Admit it , you love Faith No More

Admit it , you love Faith No More

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why wouldn't i admit that?

of coursh

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Why would people not want to admit it?

Of course I do. Angel Dust and King For a Day are fucking god-tier. The Real Thing and the Chuck Mosely era are really great as well. I enjoy Album of the Year and while I didn't love Sol Invictus I appreciated them coming back and just making something they clearly wanted to make rather than try to re-create the past. It was a strange little album for sure. I hope they do another but honestly I'd rather get a new Bungle album.

Sure but that song sucks d and always has

not really but mike patton is a cool guy and doesnt afraid of anything

Dead Wrong boy

I attempted to get into them a good few years ago, but it never stuck.

Yeah, I do

yeah i like them

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I did. Then I listened to Mr. Bungle.

Whats about Mr. Bungle?

Just listen to Angels Dust friend, it's the only album you need from them

Why yes, I love both FNM and RHCP.

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Blasphemy, King for a day is phenominal as well

I do, I admit it.

You can suck it. Fuck it. Im feeling real gay

patton sang retrovertigo with mondo cane a few weeks ago and bungle have announced some shows playing stuff from their early demos. it's on the cards baby

It's just overplayed and has the misfortune of being their most popular song. Still not a bad song IMO. I manage to avoid it and only listen to it when I'm listening to The Real Thing as a whole and in that context I quite enjoy it still.

RHCP for betas


It's their only good song