What does Yea Forums think of Xiu Xiu? Seeing them live in December and I'm very excited...

What does Yea Forums think of Xiu Xiu? Seeing them live in December and I'm very excited. New lineup with the Swans lads looks great and the setlist from what I've seen has been a great mix of their best tracks throughout Jamie's career.

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He's absolutely based and correct in this tweet and the only people complaining are whiny moralist bootlickers who unironically respect troops.

He's based and fuck Bush


I’d love for him to head over to iran or afghanistan and be his usual faggot self, see what happens

Based Jamie. Xiu Xiu is one of the best shows I've ever been to. Have fun OP.

Sup boomer

Poetry. I bet those Arabs he loves so much would lynch the faggot

based death to grino faggots


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