>random teenage girl
>Omg, He's SO Talented and HOT, love ya Shawn
I hate this guy with a burning passion
Other urls found in this thread:
His music is shit but you just sound like a jelly virgin
Nah, I have a lot of respect for him.
He's a great young guitar talent; a real student of mayer.
His song "Theres nothing holding me back" is also great, he made a dance hook with an acoustic guitar lick, and its well executed and admirable.
Why the fuck is OP hanging out with teenage girls enough to get mad when they bring up Shawn Mendes, who isn't even that bad?
t. Jealous incel
He will never replace Justin
Imagine being that good looking, that tall, and that talented. Life fucking sucks
Jelly virgin
He's none of those
>his music is shit
assuming you wanted to reply to , you're wrong. he's 6'2 and objectively good looking. and his probably more talented than you, as I assume none of your albums went platinum
this faggot needs to learn that music isnt a contest for how quivery your voice is this shitty zoomer singing style needs to die
He's very good looking. Isn't he gay tho?
This post sounded so stupid. Do any of y'all think before you post?
he's hot as fuck you smelly jealous virgin
Is this Daniel Johnson but less wholesome and more angry and sort of homophobic?
I don't know how you listen to ram ranch and think it's homophobic.
He's ugly
>so insecure you have to let everyone know how much you hate X popular artist
The way he talks about it doesn't carry a very pro-gay message to me. More feels like he's using it as an insult. Only such a deep work of art could make us debate like this. Truly a masterpiece.