 1.44M)

Attached: Love U 2.jpg (607x625, 82K)

do lesbians even have sex. i feel like if they do it's way rarer than several times a week.

Attached: 1566657513487.jpg (720x854, 48K)

get those backed up shartman

>pink hair

us shartmen are incredibly strong and powerful, we rule over kpg with an iron fist and no mercy

Attached: 1566345779012.jpg (1333x1999, 368K)


Attached: 1567191253521.jpg (1080x1350, 144K)

You know you have a problem, when you just think about what you're doing for a second and realize you have a 5gb folder of kpop chicks to post on a anime shitposting board to get (you)s.

Attached: 1566987466625.jpg (1440x1834, 248K)

mentally ill nigger piece of shit

Attached: ECGAk_eXYAAmlbl-orig.jpg (750x933, 105K)

im telling you right fucking now feel special is going to be the ONE you saw it here first

nice feet, ma'am


Attached: 1566344991034.jpg (1365x2048, 316K)

being alive is pretty cool

chill out fellow shartman, there's no need to be so aggressive

tfw you hoard gigs of fakes and deepfakes but never even really bust to them

Lesbians pretend to have sex. Everything they are is pretend.

i want sana on terrace house

redpill me on shartman

bodies rapidly cool down after dying. so being dead is cooler.

Sana would sleep with the new Italian guy

Attached: 1568225888593.gif (284x274, 398K)

get his ass

Attached: ED8Eh_9U0AErnPk.jpg (1280x1920, 284K)

fellow shartman it's always good to see you

Attached: 1565539583928.webm (1280x720, 2.25M)

Now THAT is a beautiful shart right there

Attached: 1553159477709.gif (304x450, 2.99M)

*ppppftttttt pprrrrrrrr pssshhhhhh*
*vroom vroom*
hey sharts

Attached: 1567962840837.jpg (1000x1327, 604K)

he hates yeji and itzy posters with all of his heart

It's shartmen hours
I'm out, take care people

Attached: 1567520746638.png (300x250, 63K)

incredibly based and shartpilled fellow shartman

Attached: 1563713456448.jpg (2048x2048, 492K)

don't leave me here momobro

take your pills miracel

absolutely based

itzyfags and shartment don't bother me.
they can post as much as they want to.
they are beneath me.

Attached: itzy vs fromis.png (668x316, 11K)

Us sharkmen have had enough of you fucking bastard sharts

Attached: 1565065695530.jpg (546x1072, 73K)

he is the clcfag

>it's another episode of shartman vs sharkmen

Attached: 1565065695528.jpg (720x960, 95K)

Attached: 6_예지3.jpg (1372x1920, 192K)

Quick rundown on shartmen:
-kpg bow to shartmen
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control kpg with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Shartongrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be shartmen babies
-All shartmen said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Shartbots inside you right now
-Shartmen are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the shartmen bunker in Wilkes land?
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the Shartmen. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Shartmen
-Shartmen are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

Attached: sh.jpg (500x500, 27K)

>shartmen post yeji
>sharkmen post shark men.

disco disco

based and shartpilled

Somebody redpill me on this yeji shark and shart what the fuck is this autism

very true

Attached: 1563753982122.jpg (790x1138, 339K)

-beneath fromisbros

Attached: 452436234623.jpg (1885x1080, 557K)

us shartman are based

Attached: 1567476343723.jpg (2730x4096, 1.59M)

doesn't bang chan live in the same building?

holy kek
based and shartpilled

Attached: 1565069081595.jpg (1364x2048, 467K)

mud huts and pyramids

leave yejibros alone

Attached: sharkclubrules.png (542x152, 9K)

what the FUCK is wrong with you people

Attached: 1560261938276.jpg (1199x1800, 309K)

Best kpop girls

We are Slug Knights
We do not bow or care
We protect the prettiest Queen Slug there ever was and will be
Shartman? Never heard of her
Sharkman? Never heard of her
I protect and live to serve Queen Slug with all of my might
I am the protector in the darkness, I am Slug Knight

Attached: 1565065695529.jpg (798x1138, 116K)

imagine that white coat stained with fresh yeji shart

uh oh this shartman is backed up. anyone going to walmart?

Attached: 1558958289194.webm (1214x960, 2.98M)

Stop it with the Yeji spamming or else...

Attached: 1568172048191.jpg (400x760, 192K)

the ugliest and most hated shits of all time

Attached: 1539286548969.webm (696x1060, 2.63M)

i'm worried about the last two shartman who went to walmart. neither of them came back


>mental illness thread
I'm out

Attached: 1551688700074.jpg (2048x2048, 447K)

Attached: saltbae_salt1_index1a.jpg (2000x1333, 339K)

>vicious yeji haters took over kpg again
i'm out

Attached: 1567640540204.jpg (1199x1800, 794K)

how does jeongyeon feel about momo having more views on her video despite it coming out a day later?

*mogs your whore slut waifu with class and elegance*

Attached: 1567969660225.jpg (1200x1800, 147K)

It’s a dangerous world out careful shartman!

Mentally ill nigger motherfucker son of a malnourished bitch get a life you fucking pathetic loser piece of shit stop wasting oxygen with your miserable existence you're a real asshole and im gonna kick your ass and then im going to kick your moms ass and then I'm going to kill you with my own hands. You better fucking watch it nerd


Attached: 1552541252909.jpg (749x749, 92K)

Agreed, i think the chin is debatable

Attached: 1561246365280.png (1111x582, 977K)

based and shartpilled

Attached: 1566344667518.webm (844x898, 934K)

how do you make music like this?

i think the biggest threat right now is the backed up shartman shartman are so powerful but their powers can be misused if they have no shart outlet

Remember when you assholes ran sharkbros out of kpg but kept slugshitters here? You have no rational response when sharkbros are more civil than the slugshitters that constantly ruin threads

Attached: 45363457345.jpg (1080x1350, 161K)

pathetic coward son of a bitch

that's fucking funny

cringe and ESLpilled

Attached: yeji.jpg (1365x2048, 179K)

huh? i hate that mentally ill "shartman" as much as you do

Attached: 1567640564385.jpg (2730x4096, 1.63M)
and that guy at the end was treating her like a child

Attached: 1557677374708.jpg (1500x1000, 728K)

get his ass fellow shart

Attached: 1565539583922.webm (562x1000, 2.94M)

i love her so much with all of my hear-

Attached: DZC8uJAVMAAGZfz.jpg (450x598, 68K)


Attached: yeji409.jpg (1128x1504, 306K)

there are only 2 good itzy's and neither of them is yeji

yeji looks like a goblin here

this shart urgently needs to do it, or else...

Attached: 1565539583924.webm (1280x720, 907K)

[sharting intensifies]

We've had this conversation in comfy hours a few times. There is one cunt on here that refuses to believe that idols masturbate or have sex at all.

Attached: 1565674143212.webm (1280x720, 314K)

Leave slugbros out of this


Attached: just us shartman.jpg (625x656, 43K)

this is like michael jackson level skin bleaching. there's a limit to how white someone like umji can get without bleach

the actual ugliest and most hated tranny of all time, sluggo

save us choabro

beautiful shart

Attached: 1565539583930.webm (1216x1562, 2.27M)


dont forget, eat your fiber
stay healthy shartman

Attached: 1567916734431.jpg (810x1080, 84K)

Attached: 1565539583924fixed.webm (678x720, 417K)

Attached: shrek.jpg (540x704, 269K)

The Shartman is a proof of how far envy and mental illness can take you, showing that there will always be a worse being than you, autism at its maximum level that can only be relieved by writing the same shit every day.

this, we do not want to take participate in this shark vs shart war

Attached: 1546952219902.webm (1080x604, 2.91M)

slugji's feet

Attached: 7456745686.jpg (1440x1080, 328K)

please watch the cute jisoo clips

Attached: 1545555363922.jpg (899x1124, 151K)

filters and makeup isn't bleaching you dumb cunt

cute shartfriend and shart pit

it's shark and that's not yeji friend

the most beautiful angel in the entire universe and everyone agrees

there's only one good JYP idol
this is it.

Attached: IMG_4751.jpg (500x750, 73K)

my mouth
very true

this thread is not very good

Attached: 1531372223785.png (1815x756, 562K)

it's not just them though

that's not a jyp idol

lemme guess, ryujin and yuna?
yeah, yeji haters are seething

happy birthday rap god

Attached: EDsps2mUcAAKLv4.jpg (768x1024, 104K)

keep coping motherfucker

Attached: 1565559595726.webm (960x1440, 2.91M)

>right shartman is employing a very dominant and powerful sitting position
good shart

Honestly, we love Yeji here, and if you don't you need to get the FUCK out


>not very good
no shit

you can hear the guy at the end say "you're beautiful oh my god" and she only heard oh my god because that was her mission

Attached: 1553235784219.jpg (1366x2048, 193K)

i think i got an std from hovering over this pic with my mouse

Attached: 1567686849234.jpg (1366x2048, 946K)

her sister is better in every way

>that ass squish

just shartmen/yeji antis
yejibros are fine

He stole that wig from wony in the boyfriend vid

based and shartpilled

Attached: 1565539583920.webm (1422x800, 2.91M)

your devices doesn't count mentally ill motherfucker son of a bitch

Chaeryeong was WAY more fuckable during Sixteen

the ugliest shit in history of mankind

get his ass

that’s not a wig, it’s his real hair

Attached: D9L4CXwUIAAeLWw.jpg (1536x2048, 365K)

>this thread

Attached: 1567725666771.jpg (2048x2048, 423K)

looks like Her majesty Yeji of the white coat has come to remind kpg who rules here.

seems like you didn't see the clip where that guy says she's beautiful

Attached: 1566579782341.jpg (1500x1000, 237K)

This is one rude shartman
Must have eaten a lot of bananas

dude she was 14

keep coping

Attached: 1566571339360.jpg (658x981, 241K)

Uboa vibes

Attached: D1dzBlWX4AAlDxR.jpg (1500x1000, 173K)

everything is beautiful

Attached: hana14.jpg (1000x1500, 163K)

ourt shart queen rules over all of kpg

Attached: 1548819125518.jpg (1000x1500, 180K)

Attached: The_matchmaker_Mulan_.jpg (969x1014, 93K)

Very true shartman

Attached: D1O6OEWU4AE7mLg.jpg (1000x1500, 188K)

i meant the people saying sharkman and every other meme

...and? Wony was 13 when she set the nation's loins aflame with her Side to Side stage

This is one mentally ill faggot right here
Must have been raped by his own father

coping faggots hating on our squid

Attached: 1566571339356.jpg (500x730, 368K)

I’m just a shartman living in her shart world

yejibros are the most normal people here if you think about it
watch it or else

Attached: 1555143043309.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

this shart will explode any minute now

Attached: 1565735293319.jpg (1234x2048, 239K)

based arin poster

Based and shart pilled

based shartmen
us shartman are powerful

Attached: 1565735293327.jpg (1360x2048, 467K)

Attached: 146258146258.webm (672x720, 631K)

hold it in shartman

great thread bros

Attached: 1567725666770.jpg (2048x2048, 449K)

everytime I shart I think of Yeji, our shart princess

Attached: 1566683604522.jpg (1318x2048, 385K)

you're a vile and horrible person
leave this girl and yeji posters alone

Let it go shartman

Attached: 1566571339357.jpg (692x550, 272K)

Giving a friendly *tut* to all shartman here

you can practically smell this thread

Time to filter the word shart

I love you my fellow shartman

Attached: 1565735293311.jpg (1365x2048, 200K)

nice samefagging you pathethic faggot son of a bitch you're not funny and i'm going to fucking kill you

Attached: 1567215164916.webm (600x900, 2.97M)

Nice sharting position


Attached: EDdDoigU4AAHN16.jpg (1366x2048, 261K)

What the fuck is wrong with this thread? Can someone explain it to me?

we are many my friend
fear the shartman

Attached: shartpilled.jpg (374x114, 8K)

shartman hold it in or we're gonna have to do this the hard way

Attached: 1553170078661.webm (358x640, 2.68M)

Praying for all the backed up shartman to have a smooth clean shart tonight

shartman are asserting their dominance over kpg and one backed up shartman can't enjoy it so he's lashing out at everyone

yeji hater (aka shartman) is having a stroke

no one ever posts the cute one

Attached: D7zfMaCU0AA55MT(2).jpg (800x1200, 129K)

Attached: 1568206242424.webm (500x1166, 1.55M)


Kpop fags are fucking autistic future school shooters

such a beautiful shart my god

Attached: 1566350923176.jpg (2056x3012, 599K)

wonder what Americans put in their butt to loosen it enough to burst out a poo sludge every time they fart

there are at least 4 different shartman here

make it a julia thread
maybe yeji haters will finally leave this place

No one cares about discount Hyoyeon

why hasn't anyone said anything about cute jisoo clips yet

Attached: 1541517899504.jpg (1018x1080, 101K)

Raping Keklo in his basement and feeding him his own shit

>implying kpg posters aren't 50 year old sex offenders lewding only the youngest idols

we are many and we rule over kpg
we shart and we love our shartqueen Yeji

Attached: 1565735293322.jpg (2048x1365, 265K)

it is shart hour.
and 9/11.
they're busy.

your devices doesn't count mentally ill motherfucker son of a bitch if you're brave enough post your real waifu you fucking faggot but you're a pathetic coward with no life

it's shart hour

Attached: 1565735293314.jpg (424x637, 98K)

make that five, shartbro

Attached: 1563413348562.webm (1208x1054, 2.8M)

cringe gay idiot

this sucks

Attached: 1548510591165.jpg (1080x1350, 125K)

post your real waifu faggot
leave yejibros alone

Are you the one named k*kl0?

Goddamn, make it literally anything else next time except a shart, slug, or bproastie thread

posting my real waifu (shartfu)

Attached: 1567914926358.jpg (3156x4096, 1.46M)

pathetic mentally ill faggot

do you actually find this hilarious? this could happen to your waifu as well

Chaining Keklo to a public toilet and have him used as a public urinal and shitter by aids infested gays

don't call me that

we like blackpink here

Attached: 1557236754051.jpg (750x1184, 157K)

busted trannie

hyoyeon would beat your ass


this could never happen to choa




real thread