ITT: albums that clicked after you smoked a blunt

ITT: albums that clicked after you smoked a blunt

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you don't need that shit grass to transcend

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nobody said you need it


blunts are solely smoked by underaged americans and basketball americans (negros).
imagine actually smoking a fucking blunt

>The things you're about to hear can be devastating. To your ear
Nice lyrics there mate

This, not only is it a waste of herb, you have to smoke some shitty tobacco wrap from a gas station cigarillo. Just get a bowl.

>Tfw stoner rock sounds worse to me high

Is it just me?

This, bowl or bong is the patricians way to smoke, blunts and joints are for niggers, groups, and groups of niggers.

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Nah, same for me. I can only tolerate certain kinds of albums high. I get super picky

Can confirm, I've never seen or met a white guy who's preferred way is blunts. Things is though, I don't want that shit smoking up my apartment, so I take it the fuck outside, and smoke a blunt.

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It's not just you. Anything prefixed with "stoner", whether it's stoner rock, stoner metal or stoner movies, are shit when you're baked.

>bowl or bong is the patricians way to smoke
r8 my 18mm slides. I know I haven't kept them all clean, also why I'm not showing the Mobius Reti I use them with.
The big Russian looking one on the stand was by an artist called 'Ewok' IIRC, then from left to right then top to bottom I have the slide that came with the Mobius, my Bard piece, one by Skeezix, one by a guy on etsy called Jipse, a plain slide from another bong, a slide made by a lampworker here in the UK, and fuck knows who made the Voodoo head or the multicoloured bowl.

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What's the difference between a stoner and a hippie?

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a hippie is all about muh peace, free love, flower power and new spirituality, supplemented by weed and other drugs.
a stoner is first and foremost dude weed lmao

the hippie will smoke as some sort of F you to the man, virtue signal their habit as some sort of crusade against the government, they're usually insufferable to be around and ruin everyone's high

the stoner smokes because he enjoys it, he wants the government to legalize it but not as some sort of stand for the people but because going to a headshop would be way more convenient than pestering his nigger co worker for bud on a weekly basis

I dunno about you guys but for me, Welcome to Sky Valley was fucking amazing after a bowl.

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>I dunno about you guys but for me, Welcome to Sky Valley was fucking amazing after a bowl.
mind I haven't listened to that album in about 7 years, but I don't remember weed enhancing the listening experience.
One of the most memorable tunes for me getting baked was BoC - Seeya Later
Listening to it sober now, it's not an exceptional tune, but after smoking some bud with a seriously heady cerebral high, I felt like I was melting.